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Собрать с этих слов 8 предложений. favourite,is,game,may,drink,juice,pley,i,like,to,tennis

1-4 класс

Владос29 18 апр. 2015 г., 0:58:59 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
18 апр. 2015 г., 1:30:01 (9 лет назад)

My farourite food is - Burger
I love to play computer games
Orange juice is cool
My sister plays tennis
I was treated to a drink that was good yesterday


Другие вопросы из категории

Form all possible questions to the following sentences: 1.Mr.Smith reads the Times after breakfast. 2. He lives in a small town in the North of Poland.

3.The children must stay at home as it is raining. 4.Ann is helping her mother in the kitchen. 5. My elder daughter doesn't like porridge.

Представьтесь от имени сказачного героя так,чтобы ваши друзья догадались ,кто это.

I am a............
I am........and...........
Im not............
I like............
My friends are.........
They are......and...........
We like.........together.

Помогите пожалуйста . Завтра надо сдать. Умоляю .

snowy, it, will, tomorrow, be _____________________________tomorrow, go, to, we, the zoo, shall.__________________________he, play, will, next week, football?___________________________skate, they, will, tomorrow, not._____________________________shall, play, we, volleyball?_________________________________ 2. Составь три типа вопросов к предложению

Put the words in the right order and make guestions. Then write true answers.

1. badges / you / have / got/any?

2. have / calculator / got / a / you?

3. Sadie / Lisa / and / tissues / have / any / got?

4. a/ and / Joe / Sadie / have / tortoise / got?

5. They / snake / a / have / got?

6. you / dictionary / a / got / have?

Читайте также

составь вопрос из этих слов is/room/the/childrens/what/in/there

составь предложение из всех этих слов a lot of/hills/there are/in the/green/ country

дополни предложение ----- ------- a lot of rooms in their flat.
выбери подходящее по смыслу слово The houses in the city are very ------
1.small 2.angry 3.windy 4. tall


из этих слов составите предложение пожалуйста

are There two in flat our bedrooms
living room is nice There a his house in
a my flat in is bathroom There nice
TV in no There my is room

Помогите с англ яз задание расставить слова в предложения слова вот walk don"t, be, lete, eat, faad, wash, ask, help, do, turn off, don"t, be, silly.

Предложения вот ... сколько троеточия столько слов в предложениях. Jeck! Jessica! ... ... the computer! And ... your homewok.Jessica, ... your meal, plese. And ... Freddie. He's hungry! Ok. I will. please ... the dishes, David. I'm afraid, I can't do if now. I'll do it in the evening. Ok? David! ... Freddie!and ... ... ... for dinner, piease! Ok. I won"t. Mum! ... me with my homework, plaese! I m sorry, i have no time ...Dad!

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