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Сочинения по английскому Mobile phones ,Keeping fit

5-9 класс

Волк26 10 марта 2014 г., 18:02:10 (10 лет назад)
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10 марта 2014 г., 19:02:52 (10 лет назад)

Mobile phones ,Keeping fit

Mobile phones entered our life not long ago, but today we can’t imagine our life without them. Some doctors say that they are very harmful to the health, especially to the health of children.


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Задание: Make up sentences and write them down. a) ОБРАЗЕЦ: Exercise 2 / difficult / exercise 5. - Exercise 2 is more difficult than ewxercise 5. Это был

образец теперь само задание: 1. Our town / small / your city. 2. The book / interesting / the film. 3. This palace / beautiful / that castle. 4. This bus / comfortable / that car. 5. History / easy/ Maths. 6. St Petersburg / big / Pavlovsk. 7. Emma's homework / difficult / Tom's homework.

Complete the sentences using prepositions with the verb to set. 1. Let’s set the table ... and have dinner in the garden. 2. When do you think we should

set... our business? 3. It’s not easy to set some children ... homework. 4. She looked at the pile of dirty plates, thought for a while and set... washing-up. 5. My school is far from my home so I have to set... rather early in the morning. 6. In summer we usually set our house plants ... on the balcony. 7. Before Christmas the children were set... making Christmas decorations: tinsel, crackers and toys. 8. How can I do the job if I don’t know even how to set... it? Скрыть

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(Сочинение на английском и перевод)

Помогите написать сочинение по английскому

"Почему люди зависимы от гаджетов?"
P.S. Если можно, удалите потом ответ, ну или скиньте сочинение в сообщения. Ибо если учитель найдет его, мне ппц. А в английском я лах полнейший. Помогите, пожалуйста :<

установить соответствие 30.Mobile phones ___31. Parents buy mobile phones 32. They can call home _33. So they 34. But teenagers mostly use them

35. It’s cool to be 36. As a eighteen-year-old Londoner Rosie Farrer says, “Before, girls of my age 37. Research shows that teenage owner of mobile phones 38. Parents and schools are happy 39.But they are worried

A.for their children

B. feel safer

C. the owner of a small, expensive mobile!

D. smoke less!

E. if they are in trouble and need help

F. that teenagers are safer and smoke less.

G. about the possible problems of mobile phones

H. to keep in touch with their friends or play simple computer games.

I. are very fashionable with teenagers

J. smoked cigarettes to look good. Now we have mobiles!”

Пожалуйста, знатоки английского напишите сочинение на английском языке, тема "Здоровый образ жизни"(небольшое, но и не слишком маленькое) Примерный вид:

Вступление Здоровое питание Вредные превычки Keep fit(поддерживать форму) Заключение

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