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Write what you must / mustn't do to keep yourself healthy. Don't eat many sweets and pies.

5-9 класс

GeferniaFid 28 янв. 2014 г., 1:04:24 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
28 янв. 2014 г., 1:54:48 (10 лет назад)

I mustn't eat many sweets and pies. Because it is bad. I should do exercises every morning. Washing my teeth every morning and every evening. Take a shower twice a day. Go for a walk for sprorts with friends.


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128 срочно Пожалуйста
Помогите с переводом

Никто не жил на
нашем маленьком острове Ата в теплом
море. Все мы знали что корабли не
останавливаются на Ате но однажды судно
Мэри Джейн неожиданно поменяло свой
курс и отправилось к нашему острову.
Некоторые люди на корабле заметили наши
фигурки на острове. Когда корабль подошел
ближе мы побежали на корабль. Всего нас
было шестеро и все мальчики. Когда мы
залезли на корабль начали рассказывать
свои истории.
месяцев до этого

мы отправились
на рыбалку. Наши лодки перевернулись
во время ужасного шторма. И море унесло
нас к этому маленькому острову.
Мы хорошо
устроили свою жизнь у каждого из нас
.были свои обязанности. Нашей пищей были
птицы птичьи яйца фрукты рыба и все что
мы могли найти. Мы сделали свою гитару
мы танцевали и пели песни которые сами
придумали Нам нравилась хорошая жизнь
на острове но мы были счастливы что нас
спасли и мы вернулись в свою страниц!

Что послужило причиной того что после 2 сентября 1752 года в Англии наступило 14? А) Переход на григорианский календарь В) Изменение веро


С) Требование Папы Римского

Плииииззз Помогите Нужно по ЗОЛОТОМУ РУНО!!!

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Помогите пожалуйста заранее Помогите пожалуйста заранее спасибо))) Your new friend is interested in what you will do tomorrow,in the morning,in

the afternoon ,in the evening.Write what you will do .

tomorrow;____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ In the morning ;___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ In the afternoon;____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ In the evening;_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

We're looking for a dishwasher What's the job like? You'll have to operate a dishwasher safely and efficiently. You must follow hygiene rules and keep

the work area clean and well-organised. There may be some occasional lifting. You may also have to help other kitchen staff if asked. Big Buffalo Amusement Park needs active young people for all kinds of jobs: ride assistants, office clerks, gift shop sales assistants and lifeguards. We offer you a chance to work at a lively and friendly place. Improve your leadership qualities and communication skills, while you spend an unforgettable summer with us. Get ready to work in a highly competitive team. At least one foreign language is a must. A cool costumed character! Mega Park is the Best Amusement Park in the World with the biggest and best roller coasters. We are looking for people to work as fully costumed characters to greet guests, give short performances, give out tickets and interact with children in our new Mega Amusement Park. You must be smart and imaginative, at least 15 years old arid have some previous experience in performing. You must also be able to work in a heavy costume during hot summer days. Special Skills Required: No Drivers License Required: No Polar Bear National Park Glaciers, grizzly bears, wolves and North America's highest peak at 20,320 feet - this park has it all. Find yourself in the adventure of your dreams with 6 million acres of unhospitable sub-arctic ecosystem to explore. We need outgoing, creative teenagers to work as junior rangers. Apply only if you enjoy working with people and are ready for lots of physical activity. Knowledge of foreign languages is an advantage. Yosemite National Park Yosemite National Park gives you the chance to enjoy the most breathtaking mountain and valley scenery in the Sierra Nevada. The park has everything: waterfalls, meadows, forests, wild animals, and much more. We have lots of jobs to offer and each one of them is important. Working with us you'll have a chance to enjoy the unique beauty of our park and contribute to preserving its natural resources. Employment with the National Park Service is limited to citizens of the United States, but if you are not a citizen, you may still apply for some voluntary jobs. и еше 1 номерк этому тексту

1. What you (to do) at 4 o'clock?

2. I ( to translate) this difficult text next week.
3. School (to begin) in September.
4. Children ( not go) to school in summer.
5. My little sister ( not to drink) milk.
6. How often your father ( go ) to the swimming pool?
7. Look! The girl ( to cross ) the street the wrong place.
8. You ( to do) the shopping for New Yeas yesterday?
9. He ( not to watch ) TV yesterday.
10. What you ( to do) now? - I ( to write) my report.
11. When I ( come) home yesterday, my father ( to read ) a newspaper.

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