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Помогите пожалуйста написать стихотворный перевод, обязательно в рифму. С ПЕРЕВОДЧИКОМ НЕ НАДО!!!

5-9 класс

A Mid-Day Dreamer

I love to sit alone, and dream,
And dream, and dream;
In fancy's boat to softly glide
Along some stream
Where fairy palaces of gold
And crystal bright
Stand all along the glistening shore:
A wondrous sight.

My craft is built of ivory,
With silver oars,
The sails are spun of golden threads,
And priceless stores
Of precious gems adorn its prow,
And 'round its mast
An hundred silken cords are set
To hold it fast.

My galley-slaves are sprightly elves
Who, as they row,
And as their shining oars they swing
Them to and fro,
Keep time to music wafted on
The scented air,
Made by the mermaids as they comb
Their golden hair.

And I the while lie idly back,
And dream, and dream,
And let them row me where they will
Adown the stream.

Isaeva2395 15 марта 2017 г., 15:44:12 (7 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
15 марта 2017 г., 18:43:43 (7 лет назад)

и за это всего лишь 5 б + 3 балла за лучший ?
ха -ха 


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Напишите что более важно для изучения языков-талант от природы или ежедневная работа.используйте в начале выражения эти слова:I think...

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Надо написать на английском языке)))

1. On the bed between the two girls were some letters, which were laid facedown so that they couldn’t see return addresses. Blair got seven letters and

five letters were Serena’s. “Okay. Ready?” Serena asked.
Blair closed her eyes and took the first letter. “Okay. Let’s do it.”
Rriipp! Rriipp! Rriipp!
2. Blair looked at Serena. “How’d you do?” she asked.
Serena could tell from the scary look on Blair’s face that the news was not good. She didn’t know what to say. “Urn, I got a place ... um ... everywhere?”
Blair stared at the acceptance letters in Serena’s hands. On top was a cream -colored letter with the blue Yale University letterhead. “Wait, you applied to Yale?” isked Blair.
“Yes,” Serena nodded.1 “At the last minute I just decided, why not, you know?”
“And you got a place?”
Serena nodded again. “Sorry.”
3. The way Blair was looking at her was making Serena nervous. What did Serena have that she didn’t? She was in the top of her class at school and took every AP* course they offered. She was the best at the SAT. She did charity work. She was the leader of the French club. She was an excellent tennis player. Her entire high-school career — practically her whole life — she’d been working toward entering Yale. Her father had gone there. His father had gone there. Her great-uncle had donated two buildings and a playing field. Serena took no APs at all, and did only a few extracurricular activities. Serena’s dad had gone to Princeton and Brown, two of Yale’s biggest competitors.2 Still, Yale had accepted Serena and put Blair on their wait list!
4. “I probably won’t even go,” Serena made an attempt to make things less important. “I have to ... you know ... visit all the schools before I decide,” she gath-tred her blond hair on top of her head. “Maybe I won’t even go to college right iway. I could stay in the city and try to do some acting or something.”
5. So Serena got into Yale, but she didn’t even really want to go there. Serena collected her letters and held them behind her back.
“What about the other schools? You must have —”
“I got wait listed at Yale. The only place that accepted me is Georgetown. Stupid Georgetown. But it was my safety.”
Serena stared at her for a moment her eyes wide with surprise. “That’s not so bad,” Serena said. “I’m sure Yale is hard to enter. And if you didn’t enter, at least you have backup.”

For questions 1 -7 find the correct answers. Prove your choice using the words and phrases from the text.

1. After reading the letter it was clear that Serena got a place

a at all universities she had applied to.
b only at Yale University,
с at seven different universities.
2. Blair got a place

a at five universities she had applied
b at one university,
с at two universities.
3. In her class Blair

a was the leader,
b was the best student,
с won the tennis tournament.
4. Blair’s dream was

a to enter Yale University,
b to work at Yale.
с to go to Yale with her father.

5. Serena got a place at Yale because

a her school results were good enough.

b her great-uncle had donated two buildings and a playing field,
с her father studied at Yale.

6.The letter from Yale told Blair

a that she had no chance to get into the university,

b that she had a small chance to get into the university,

с that she shouldn’t apply to Yale.

7.According to the test the word “safety” in paragraph 5 probably means

a a place where there is no danger.

b something that Blair had been saving for a long time,

с a place Blair was sure to get in.

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Думаю написать что-то вроде "Любимая работа доставляет удовальствие", "Ты становишься полезным для общества" и т.д. помогите пожалуйста как то развить эти темы.
Заранее спасибо!

Помогите пожалуйста написать пересказ текста на английском и перевод.

What about radio? It`s worth reminding ourselves that most of the world has never made a telephone call, let alone used a computer and the Internet.One can hardly believe that across the USA there are more than nine thousand radio stations. Listeners can listen to all kinds of stations: pop or classical music, news, sport or radio talk shows. While listening to a radio talk show you can call in and ask any question. But you should be ready to give your own opinion if the talk show host or his guests ask you to.
Помогите пожалуйста!!!!!!!!

Помогите пожалуйста написать на английском текст на тему "Мой благотворительный фонд". Текст я придумала, но перевести никак не получается, т.к. учила

раньше немецкий лишь, а тут сдать экзамен нужно... Пожалуйста, лишь верный перевод мне нужен, а не переводчики из интернета, в этом и суть вся.

Я очень люблю детей. Каждый раз видя не здоровых деток, мне становиться не по себе, как такие маленькие детки выдерживают такую боль, страдание в своем возрасте? Я бы организовала благотворительный фонд помощи всем детям, которые нуждаются в помощи. Не важно, сколько средств на это уйдет и времени. Главная цель благотворительности - поддерживать здоровье детей, материально обеспечивать их по мере необходимости, что бы они радовались жизни также, как все дети.
Я хочу дарить радость детям.

Что-то такое вообщем.. Не нужно слово в слово, т.к. я знаю что мои предложения построены не для англ. перевода.. Можно и что-то другое придумать. Очень нужно прошу, от этого зависит мое дальнейшее обучение :(

помогите пожалуйста перевести это на английский язык,только чур переводчики не используйте!

С Днем Рождения!!! Пусть все твои желания сбудутся!!

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