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I am Billy. I live in the English forest. I think I am very nice. I have got a lot of friends. I go to school. I can write. I like sweets, honey,

1-4 класс

gam and cakes. But I don't like cabbage and corn. Do you like sweets? переведите пожалуйста.

Kirik17031998 09 апр. 2015 г., 6:31:20 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
09 апр. 2015 г., 8:14:56 (9 лет назад)

Я Билли. Я живу в английском  лесу . я думаю, что я очень хороший. у меня много друзей. Я хожу в школу. я могу писать. Я люблю конфеты, мед, ветчину и пирожные. Но я не люблю капусту и кукурузу. Ты любишь конфеты?


Другие вопросы из категории

A) Put the verb in brackets into the correct tense. b) Translate the sentences into Russian.

Next autumn we (help) him to buy a new car. 2. In 2008 our family (go)
to London. 3. She usually (answer) such questions easily. 4. We never
(smoke) in the office. 5. Last year he (go) to the sea

Answer the why-questions

1)Why did the Bird fly to a house?
2)Why did the grey Cat catch the Bird?
3)Why did the grey Cat find the Bird?
4)Why Didn't the grey Cat find the Bird?
5)Why did the grey Cat say? ''I must wash after dinner?'
Gj vjtve nen yflj jndtnbnm yf djghjcs!=)

Задайте специальные вопросы.

do go halp have play write
When will you have lunch?
1.______________ letters?
2.______________ volleyball?
3.______________ to the forest?
4.______________ your homework?
5.______________ your grandmother?

Читайте также

I have got two grandfathers. One lives in the city. One lives in the country .

My city grandfather works in an office. He is a businessman.
My country grandfather works in the field and on the farm. He is a farmer.
When I visit my city grandfather at his office, he lets me work on the computer. I stick stamps on his business letters. He tells me that I am learning about business.
When I visit my country grandfather, he lets me pet the cows to keep them happy. He lets me ride with him on the tractor. He tells me that I am learning about farming.
At the end of every visit, both my city grandfather and my country grandfather give me big hugs and say, “See you real soon!1”
Maybe when I grow up, I’ll be a farmer and live in the country. Maybe ill be a businessman and live in the city. I know about both.

1.Dan`s city grandfather is a.....
2.Dan’s country grandfather is a......
3.When Dan visits his city grandfather he......
4.When Dan visits his country grandfather he......
5.At the end of every visit, both Dan’s city grandfather and
country grandfather.....and......

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ПРОЧИТАТЬ ПОМОГИТЕ КАК ПРАВИЛЬНО ПРОИЗНОСЯТЬСЯ СЛОВА country and city Some people live in the city Where the houses are very taii


Some people live in the country

Where the houses are very small.

But in the country where the houses are very small,

The gardens are very big.

And in the cities where the houses are very tall

There are no gardens at all,

Дополни недостающими словами письмо, которое Джилл написала мисс Чэттер. I am on the farm. I am here with my...... I have got my......with me.It likes

to....in the river and to......on the farm. In the moning l......,walk in the forest or.... At the..... they have got a lot of.......for my collection. Now you know my.......

Помогите прочитать текст и перевести!

Meet Tiny.He lives in the English forest.He is funny and kind. He is smart and merry.Tiny can speak and read English. He lives to write fairy tales and poems.
Here is one of his poems.
I can read I can sing
I can write my fairy tales
And what about you?
Tiny has got a lot of friends. they like Tiny"s poem and fairy tales. They often walk in the forest and play chess together.

прочитай письмо которое джилл написала мисс Четтер.замени рисунки недостающими словами.I am on the farm.I am here with my ...I have got my ...with me.It

likes to ...in the river and to ...on the farm .In the morning I ...walk in the forest or ... .At the ...they have got a lot of...for my collection.Now you know my... .Please write back.You Jill.ПОМОГИТЕ ОЧЕНЬ ПРОШУ!!!!!!!!

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