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0) My sister continued studying/to

5-9 класс

study (to study) music at the Conservatoire.

1) Helen started (to sing) when she was a little girl.

Chaitan73 09 авг. 2014 г., 21:54:46 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
09 авг. 2014 г., 23:50:13 (9 лет назад)

1.to sing
7.to go


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Talk about your disasters.
Say:what disaster, you think, is the most terrible;
what the disaster can damage or destroy;
what emergency workers do to help people;
what disaster you saw, what your felt about it.

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My sister Charlotte was born when I was seven and my mother decided she needed a nanny to took after us. So we get Alison. She was very young,

seventeen I think, and wonderful. I adored her. She only worked part-time with us before she started her training at Norland College. She had to drees in the morning and take me to school. After school she made us delicious teas and read us stories in bed. On Charlott's birthday she organized a fantas- tic party. When Alison left, we had a trained nanny who lived with us and worked full-time. She was called Nanny Barnes by everyone, including my parents. She was older and quite traditional and wore a uniform. It was then that I realized that I wanted to be a nanny. I have always got on well with children. I have always enjoyed taking care of my sister and youger cousins. I told Mummy very firmly that I wanted to be a nanny when I grew up. At the time she lauged. I know that she and Daddy thougt it was just a childish phase I was going through, but it wasn't. They thought I would follow in my father's footsteps and study law. But i didn't. There were some terrible rows but I didn't go to university. I left school and spent a year working at Ludgrove School, where Prince William used to go. Then I stated my training course at Norland College. I finished the course last month and I've applied for the post of nanny to twins aged six months. Mummy and Daddy weren't angry for long, we made it up before I went to college, and they have encouraged me ever since.

My Sister Maria

There are some things that I don't like about my sister Maria. First of all, she spends much timein the bathroom in the morning before school, when everybody is hurrying. When I finally get there,the floor is always wet! Secondly, she speaks for hours on the telephone, and I can't talk with myfriends. Thirdly, she always chooses a TV programme to watch, and I often miss my favouritecartoons and films. Besides all, she wears awful clothes.However, there are some things that I like about Maria. To start with, she supports my favouritefootball team "Dynamo". Also she knows lots of interesting stories, and I never feel bored with her.Finally, when my mum and dad get angry with her, they don't pay attention to me

перевидите плиз срочно очень нужно только точний перевод пожалуста!!!!1

Well, i believe i'm a normal teenager. I often have hangouts with my friends and do teenage things. My friends mean alot to me and i like to socialise

with them. My parents are always nagging when i do badly at school and say that i should focus more on my study. Of course i feel lack of privacy like many teenagers as my parents also want to know what I`m up to. It`s impossible to keep anything in secret! But i love them and try to build up a bridge
Переведите пожалуйста

помогите пожалуйста!!! I. Fill in the gaps with the correct pronouns or possessive adjectives. 1. Mary said. I want to go out with my friends.' Mary

said (that) ...she... wanted to go out with ...her... friends. 2. Tom said. 'I have lost my keys.' Tom said (that) ....................... had lost ......................... keys. 3. Bob and Marie said. 'We are taking our dog for a walk.' Bob and Marie said (that) ............................. were taking ......................... dog for a walk. 4. Andrew said. 'My sister is coming to visit me next week.' Andrew said (that)....................... sister was going to visit ........................ the following week. 5. Mr Jones said, 'I need to buy a present for my wife.' Mr Jones said (that) ......................... needed to buy a present for .................. wife. 6. Father said. 'I want you to wash my car for me.' Father said (that) .................... wanted ................... to wash .................... car for ................. . II. Turn from direct into reported speech 1. "I can't find my bag,' she said. She said (that) she couldn't find her bag. 2. They are working in the garden." he said. 3. 'We got married six months ago.' she said to us. 4. 'I'll go shopping tomorrow." he said. 5. 'I bought a new car last week.' he said. 6. "We aren't doing anything next week." they said 7. 'I can't go out tonight.' she said to me. 8. 'I forgot to pay the bill,' he said. 9. 'We've brought you a present.' she said to me 10. 'I'll phone you tomorrow.' she said to Peter. (если что то вот сайт с этими заданиями http://www.urszulawaligora.eu/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=67&Itemid=114 только №1 и №2 надо)пожалуйста я ничего не понимаю(((

1, My father ... a teacher. 2. He ... a pupil twen­ty years ago. 3.1... a doctor when I grow up. 4. My sister ... not ... at home tomorrow. 5. She ... at

school tomorrow. 6. ... you ... at home tomorrow? 7,... your father at work yesterday? 8. My sister ... ill last week. 9. She ... not ill now. 10. Yesterday we... at the theatre. 11. Where ... your mother now? — She ... in the kitchen. 12. Where ... you yesterday? — I ... at the cinema. 13. When I come home tomorrow, all my family ... at home. 14. ... your little sister in bed now? — Yes, she ... 15. ... you... at school tomorrow? — Yes I ... . 16. When my granny... young, she ... an actress. 17. My friend K,,. in Moscow now. 18. He ... in St. Petersburg to­morrow. 19. Where ... your books now? -- They ... in my bag.

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