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Перевести Текст С английского на русский

5-9 класс

543885m 29 апр. 2014 г., 18:52:05 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
29 апр. 2014 г., 20:15:20 (10 лет назад)

Миша: ты можешь путешествовать во времени?
Робин: Да, я могу. Еще я могу летать, но я не умею делать многих вещей. Я не очень талантлив.
Миша: А кто может?
Робин: Мой отец может делать многие вещи (может многое). Он великий волшебник. Но здесь он не может мне помочь. Я должен отправиться в Вестминстерсое Аббатство в Лондоне. Там есть магический камень. Он называется "камень судьбы". Я должен найти его и привезти обратно в Шотландию. С этим камнем Шотландия может стать сильной и свободной (страной). Это моя миссия здесь.
Миша: Извини, но Лондон же очень далеко. Мы сейчас в России, а Лондон - это ведь столица Великобритании.
Робин: Но твой английский очень хорош. (Ты очень хорошо говоришь на английском). 
Миша: Спасибо. Моя бабушка - учительница английского, и я общаюсь по-английски с ней и дедушкой. Но как ты можешь разговаривать? Ты же из Эдинбёрга, из 1599 года. 
Роберт: Я могу говорить по-английски. Мой любимый школьный предмет в будущем - английский.
Миша: Оставайся со мной, Робин! Мы можем играть в футбол, теннис, говорить по-английски и по-русски. И мы можем поехать в Лондон.


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Помогите пожалуйста:)

В данных предл. есть фразовые гл. Укажите,какой предлог используется в каждом предл.
We walked to the next beach to get ... from the crowds.
I don't really get ... with my sister's husband
What are you getting ..., Andy?
I don't know how he gets ... on so little money.
They must have got ... through the bathroom window.
I just can't understand what's got ... him.
He got ... with a £20 fine.
How's Frank getting ... in his new job?
I'll get ... when you stop at the traffic lights.

Проверьте у меня пожалуйста текст, может есть орфогр. или логичес. ошибки..:)I study at number 14:05. We have usually every day a 6 lessons. The aim of my

school a learning anything. We have to wear black and white uniform in school, also we have rules not to run down the hall, listening the teather, do not be late to class and etc. In our school is good teacher, sport hall, two computer rooms, library, dining, closet, small beautiful garden and medical point.
Что я хочу сказать:Я начинаю учится в 14:05. У нас обычно каждый день по 6 уроков. Цель в нашей школе научить нас чему-нибудь. У нас черно-белая форма. Также есть правила: не бегать по коридору, слушать учителя, не опаздывать на занятия и т.д. В нашей школе добрые учителя, спортивный зал, 2 компьютерных класса, библиотека...

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Здравствуйте!!! Умоляю вас помогите пожалуйста перевести текст с английского на русский!!! Заранее очень сильно благодарен.A hospital is a health care

institution providing patient treatment by specialized staff and equipment.Today , hospitals are largely staffed by professional physicians , surgeons . and nurses , whereas in the past , this work was usually performed by the founding religious orders or by volunteers.There are over 17.000 hospitals in the world.In accord with the original meaning of the word , hospitals were originally "places of hospitality".
Some patients go to a hospital just for diagnosis , treatment , or therapy and then leave ('outpatients') without staying overnight; while others are 'admitted' and stay overnight or for severaldays or weeks or months ('inpatients').Hospitals usually are distinguished from other types of medical facilities by their ability to admit and care for inpatients while the others often are described as clinics.
The best-known type of hospital is the general hospital . which is set up to deal with many kinds of disease and injury , and normally has an emergency department to deal with immediate and urgent threats to health.Some hospitals have their own ambulance service.A district hospital typically is the major health care facility in its region , with large numbers of beds for intensive care and long-term care.
Types of specialized hospitals include trauma centers , rehabilitation hospitals , children`s hospitals , seniors'(geriatric) hospitals , and hospitals for dealing with specific medical needs such as psychiatric problems (psychiatric hospital) , certain disease categories such as cardiac , oncology , or orthopedic problems , and so on.
A hospital may be a single building or a number of buildings.Many hospitals with pre-twentieth-century origins began as one building and evolved into campuses.Some hospitals are affiliated with universities for medical research and the training of medical personnel such as physicians and nurses , often called teaching hospitals.Worldwide , most hospitals are run on a nonprofit basis by governments or charities.
The medical facility smaller than a hospital is generally called a clinic.Clinics generally provide only outpatient services.
Hospitals vary widely in the services they offer and therefore , in the departments (or "wards") they have.Each is usually headed by a Chief Physician.They may have acute services such as emergency department or specialist trauma center , burn unit , surgery , or urgent care.These may then be backed up by more specialist units such as:
1.Emergency department.
3.Intensive care unit.
4.Pediatric intensive care unit.
5.Neonatal intensive care unit.
6.Cardiovascular intensive care unit.
9.Obstetrics and gynecology.
Some hospitals will have outpatient departments and some will have chronic treatment units such as behavioral health services , dentistry , dermatology . psychiatric ward . rehabilitation services , and physical therapy.Нужно сделать перевод теста на русский язык!!!.

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