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Найдите, пожалуйста, все ошибки в этом письме, если они есть

5-9 класс

Саша113 04 февр. 2014 г., 7:02:43 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
04 февр. 2014 г., 8:53:05 (10 лет назад)

лучше бы написать конец как-нибудь,например извини мне надо бежать делать уроки,до скорых встреч,что-то такое,так будет красивее))


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помогите исправить ошибки в этих предложениях, если они есть!

1. The jumper was shrinking when I had washed it.
2.Mike got really exhausted in his first marathon because he didn't run such a long race before.
3.The light in the room showed that Mr Simpson had been waiting forme.
4.The Titanic had been travelling to New York when it hit an iceberg and sank in the Atlantic.
5.The footballer ran towards the goal when he fell over.
6.George said that he didn't decide yet which side to support.
7.I took the decision after I have spoken to him.
8. Bill was working at the same problem for two hours when Jack
phoned him and asked if he solved it.

Проверьте мое сочинение и найдите ошибки(если они есть) In summer,i read my favourite book again.Its book about russian general Skobelev Mikhail

D.The book was written by N.N.Knirring.People said, that he was equal Suvorov.He was born in 17 September 1843 in Saint-Peresburg.His dad was general too and his mum was russian princess.When he was 13 year,his parents sent him to France,to study French.In 1858-1860 Skobelev entered in St.Peresburg University.He very much traveled to Russia,he wanted to be very clever warlord.When he was 25 year,he first took part in the battle.After the Russian-Turkish was Skobelev became a general of infantry.All his enemies afraided him and his friends called him"White general"

Исправьте ошибки если они есть!!! 1 A post man has walk a lot. 2 Model`s don`t usually workon the stage. 3 Tennis players have to train hard. 4 A police

officer is aneasy job. 5 A lawyer dangerous job 6 A secretary has treat people. Предуприждаю что там не только орфагрофические ошибки ну и другие помогите пж срочно надо

Проверьте грамматику и орфографии плиз в моем сочинение. Пожалуйста исправьте, если они есть. Спасибо большое! Историю нужно начать именно с

этого предложения "She shut the door and picked up the telephone."

She shut the door and picked up the telephone. Then she was hearing a familiar voice, but she couldn’t recognize it of the speaker. She continued to listen to the phone and she didn’t interrupt the talking. The woman was standing at the window and suddenly her face began to change. After two minutes she started crying and felt the talker was expressing something terrible.
All the story started happening two years ago, when in one day the student of Medicine university, whose name was Alice, had met a perfect man, whose name was Alex. She had fell in love with him, and they were spending much free times for them.
After some time, Alex needed leaving the city, because his father was ill in America and he had to die soon. The young man promised his sweet before leaving return as soon as possible. She said to him: " When you will in America, you don't forget to phone me. I afraid of losing you."
As soon as he had got a ticket, Alex began packing the suitcases and arrived on the airport. The airplane started the flying. When the plane had gone some way, it took the accident. Many people were injured, but the Alex's trauma was fatal, and he died. After this catostrofy the best friend of Alex phone to Alice, and she almost lost consciousness. She felt alone.

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