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Исправьте ошибки в предложениях и напишите предложения без ошибок:1.We eating a lot of sweets at the moment.2.He is drive a car at present.3.My friends

5-9 класс

are plant a tree in the park.4.I is meeting my cousin on Monday.5.They are read not an interesting article.

Fyec 02 апр. 2015 г., 19:47:37 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
02 апр. 2015 г., 20:46:18 (9 лет назад)

мало баллов, добавь ещё


Другие вопросы из категории

1They to the party Iast nightA)Have gone B)went C)Had gonc D)wiII go

2 My dranndfather gave me
A)a good advice B)good advices C)some good advices D)some good advice
3 I wonder
A)What my younger brother is doing now B)what is my younger brother doing now C)what does my younger brother do now D)what is doing my younger brother
4What is the first word mostchiIdren Iearn to
A)TaIk B)TeII C) say D)reteII
5 They havent finished breakfast
A)yet B)aIredy C)stiII D) eIse
6 A hot Iemmon drink with honey is very good a coId
A)to B)from C)with D)for
7I dont think I have eaten Chinese food before
A)aIways B)ever C) somrtimes D) never
8 Id Iike you to meet a very good friend of Tom Brown
A)us B)we C)our B)ours

Coose the correct answer.

1.Our new teacher says he'd like.........down everythings.
a)that we must write b)us to write c) us writing d)us write
2.Her relatives didn'texpect........this gallery.
a) her to visit b)her visiting c) that she to visit d0her visit
3.the teacher wants Mary ... the poem by heart.
a)learning b)learn c)learnt d)to lean
4.MS green wanted her nephew .......... her hand.
a)to touch b)touch c)toughed d)will touch

помогите пожалуйста.

Читайте также

1) they discussed his work last month- переделать предложение в пассивном залоге

2) We write a lot of tests at the lessons -переделать предложение в пассивном залоге

Прошу срочноо помочь!!

К этим всем предложениям нужно сделать 5 вопросов прошу помочь.
вот предложения:
1. We are writing sentences and questions at the moment
2. We went to the. swimming pool last week
3. Children will go to the cinema tomorrow

Сочинение на тему : моя идеальная школа Проверить мою граматику, построение предложений. Если есть ошибки , то исправьте. и покажите как и

почему. Если можите то добавьте по смыслу еще какие-нибудь предложения

I love my school. I do not know how looks like my ideal school.
My school is the best. The school has small flaws.
We have a lot of people, but not enough places. And I do not like it. We also have a long change. In our school very tasty food. Our teachers are very good people. They are demanding to his subject.. I like surprising number of lessons and homework.
I can say that I'm in an ideal school.

1. Помогите исправить ошибки в предложениях.

I am 17 and study at the 10th form.
The person which I admire is my father.
They likes travelling and goes in other countries every summer.
I am proud for my sister. She's a person which is quite witty and never lets people down.
I bought a new sweater who fitted me so much.
2. Поставить глагол в правильной форме и составить отрицательные и вопросительные предложения.
In the evenings he usually (go) to pubs.

Найдите и исправьте ошибки в предложениях. В ответ запишите только исправленное слово или словосочетание.

1) When I came in, the discussion had been interrupted.
2) If you will put salt on ice, it will melt.
3) I regret telling you the bad news.
4) After graduating from the institute I had come to St. Petersburg.
Выберите и запишите номер грамматически правильного предложения.
1) By the time I reached Prague my friends have already passed their exams.
2) The article will be being typed only tomorrow.
3) They may have a good time in the cinema tonight.
4) Larry was resting in Spain since 1997.

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