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РЕБЯТ СРОЧНО:З They flew a ... last sunday .

1-4 класс

77015011371d 20 сент. 2013 г., 22:02:04 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
20 сент. 2013 г., 23:01:28 (10 лет назад)

Нужен перевод?Если да то вот: Они летали на ... в прошлое воскресенье .

+ 0 -
21 сент. 2013 г., 1:54:56 (10 лет назад)

they flew a kite last sunday


Другие вопросы из категории

.Помогите пожалуйста

Напишите ответы на этот тест

She is singing my favourite song.

a) What is she doing?

b) Who is singing?

c) What is she singing?

d) Where is she singing?

e) Is she singing my favourite song?

2. My sister can play……. .

a) piano

b) in the piano

c) on the piano

d) the piano

e) at the piano

3. Choose the right variant of the translation of this sentence:

She used to have long hair.

a) У нее длинные волосы.

b) Она использует накладные волосы.

c) Когда-то у нее были длинные волосы.

d) Она хочет иметь длинные волосы.

е) Она отращивает волосы.

4. I…….this book yet.

a) don’t read

b) am not reading

c) wasn’t reading

d) didn’t read

e) haven’t read

5. I read……adventures…..fiction.

a) neither..or

b) neither….nor

c) or….either

d) either…nor

e) or…or

6. They……in new flat three weeks ago.

a) were moving

b) moved

c) move

d) moves

e) have moved

7. The boys…..,when their father came in.

a) fight

b) fought

c) fights

d) were fighting

e) are fighting

8. While Nelly……..to her cousin, I……a letter.

a) spoke/was writing

b) was speaking/was writing

c) was speaking/wrote

d) was speaking/write

e) speak/was writing

9. When Fred was little he ………with toy cars.

a) used to play

b) used play

c) use to play

d) used playing

e) used to played

10. The book……everywhere.

a) are sold

c) is sold

d) is sell

d) am sold

e) are to sell

11. A lot of houses ……in the city every year.

a) is build

b) are build

c) am build

d) is built

e) are built

Choose the correct sentence in the reported speech.

12. She: “ Is Wales situated on the British Isles?”

a) She says that Wales is situated on the British Isles.

b) She asks if Wales is situated on the British Isles.

c) She ask if Wales situated on the British Isles.

d) She tells that Wales is situated on the British Isles.

e) She tell that Wales is situated on the British Isles.

13. Jane: “Where is England situated?”

a) Jane want to know where England is situated.

b) Jane wants to know where England is situated.

c) Jane asks to where England is situated.

d) Jane asks where England is situated.

e) Jane ask where England is situated.

14. Tom: “I like bananas.”

a) Tom says that he likes bananas.

b) Tom say that he likes bananas.

c) Tom says that he like bananas.

d) Tom says to like bananas.

e) Tom says that I like bananas.

15. Teacher: “The House of Lords can delay laws.”

a) Teacher asks if the House of Lords can delay laws.

b) Teacher tells The House of Lords to delay laws.

c) Teacher say that the House of Lords can delay laws.

d) Teacher says that the House of Lords can delay laws.

e) Teacher tells that the House of Lords can delay laws.

16. Father: “Don’t open the door!”

a) Father tells to not open the door.

b) Father tell to not open the door.

c) Father says not to open the door.

d) Father tell not to open the door.

e) Father tells not to open the door.

17. Ann: “Are you going to the park?”

a) Ann asks if we are going to the park.

b) Ann asks if are we going to the park.

c) Ann asks to be going to the park.

d) Ann asks if you are going to the park.

18. Mother: “Go to the shop.”

a) Mother asks if I go to the shop.

b) Mother ask to go to the shop.

c) Mother asks to go to the shop.

d) Mother says to go to the shop.

e) Mother say to go to the shop.

Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глаголы в я Present Simple

1) Где ты живешь?- я живу в Москве. 2)Когда у тебя каникулы?- в Январе.3) Что тебе больше всего нравится в школе? 4) Мой брат работает в больнице. Он врач. Он встает в двадцать минут восьмого. Он работает утром и днем.Вечером он не работает. Вечером он отдыхает. 5)Твоя сестра говорит по французски?- Нет.Она говорит по-немецки, а ее муж говорит по-английски.6) Когда вы встаете?- Я встаю в без четверти семь.7)Когда встает твой брат?-Он встает без двадцати восемь. Твоя сестра тоже встает без двадцати восемь?- Нет. Мой брат ходит в школу, а моя сестра не ходит в школу. Она еще не ученица. Она встает в девять часов. 8) Он не моет руки перед едой. 9)Этот мальчик свистит в классе. 10) Он не играет ни на каком музыкальном инструменте.11)Они играют в футбол и любят смотреть мультфильмы.12) Они любят школьные каникулы, особенно летние.13) День рождения у девочки 31 декабря.14)Поэтому она получает много подарков.
Помогите прошу вас! Я умру у меня все плохо с английским!

What form ( are am) you in? Who ( is are) your friend? They ( wasn't Weren't) in the forest yesterday. ( are is) they good pupils? Where ( are were ) they

last summer? Who ( is was) my best friend last year? She ( isn't wasn't) at home now. Where (was are) you? выберите верный вариант заранее огромное спасибо

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напишите в прошедшем времени : 1) we played badminton yesterday.2) the children drew a nice picture last night.3)Jim read an interesting fairy tale

last sunday.4)Jill wrote a lerret to Santa Claus last week.5)they skied in the park yesterday.6)Simon caught a big fish a month ago. СРОЧНО НАДО

They flew a ...... last Sunday
перевести We played badminton yesterday. The children drew a nice picture last night.Jim read an interesting fairy tale last Sunday.Jill wrote a letter to

Santa Claus last week. They skied in the park yesterday . Simon caught a big fish a month ago

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