Всего в нашей базе более 4 327 664 вопросов и 6 445 981 ответов!

1) вставить буквы. NE_SPAPER, fav_urit_, impr_ve,_now, forei_n, v_cabulary, pronun_ia_ion, _seful, p_rase, m_an, impo_tant, l_arn.

5-9 класс

2) categorize the words of exercise 1 info `` Nouns``, ``Abjectives`` , ``Verbs``.

потом расположенно три столбика по три линиии с надписями `` Nouns``, ``Abjectives`` , ``Verbs``.

Ñǻśŧēŋǻ 23 дек. 2013 г., 9:11:24 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
23 дек. 2013 г., 11:39:19 (10 лет назад)

1)NEWSPAPER(газета),favourite(любимый),improve(улучшать),know(знать),foreign(иностранный) ,vocabulary(словарь),phrase(фраза),mean(средний),important(важный),learn(учиться)

+ 0 -
23 дек. 2013 г., 12:34:10 (10 лет назад)

Nouns     -   NEWSPAPER,vocabulary, pronounciation,phrase,


Adjectives   -favourite  , foreign,  useful,  important .

 Verbs  - improve, know,mean,   learn


Другие вопросы из категории

Вставьте пропущенное слово:

you are!"
"Thank you!"

Выберите соответствующую форму глагола.

He will call you when he ___in the office.

A. was B.
will be C. is D. be

Jane will leave before we _____ .

A. come B. will
come C. came D. had come

When Ann ______
, get in touch with her.

A. will come back

B. come back

C. will be coming back

D. comes back

Chose the correct variant.

Washington...in 1791.
A) was founded B) found C) is renamed
D) appointed E) has been built

Читайте также

вставьте буквы Present Simple 1.what is the name of the fortress-i don*t________.(know)

2.look!the puppy________with the frog.(play)
3.what are you doing?-I*m drawing a map.I________the map for my project.(need)
4.why are the brothers crying-they_______ice cream.(want)
5.where is ann -in the kitchen.she_______lemon tea for her mum.(make)
6.i usually ________sandwiches and a cup of tea for breakfast.(have)

Cверху звёздочки это запятые просто не могу сверху их писать


Вставьте буквы A, B и C вместо пропусков.

1) A(in) B(on) C(to)
2) A(at) B(in) C(-)
3) A(with) B(at) C(on)
4) A(at) B(of) C(in)
5) A(on) B(with) C(in)
Colours are all around us and they can mean or symbolise different things. Let’s take a look at... RED.
Red can be the colour of danger. When traffic lights are red, they warn drivers and pedestrians to stop. The red light is always 2)........... the top of the lights where everyone can see it.
Red is also the colour for kings and queens. When royalty visit places, people roll out a red carpet for them to walk 3)...........This is a sign of respect.
The red cross is a symbol of protection. It is the symbol of an organisation which gives help to those who need it. During a war, soldiers don’t fire those who carry5 the red cross symbol.
A red rose is a sign 4)...........romantic love. On Valentine’s Day people give each other red roses or chocolates 5)...........red boxes the look like hearts

Помогите пожалуйста в цифры нужно вставить буквы, пожалуйста помогите, буквы могут повторятся You are going to read some articles about schools in Brita

in. For questions 1-9 choose from the schools (A-D). The schools may be chosen more than once. Which schools: 1 is a comprehensive school? 2 is a boarding school for boys? 3 is a school where boys and girls study together? 4 is a college of further education? 5 offers free education? 6 prepares special food for pupils? 7 is for those who are good at sport? 8 concentrates on studying Maths and Information Technology? 9 was repaired and decorated not long ago? A) If you are a Year 11 student, no matter whether a boy or a girl, thinking about what direction to take after school, or a Year 9 or 10 student considering your future goals, you will be making important decisions that will affect the rest of your life. We offer a great range of courses for Post Leaving Certificate and for about students. Students who successfully complete their studies at the College get the necessary qualifications to enter their chosen career or to continue their studies at the third level. The education is free, however, there are sums of money that students have to pay to attend all courses: for example, registration fees, examination fees. Students will be informed at interview about the specific prices of their chosen course. B) The School is set on the edge of an attractive market town almost in the centre of England. School House, the boarding residence, is set in an attractive Georgian house. The House is comfortably furnished and offers an attractive "family" atmosphere to boys aged between 11 and 19 years. Entry into School House is by interview, not examination, and the important criteria for selection are a willingness to live happily and study effectively in a society of boys. We have very competitive prices and, with a long and successful tradition of boarding, it is very often the case that too many people want to study here. All special diets are catered for. C) Our school is unique. It is a school for boys and girls aged from 7 to 18 years. Our boarding fees will be a little over &10,500 per year - that is about half what you would expect at a private school. This is a specialist Sports College. In addition to all the usual facilities for sport we have an indoor swimming pool and a Riding School. Boarding houses are organised to reflect the needs of each age group. Younger children live in Rank Weston House. Boarders aged from 11 to 13 have a separate house for boys and for girls. Older boys and girls live in Gatton Hall. All of the boarding Houses have been completely repaired in recent years. There is always a vegetarian option and other diets can be catered for by special arrangement. D) Our school is co-educational state secondary school, with almost 1400 pupils and students. About 1100 pupils between the ages of 11 and 16 study for their GCSE exams, with more than 300 students in our Sixth Form studying for A-Level exams. The school is accommodation is set around three buildings. Pupils in Years 9 to 11 are based in the main building in the town. The Sixth Form is based in the old girls high school buildings. Years 7 and 8 are based in a separate building. We want our pupils to work with business to develop our Specialist School status as a Maths and Computing College, and develop the skills to succeed in these and other fields.

1. Y-- c-n't m-k- -n –m-l-t w-th--t br--k-ng -ggs 2. Wh- h-s n-v-r t-st-d b-tt-r, kn-ws n-t wh-t -s sw--t 3. Th- pr--f -f th- p-dd-ng -s -

n th- --t-ng

4. D-n't p-t -ll y--r -ggs -n -ne b-sk-t

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