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4 клас домашнє завдання сторінка 145 taras and the browns be at the station now.

1-4 класс

LSh 21 марта 2014 г., 23:33:53 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
22 марта 2014 г., 0:09:12 (10 лет назад)

вместо be поставить are


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Why must I learn English
(3 причины)

Помогите с заданием на Англиский вот пример: Dear ......... Best wishes,

Задание: Напиши писмо своему другу о том как празновал день матери

Задайте общие и специальные вопросы.

1. The balls are white.
a. .......................... white?
2. The horses are under the chair.
a. ............................ under the chair?
b. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3. He has got three mankeys.

a ............................ three mankeys?
b. ...................................
4. Kate is seven.
a. .............................. seven?
5. The have got toys.
a. .................................. toys?
b. ...................................................

Brian Green, our English teacher, told us about his visit to Moscow. He ...us that he liked the Russian capital very much. "You can ask me any

questions you like," he...."Do Russian students....English well?" we asked. "Yes, Russian students....English very well. They....me much interesting about Moscow." He....that we would visit Russia next year.

Читайте также

Use the correct tense forms of the verbs Taras and the Browns (be) at the station now. His friends (give) him some

presents. They (make) them for him some time ago. Mrs Brown (ask) to say hello to Taras’ parents. The Browns (be) very kind to Taras. He (be) happy to have real frends in England. Bill (ask) to write a letter. The (come) and Taras (say) goodbye. Mr Brown (wish) him good luck.

Текст Yesterday was Friday. The weather was fine. Bill and Taras walked in the streets and visited some places of interest. Bill`s parents were at

work. So Kate cooked the dinner. Bill and Taras helped her. After dinner they cleaned the rooms and washed the plates. Then Kate listened to music and phoned her friends. Bill and Taras played computer games with Nick and Vicky. In the evening Taras and the Browns watched TV. The film was very interesting and Taras liked it a lot. Задание к тексту : Answer What day was yesterday? Was the weather fine or bad? Were the boys at home in the morning? Where were Bills parents in the daytime? Was Kate in? Where were the Browns yesterday evening? Can you say what the film was about?

робочий зошит 3 клас сторінка 54 завдання 3. 1) This are my shoes. 2) These boots are our. 3) The paints is on the sofa. 4)

That coat is her.

5) That is hers dress.

Надо знайти ошибки и записать предложения правильно

допоможіть будь ласка відповісти на питання :Is she Alice ? Is she Stella ? Are they girls ?

Is he Paula ? Is he Hans ? Are they girls ? Is this a camp ? Is this a park? Робочий зошит Оксана Карпіюк 3 клас сторінка 8 _ 9 може хтось робив допоможіть срочно треба на завтра

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