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переведите на русский пожалуйста! :)

5-9 класс

- I have read Game Boy this week. It's very exciting. What other books have written? - I have written over seventy books for children. They are of different styles - from picture books for little children to novels and football stories for jlder children.- Have you ever written fairy tales?- Yes, I have. I also write poetry for children and adults and have twice won the Waterstone`s Poetry Competition.

Vovan8808 07 сент. 2013 г., 19:02:13 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
07 сент. 2013 г., 20:01:57 (10 лет назад)

Я прочитал игру мальчиков на этой неделе. Это очень интересно. Какие еще книги написал? - Я написал более семидесяти книг для детей. Они имеют разные стили - от книг с картинками для маленьких детей, чтобы романов и футбольных историй для  детей -. Вы когда-нибудь писали сказки - Да, у меня есть. Я также писать стихи для детей и взрослых и дважды выиграл  конкурс поэзии.


Другие вопросы из категории

Найдите ошибки и исправте)) (1)___One hot day a crow wanted some water to drink. It was far from the river (2)___and the crow didn’t want to fly there

at for a drink. It flew round and round (3)___but could not to see any water. At last it saw a big jug near the house. The (4)___crow flew down to the jug. It looked into it. There was a little of water in (5)___the jug. The crow put its head into the jug but couldn’t get the water. The (6)___crow flew into the air, then it flew down on the jug. It has wanted to break (7)___it. But the jug was strong. It could not be break it. The crow could not fly (8)___any more. It sat down to rest. It thought and thought. The crow saw some (9)___small stones on the ground. It had an idea. It took a stone and had put it (10)__into the jug. Then another and another. The water came higher and every (11)__time the stone fell into the jug. Soon the water came very high. The crow (12)__ put its head into the jug and had a drink at the last.

Помогите вставить слова правильно


Every year more than eleven million tourists visitBritain. In fact,

tourism is an (1)___ industry, employing thousands of people.


Most (2)___ come in the summer months when they can expect VISIT

good weather.

Tourists (3)___ spend a few days inLondon, then go on to USUAL

other well-known cities.

Perhaps the least visited places inEnglandare old (4)___ INDUSTRY


But many people think that nineteenth-century cities show

the (5)___ reality ofBritain. WONDER

The cheap, concrete (6)___of the 1960s look old and dirty BUILD

but for adventurous (7)___ these cities are full of life and colour. TOUR

Ребят,помогите пожалуйста !Read the story about Andrews trip have you ever been australia orread

Read the story about Andrews trip have you ever been australia or
read the story about Andrews trip have you ever been australia or chinaA)
Read the story about Andrews trip.Have you ever been to Australiaa)
Read the story about Andrews trip.Have you ever been to Australia or
Last summer Andrew went to Australia.He spent two weeks
there.Andrew liked the country very much.He saw the kangaroos and
koalas, took lots of photos and bought handmade souvenirs for his
friends at home. He also enjoyed traditional Australia meals.
Next summer Andrew is going to China. He has never been to China.
b) Write the questions about Andrews trip.
1.............................?To Australia.
2.............................?2 weeks.
3.............................?Yes, he did. Very much.
4.............................?The kangaroos and the koalas.
5.............................?Handmade souvenirs.
6.............................?Yes, he did. They were tasty.
7..........................?To China.
8.........................?Yes, he did. Lots of photos.
9..........................? No, he hasn/t.

Читайте также

переведите на русский пожалуйста: on october 31, the people living in the Lake View Estates realised that the flames were getting very close. the

y saw that the firefighter were helpless as the wind blew the flames in their direction. the lucky ones grabbed a few important things, rushed to their cars and drove away before the flames were too close.

one family, however, waited too long. when they tried to drive to a nearby reservoir, they were trapped in the flames and died in their car.

the fire burned for more than a week and then it got colder, fog rolled in from the ocean and the flame died.

experts say that there have been forest fires for thousands of years. when it is very dry in California and a hot wind blows out of the desert, a burning cigarette that someone has thrown away may be a terrible fire.

переведите пожалуйста сами, без переводчиков онлайн

1. Образуйте от данных глаголов существительные с помощью суффикса —ment. Переведите на

русский язык.

To improve, to measure, to disappoint, to pave, to announce, to agree, to state, to govern, to require, to arrange, to move, to develop, to achieve.

2. Образуйте от данных глаголов существительные с помощью суффиксов —ion, -ation, -sion, -ssion, -tion. Переведите на русский язык.

To collect, to combine, to connect, to dictate, to include, to introduce, to produce, to restrict, to submit.

3. Образуйте от данных прилагательных существительные с помощью суффикса —ness. Переведите на русский язык.

Bitter, absolute, damp, cold, dark, kind, happy, weak.

переведите на русский, пожалуйста :)

Morning: getr to Springfield School
Afternoon: walk around the centre of London
Evening: go to a welcoming party

Morning: have English lessons at Springfield School
Afternoon: visit the British Museum
Evening: watch a car race at the stadium

Morning: have English lessons
Afternoon: go on a trip to York, visit the Viking centre
Evening: take part in a talent show

Morning: have English lessons
Afternoon - evening: take rides at Alton Towers Park

Morning: have English lessons
Afternoon: see the sights of London
Evening: take part in tennis competition

Morning: have English lessons
Afternoon: visit Hamleys
Evening: go to the airport

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