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you don`t need an umbrella. it________ a) isn`t raining b) doesn`t raining C) not raining

1-4 класс

Nastiona2002rcom 21 июня 2014 г., 10:24:02 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
21 июня 2014 г., 11:44:12 (9 лет назад)

you don`t need an umbrella. it is not raining (a)


+ 0 -
21 июня 2014 г., 13:40:51 (9 лет назад)

you don`t need an umbrella. it is not raining.


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переведите пожалуйста

Where do you roller-skate?
Near our nouse.
Why do you watch TV every day?
lt*s interesting!
Where do yor swim?
ln the lake.
How often do you watch TV?
Every day.
The Sims
What games do play ?
What sports do you play ?
My toys.
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Near our house.

Перефразируйте предложения, используя подчеркнутое слово в качестве глагола.

например: there was a lot of raing yesterday - it rainad a lot yestarday
1.we had a long wait.
2. i had a dream about you last night.
3. we waited in the queue for half an hour.
3. the cost of the holiday was about £500.
4. i wtote a reply to his letter yesterday.

Перефразируйте предложения, используя подчеркнутое слово в качестве существительного.

1.Sue is veru hungru. 2. She opens the fridge. 3.lts emptu! 4.Sue is hoppu. 5.She goes shopping. 6.She sees a fruit stall. З ДЕЛАТЬ ЭТИ ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЯ


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Write. Complete the sentences with the correct verbs from the box given below.

* brind * take off (x2) * put on (x4)* wear*
1. It*s hot. .... your coat. ..... your shoes.
2. It*s cold. You need to ...... your sweater.
3. It*s freezing cold. You need to ...... your scarf and mittens.
4. It*s rainy. You need to ....... your umbrella.
5. It*s windy and rainy. You don*t need your umbrella. You need to .... your raincoat.
6. It*s hot and sunny. ....... your sunglasses. ...... your sweater.

обведите правильный вариант Are you an economist Do you an economist Can you an economist Do you want to be an economist Are you want to be an economist

Can you want to be an economist Jan wants skate Jan wants skates Jan wants to skate Jan can skate Jan can skates Jan can to skate Jan skate in the park Jan skates in the park Jan to skate in the park Jan don't in the park Jan doesn't in the park Jan isn't in the park Jan and I don't skate in the park Jan and I doesn't skate in the park Jan and I isn't skate in the park

1 It's a lovely evening, isn't it?

2 The sportsman runs very fast, doesn't he?
3 It was a wonderful game, wasn't it?
4 You will come here again, won't you?
5 We could go there together, couldn't we?
6 You know my family, don't you?
7 You don't need any help, do you?
8 She doesn't speak German at all, does she?
9 Paul isn't good at Maths, is he?
10 Your parents aren't from Britain, are they?
11 Our match wasn't interesting today, was it?
12 Your teacher won't give you much homework for the weekend, will she?
Как читается! Помогите! Плиз... Умоляю!


Составьте разделительные вопросы:
1. It's a lovely evening? ........... ?
2. The sportsman runsveryfast, .............. ?
3. It was a wonder ful game, ....................?
4. You will come here again , ......................?
5. We could go there together, ......................?
6. You know my family, .................................?
7. You don't need any help, ............................?
8.She doesn't speak English at all, .............................?
9. Paul isn't good at Maths , ..............................................?
10. Your parents aren't from Britain , ............................?

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