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Complete the dialogue. Act it out with your classmate.

5-9 класс

A: Have you ever ..............?
B: No, not yet.
A: ............... Its worth seeing.
B: ...................................... .
A: Lets arrange the day and the time, then.
B:.......................................................... .
A: OK. Bye ,then.
B: ......................................................... .
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Botonbot 22 февр. 2014 г., 10:54:10 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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22 февр. 2014 г., 12:14:54 (10 лет назад)

A: Have you ever been in England ?


Другие вопросы из категории

1.Write the following statements in reported speech: 1) Mother said: “There are seven nice cups on the table.” 2) “I want to have the magic carpet

tomorrow”- the king said. 3) The prince told the girl: “I can help you to get your ball”. 4) “You must eat less hamburgers.”- said the doctor. 5) The boy said: “My grandfather works in this hospital.” 6) Mary said: “He has lived in Omsk for 2005.” 7) “I wrote a letter to Alice”- said my elder sister. 8) Angela said:”I’m too late today.” 9) Mark said: “I’ll take some medicine.” 10) “I got a “two” in Math today”- said Pete to his mother. 11) “It’s too cold to go skiing,”- said father. 12) “I ran away and swam across the river,”-said John.

пожалуйстаааа помогите

10 предложений на тему "Cruise ship"

Fill in the gaps with the correct from of the verbs in brackets.

1. my mother (to cook) supper by 6 o'clock yesterday.
2. the new rules (to explain) to the students tomorrow.
3. listen! somebody (to play) the piano in the next room.
4. we (to work) without a break since 8 o'clock in the morning.
5. nick is an artist. he ( to draw) these beautiful landscapes lest week.
6. mary (to do) her homework before her homework before her father came.
7. the landscape (to draw) by my friend yesterday.
8. it is early morning. the sun (to shine) and the birds (to sing) their beautiful songs.
9. i (to live) in moscow since childhood.
10. the competition (to hold) at the stadium and a lot of fans came to the match.
11. mary is looking forward to (to see) your aunt.
12. john (to cook) a meal when his brother came.
13. my sister (to study) english for two years before she mover to london.
14. i (not / to read) all the articles yet.
15. my friends (to watch) TV at the moment.
16. mike is not keen on (to read) this book.

Open the brackets


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Complete the dialogue act it out with your classmate

A: Have you ever _______________?
B: No, not yet.
А: _________________It's worth seeng.
В: ____________________
А: Let's arrange the day and the time, then.
В: ______________________
А: OK. Bye, then.
В: __________________

Put the dialogue in the correct order. act it out with your classmate!

⚠-You are welcome. Have a nice day.

TASK 3. Complete the dialogue. Past Simple or Present Perfect? Alex wants to go to an art college and is

being interviewed by Tom Smith, one of the lecturers.

Complete the questions which Tom asks him. Read the whole conversation before you start.

TOM: Right, Alex, let's find out something about you. You're obviously not a teenager, so when (I)_______ you ____ school?

ALEX: Five years ago, actually.

TOM: And where (2)________ you since then?

ALEX: Well I've had several jobs.

TOM: What (3) ________ first?

ALEX: I worked in a cafe for about a year. I needed to save some money.

TOM: Why (4)________ money?

ALEX: I wanted to travel a bit before I started studying.

TOM: Where (5)_______ to go?

ALEX: Well, theMiddle East,Latin America,Australia-

TOM: Good Lord! And (6)________ all those places?

ALEX: No, not yet. I've been toBrazilandPeruso far. And I spent some months inTurkey.

TOM: What (7)_________ there?

ALEX: I stayed with some friends nearIzmir. It was Wonderful.

TOM: You're very lucky. And now you want to come to college. (8) _______ some pictures

to show me?

ALEX: Urn, yes, I have a small portfolio here ..

TOM: Where (9)_________ this work?

ALEX: Mostly inTurkey.

TOM: Why (10)________ any inSouth America?

ALEX: I didn't have time really. And I was traveling light, I just did some pencil sketches.

TOM: (11)_________ them here with you?

ALEX: They're at the back of the portfolio.

TOM: Well, Alex, I'm very impressed. When (12) ________ interested in painting and drawing?

ALEX: I think I always have been.

TOM: I can believe that. Will you come with me? I want to show this work to my colleagues right away.

ALEX: Of course. Thank you very much.

Complete the sentences using possessive pronouns (my, your, his, her, our, their). 1 . I left … car in the garage. 2 . Mary hung … coat on the peg. 3 .

Jack had … hair cut. 4 . Neil and David ate … supper. 5 . I hope you enjoy … holiday. 6 . We’ll invite you round to … house sometime and complete these by addig a possessive with own. 7 . You must make up … own mind. 8 . The children had to cook … own supper. 9 . Bill borrowed Jenny’s car … own can was being repaired. 10 . I’ll bring … own sheets and towels. 11 . Every dog had … own special basket to sleep in. 12 . You should do … own washing up.

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