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помогите перевисти текст алла несвит the Roman Britian

5-9 класс

данил424 22 мая 2013 г., 4:42:22 (11 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
22 мая 2013 г., 7:25:07 (11 лет назад)

Немного не понял вопрос, попробуй сформулировать вопрос более ясно.

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22 мая 2013 г., 8:03:10 (11 лет назад)

Полина нет так делай


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Make the sentences negative and interrogative.

1.Lisa is making a cake.____________________
2.Jerry and Mark are playing tennis.____________________________
3.The students are eating their sandwich._________________

Перепишите предложения, используя глаголы и наречия, как показано на примере. 1. He is a good writer. - He writes well

2. She is a slow runner.

3. They are clever players.

4. He is a careful driver.

5. They are hard workers.

6. Fiona is a bad singer.

7. Paula is a beautiful dancer.

1. your classmate is going to spend his/her Christmas holiday in Europe. ask 5 questions about his/her plans.

example: why are you going to spend your holiday in Germany?
2. write about your hobby.(мне про рисование, если можно)

маша лечила волков и медедя - маша загадала 3 желания, она попросила чтобы рыбка достала из воды мяч, попросила леденец и чтобы мишка

поимал большую рыбу

Маша закрывает злаза руками

Маша слушает сердце мидведя

Маша лепит снежный комочик

Маша звонит по телефону

Переведите на английский только не через пореводчик зарание спасибо огромное

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Помогите проверить текст, если есть ошибки исправьте. Буду очень признательна. Two thousand years ago the Roman conquest of the British

Isles. They were at that time inhabited by Celtic tribes and the Romans were the most developed nation in the world. In 55 BC the Romans invaded the domain of the Celts. Celtic warriors fiercely attacked by aliens, and the Romans came back with nothing. A year later, the Roman troops attacked again and defeated the Celts.
In fact, the British Isles were conquered. The Celts continued to wage war against the Roman troops. To protect their conquest, the Romans had to be placed in a permanent British troops - and they brought in this region their culture. They built roads, bridges, baths and much more. They left in the local language a lot of Latin words. Roman rule ended in 407. The Roman legions were withdrawn from the islands to protect the central province of barbarians, and never went back there.

Answer the questions. 1.Who is telling the story? 2.Where was the writer born? 3.Where did he live in England? 4.Where was the end of the Roman

territory? 5.How did the Roman boy and the Celtic girl meet? 6.Why didn't the girl die when she fell off the wall? 7.What was the girl's name? 8.Who was the girl's aunt? 9.Why was the Roman boy scared of Druids? 10.Patrick and Hilori got married,didn't they? 11.Who started the war between the Romans and the Celts? 12.What happened in yhe end? 13.What did the ring bring in this story? Помогите пожалуйста.

Кто говорит история? 2. Где он родился? 3. Где он живет в Англии? 4. Где был конец римской территории? 5. Как римский мальчик и девочка кельтских встретиться? 6. Почему ты не девушка умирает, когда она упала стена? 7. Как звали девушку? 8. Кто был тети девушки? 9. Почему римский мальчик боится друидов? 10. Патрик и Hilori вышла замуж, не так ли? 11. Кто начал войну между римлянами и кельтами? 12. То, что произошло в 5 он закончится? 13. Что кольцо принести в эту историю?

Переведите пожалуйста слова на английский,используя вот этот текст) Заранее спасибо) The earliest record of this games goes back

to 776 BC. The ancient Games were held in honour of Zeus the most important god for ancient Greeks. According to the earliest recordis, only one athletic event was held in the ancient Olympics-a footrace of about 183 metres, or the lengeth of the stadiom. A cook, Coroibus of Elis, was the recorded winner. Only men were allowed to compete or watch the games. When the powerful, warlike Spartans began to compete, they changed the programme of the Games. The 18th Olympics already included wrestling and pentathlon, and later Games-chariot races and other sports. The winners of the Games were heighly praised and honoured for their results. In 394 AD the Gameswere officially ended by the Roman emperor Theodosius, who felt that they had pagan meaning.

The Roman Empire had a huge task in front of them while it was first starting out and while it was becoming a dominant dynasty in the early

civilizations. The main problem that the book «Discovering the Global Past» points out is how the Roman Empire found itself growing a little too quickly. The Roman Empire started out very small on the Tiber River and grew abruptly without warning. Before they knew it, they were not a small power but now one with a great number of people with a great number of cultures intertwined within the Roman Empire. They were now spread over an immense portion of land with much power coming with it. The question now is how they are going to be able to handle all of this power and continue to dominate the world without any blueprints to help them out from previous dynasties because it had never been done before. We now have some evidence to help understand this and to show how it did happen. So courtesy of the «Discovering the Global Past» they have seven pieces of evidence that will help prove that the Roman Empire could handle the challenge of taking on the mastery of world power.

1.he married couples contrary to the laws of the roman empire,..?

2.he lived three hundred years after the death of jesus christ in the roman empire,..?
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