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у меня проэкт The Royal londo и мне нужна новая информация !!О Лондоне .Помогите пожалуйста

5-9 класс

MoNami003 18 нояб. 2014 г., 0:04:00 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
18 нояб. 2014 г., 1:31:09 (9 лет назад)

В течение последнего столетия в Лондоне нашли пристанище представители самых разных национальностей. Крупнейшей и старейшей группой иммигрантов являются ирландцы. Евреи, главным образом из Восточной Европы, начали селиться в городе в конце 19 в. Позже появились другие европейцы, в частности из стран средиземноморского бассейна, а также китайцы и австралийцы. С начала 1950-х годов самые большие по численности контингенты иммигрантов начали прибывать из Вест-Индии и Индии.

Вначале некоторые этнические группы компактно заселяли определенные кварталы, однако со временем начинали расселяться по всему городу. Евреи, например, предпочитали селиться в Ист-Энде, но их потомки постепенно переселялись в пригороды. Ирландцы в настоящее время рассеяны по всему городу. «Вест-индийцы» проживали в основном во внутренней части Лондона, особенно в Брикстоне, общины азиатов тяготеют к району Ист-Энда и западным пригородам, особенно в районе аэропорта Хитроу.

+ 0 -
18 нояб. 2014 г., 4:18:20 (9 лет назад)

In techenye posledneho stoletie in London I send shelter representatives samыh raznыh nationalities. Largest and stareyshey hruppoy ymmyhrantov yavlyayutsya yrlandtsы. Evreux, mainly because Eastern Europe, began to settles in the city in late 19. Later others appeared evropeytsы, particularly from the Mediterranean basin countries, as well as kytaytsы and avstralyytsы. Since the beginning of 1950-ies ñàìûé Large multitude of kontynhentы ymmyhrantov began to prybыvat from the West India and India.

Some group initially seemed эtnycheskye densely populated kvartalы definite, though co nachynaly rasselyatsya of time on all garden. Evreux, for example, predpochytaly settles in Ist-Эnde, but s descendants gradually migrated to suburbs. Yrlandtsы Currently rasseyanы on all garden. "West yndyytsы" lived mainly Quantity inner part of London, especially in Brykstone, obschynы azyatov tyahoteyut k-Ist District Эnda and zapadnыm suburbs, especially around Heathrow airport.
5/5 5/1 1 hour, 13 Minutes ago


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Driving to the royal hotel.

Paul a businessman from France told his friend Ean he wanted to visit London and see its places of interest
He added he was going to travel by car.
Ean knew how much his friend was interested in the british royal family and everything connected with the crown.
Ean was sure that paul should see the official royal residence in Buckingham palace and the rest of the palaces to the Queen earned.
He advised Paul to visit the British museum, the tower of London and Hyde Park.
But he reminded his friend that all those places are in the center of London and driving in London was very difficult.
Paul was not afraid and said he would easyly find all those places and his hotel.
He was going to stay at the royal hotel one of the best in the city.
On his way to the hotel paul stopped to have a look at the pride procession walking along the mall.
Paul admired to the procession and even followed it in his car.
And then suddenly he understood that he had lost his way.
He looked at the city map but it didn't help much.
He coudnt find his hotel.
He drove round and round for an hour and then he stopped and got out of his car.
A taxy came and paul stopped it.
Take me to the royal hotel he said.
But he didn't get into the taxy, he got back into his car.
The taxy man laughed but then he drove to the royal hotel and paul followed him in his car.
They got into the hotel in 2 minutes.

Представьте что вы Пол,бизнесмен и из Франции.Расскажите своему другу Яну о своем визите в Лондон.

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и потом не знаю пожалуйста мне нужно очень !!!степ10!!!!!!!!

Привет,помогите пожалуйста!!!Мне на завтра нужно сделать английский язык в книге NTERPRISE страница 37 упражнение 10,задание такое (Choose

phrases from Ex.9 and talk about your daily rounite.What do you do in the)

MORNING / AFTERNOON / EVENING!помогите пожалуйста,заранее спасибо))

Помогите пожалуйста ответить на вопросы! 1) What is the British Museum famous for? 2) What are the functions of the British


3) When was the British Museum founded?

4) Who bequeathed his personal collection to the nation?

5) When was the Museum's present home built?

6) What is the Round reading Room known for?

7) Why is the British Museum a national treasure house?

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