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исправить ошибки в предложении.That coat is her.That is hers dress.

10-11 класс

Myunchic 15 мая 2014 г., 17:53:14 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
15 мая 2014 г., 19:17:11 (10 лет назад)

That is her coat.
That is hers. Или: That is her dress.


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найти 3 ошибки: This is our week in Twinkyland. On Monday Floppy and I watch cosmos TV. On Tuesday we go for walk. On Wednesday we play computer games. On

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Помогите пожалуйста!!!! Вставьте слова из таблицы по смыслу в предложения. Все слова должны быть использованы. at been

bought late left like me met much next opened sister tell to were who worse would you you

I a new car yesterday.

If you don't hurry up now, you will be for lessons.

Can you me where the library is?

Do you know the teacher is talking to your father?

I haven't on holiday since 2000.

I don't have money.

I spend my holidays in the UK if I had enough money.

We do not water sports.

The weather today is even than yesterday.

How many students can see outside?

They swimming in the pool.

Let's meet again Friday.

We ate breakfast and then we the hotel.

I haven't been London for three years.

I am writing a grammar test the moment.

He his friends at the club last night.

Would like a cup of tea?

My has three children.

Give the book.

He the door carefully.

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С. Исправьте ошибку в каждом английском предложении: 1. She is hating to get up early. I am knowing that you don't want my

friendship. 2. I am hearing the strange voices. She works in the office now. 3. His face didn`t show any emotional. They posess many things. 4. This house belongs them. I usually go to shop in the morning. 5. On my way home I saw a crashing-plane. That bag is containing potatoes.

С. Исправьте ошибку в каждом английском предложении: 1. I am knowing that you don`t want my friendship. She is hating to

get up early. 2. We sat to smoke all night. I am hearing that he has been disinherited. 3. How much land do they posess? His face didn't show any emotional. 4. I usually go shop in the morning. This house belongs them. 5. That bag is containing potatoes. On my way home I saw a crashing-plane.

Исправить ошибки в предложениях.

1. We is often in a nice town.
2. Where does he wants to live in her hotel?
3. I go in the afternoon to a nice restaurant.
4. We also has some cars.

5. He often want to go by bus.

Поставьте глагол в главном предложении в Past Indefinite и сделайте необходимые преобразования в придаточном предложении. 1. I think that she is

at home. 2. We know that she is ill. 3. I hope that they knew about it. 4. I think that they were busy. 5. We hope that they will help us to do this work. 6. We think that we shall have our holidays in January.

С. Исправьте ошибки в предложениях: 1. What is he referring for? 2. The place teams with mice. The place teams

with wolves. 3. I prevented him to do it. He prevented him to doing it. 4. What is it derived of? 5. We payed no attention to his remarks.

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