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Переведите пожалуйста. Mike took a picture like this once, I hung it above my bed so I can see it before I sleep.

5-9 класс

Mrroma777 24 июля 2014 г., 5:31:10 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
24 июля 2014 г., 7:52:02 (9 лет назад)

Майк делал снимок однажды я повесил его выше своей кровати, таким образом, я вижу его прежде, чем я буду спать.

+ 0 -
24 июля 2014 г., 10:17:34 (9 лет назад)

Майк взял картинку как на этот раз, я повесил его над кроватью, так что я могу увидеть его, прежде чем лечь спать.


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Look through the text and find the words with the following sounds:

1. (ei): day, ..... 5. /^/: one, .....
2. | ) |: morning, ..... 6. /а /: card, .....
3. /əυ/: know, ..... 7. /і /: reads, .....
4. /aυ/: loud, ..... 8. /h/: heart, .....
“It’s Valentine’s Day today,” says Mrs. Bear one morning.
“I know,” says Little Bear. “The postal worker has brought
you a card. It’s got a heart on the envelope.”
Mrs. Bear opens it at once and reads it out loud:“Now, I wonder who that’s from?” says Mrs. Bear with
a smile. “There’s a paw mark at the bottom.”
Just then Little Bear sees something outside the window.
“Look,” he says, “there’s a jar of honey walking up the garden
Mrs. Bear goes to the window. Somebody is carrying the big-
gest jar of honey she has ever seen. It hasin large letters on the lable.
Little Bear opens the door and the jar of honey walks in.
“Daddy!” says Little Bear. “It’s YOU!”
“My Valentine,” says Mrs. Bear. And she gives Mr. Bear a big
Then Mr. Bear, Mrs. Bear, and Little Bear all sit down and
have hot tea and honey for special breakfast on Valentine’s Day.

celebrate+last+you +How +your + birthday
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The next moment the table began to jump on its legs. Suddenly with all the cups and plates, it flew up and stopped next to them.
"Good girl!" said Mr. Wigg. "It is my birthday, so we will begin with the Cake!"
Then they heard a quick knock at the door. The door opened, and there stood Miss Persimmon.
"I thought, Mr. Wigg," she began, looking around the room, "you want some more hot water... Well, I never!" She saw them sitting on the air round the table. "Mr. Wigg, I know you are a little special. But to have tea in the air! For a gentleman of your age!"
"But perhaps you will, Miss Persimmon!" said Michael.
"Will what?" said Miss Persimmon.
"Catch the Laughing Gas, as we did," said Michael.
"I hope, young man," she said, "I'll stay on my feet, oh dear - what is the matter? I can't walk, I'm going, I - oh, help, HELP!"
Miss Persimmon flew up and came to the table with the jug of hot water. Then she turned and went down again.
"I must see a doctor. I must see a doctor," she said again and again and ran away from the room.
"IT IS TIME TO GO HOME," Mary Poppins said seriously. Suddenly Jane and Michael and Mr. Wigg came down. That thought was the first sad thought of the afternoon!
"What a pity!" Mr. Wigg said. "It's very sad that you must go home."
They came back home by bus. Jane and Michael were very quiet all the way. Then Michael said to Mary Poppins:
"How often does your Uncle get like that?"
"Like what?" said Mary Poppins sharply.
"Laughing and going up in the air."
"Up in the air?" Mary Poppins' voice was angry. "What an idea! He is not a balloon!"
"But he did!" said Michael. "We saw him." "What? My Uncle is a gentleman!" Michael and Jane said nothing. "Is it true or isn't it? About Mr. Wigg. Is Mary Poppins right or are we?" they thought.

переведите пожалуйста!срочно нужно! On Monday morning Torrey went down to the __________ after phoning for an appointment. A pleasant-faced girl took her t

o Mr Brock's office. Thanks, Miss Clavel/ Good morning, Miss Thorne. He rose and shook hands with her. He's nice, thought Torrey. She took the chair he offerd, and he sat down in the chair before a desk littered with papers,books,a chart,and letters. I understand you have a college degree and a year of ________ school, but not a _____degree, is that it? Torry agreed. Then we can only offerd you half-time employment for the present. It has been suggested that you might like to complete the credits for your degree. I'd like to try. No reason why you can't. Want to try the half-time job for a week or two and see how it goes ? I heven't had much practical experience, Mr Brock. Will there be someone to show me the ropes ? Clarissa Clvel, the girl who brought you in. She's a top specialist . She'll help you if you need it. All _______ work is a mass of detail, as you must realize, after a year in ___ school. But while books and records are important , people are more so. And children, he added, are more important than anybody/ Which do you prefer, morning or afternoon? Torrey hadn't thought about that. How about afternoons to start with? Mr Brock suggested. Then you can see what is offered at ________ School. If your classes come in the morning, we can continue the arrangement, or we can change if necessary. Then you can see what is offered at_______School. If your classes come in the morning , we can continue the arrangement, or we can change if necessary. There are always more children here in the afternoon.The morning flew by with too many things to learn all at once. Torrey’s head wasspinning‘ with the complex details.She enjoyed working with Clarissa, admiring her quick mind, her knowledge, hereasy and good-natured way of dealing with the children who came in. Torrey liked thechildren. They let her help them find the books they wanted. She liked it.“Think I’ll ever get it straight?” she asked Clarissa.“Sure. You’re doing all right. It takes some people weeks to get the hang of all thosecards and numbers. And you’re fine with the children.”“I made a lot of mistakes.”“Everybody does when they first come in. Nobody on the outside has any idea howmuch there is to learn about a___________.Torrey went home feeling encouraged. She had a job she was sure she would like andshe was earning money.The next afternoon Torrey spent learning about a _________ . There seemed tobe no end to the things she had to learn, details of filing and sorting and shelving.She had learned the principles at _________ school, but each ________ hadcertain rules and arrangements of its own. These had been found to work and hadbeen carried along through the years because it would involve too much time andtrouble to change them.

переведите пожалуйста One day Petey, who was a puppy, said to his mother, who was a dog: I'd like a boy for Cristmas". His mother said she thought

he could have a boy if he was a very good puppy. So the day before Christmas Petey's mother asked: " have your been a very good puppy?" Oh, yes!" said Petey. I didn't frighten the cat."you didn't?" asked Petey's mother. "Well,I just frightened her a little," said Petey . And I didn't chew any shoes." Not any?" said his mother."Just a teeny-weeny chew", said petey . " And I remembered –well, almost always remembered - to bark when I wanted to go our. «All right,»said his mother. «I think you,ve been a good little dog.I will go our and get you a boy Christmas .» But when Petey's mother came back she looked very worried. "How world you like a soft white rabbit with pink ears for Christmas?" she said to Petey. "No, thanks," said Petey. "Don't you want a lovely canary?" "I'd like a boy," said Petey."How about some little fish?" said Petey's mother." I just want a boy," said Petey."Petey," said his mother at last,"there are no boys to be found." "No boys?" cried Petey. "Not one could I find. They're terribly short of boys this year". Petey thought he couldn't stand it if he didn't have a boy. Finally his mother said:"There now, there must be a boy somewhere. I think you could try to find some dog who would give his boy away"."Do you think I could?" asked Petey."You can try, can't you?" said his mother .

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русского языка! The upcoming Skyfall was known as "Bond 23 " prior to the announcement of the movies name, because it will be the 23rd in the series-sort of . In the 50 years from Dr.No to Skyfall, 23 James Bond movies will have been released by Eon Productions, the company founded in 1961 by Cubby Broccoli and Harry Saltzman.

That doesn`t mean there haven`t been other movies. Bond first appeared onscreen in 1954 television version of Casino Royale, a spy movie spoof, was released in 1967 by a man who had purchased the rights to the book but didn`t want to complete with Eon. It starred Bond girl Ursula Andress , Peter Sellers , Orson Welles and young Woody Allen as " Jimmy Bond ". Another notable non-Eon Bond movie was 1983`s Sean Connery vehicle and Thunderball copycat Never Say Never Again , which opened just a few moths after Octopussy .Переведите пожалуйста качественно. Не переводите через онлайн переводчики. Сделайе так чтобы перевод был качественным со всеми правилами русского языка!

Переведите, пожалуйста, текст на английский язык. Только не просто вбейте в переводчик и мне сюда перевод, а нормально.

В начале лета я вместе с братом поехала в деревню к тёте и дедушке. Там я помогала тёте убираться и готовить еду. Дедушке я помогала работать в саду. Но ещё я там очень хорошо отдохнула. В свободное время мы вместе с братом и тётей гуляли в степи и в лесу, иногда ходили на речку.
В июле я поехала к сестре в гости. Мы вместе с ней ходили в бассейн и на пруд. Катались на велосипедах и роликах, а по вечерам гуляли по городу.
Весь август я была дома, но каждый вечер я ходила с подругой играть в теннис. Иногда мы с ней ездили плавать на пруд и ходили на пикники.
Я довольна своими каникулами, но расстроилась, что они так быстро кончились.

И ещё вот это переведите, пожалуйста (не обязательно)

Всё лето я сидела дома и играла в компьютерные игры.

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