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нужен стих на английском про олимпиаду

5-9 класс

Nusha304 11 мая 2013 г., 4:01:19 (11 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
11 мая 2013 г., 6:37:44 (11 лет назад)

Explode over the quiet city of Russia
Olympus and here erected a bulwark
Praise heroes that will show our strength,
In Sochah ignited wildfire.

And the sun will shine brighter than the coin:
Believe me, it's still not a trifle,
Not for nothing all gods cried,
And proudly flies the white-blue-red flag.


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переведите прошк!!!!!
СРОЧНО СРОЧНО ПОМИГИТЕ 20 БАЛОВ ПРАВДА!!!!!!!КТО ДЕЛАЛ ПОМОГИТЕAbility ; achieve ;ambition; award; championship; go in for; gold ;hard necessary

;professional ;properly s;et a record ;top; try.
С верху даны слова которые нужно подставить в предложения)

I... running since I was 9 years old. My ..... is to compete for Great Britain in the European ..... and to become a .... sportsman.
last year I won the Young Sportsman of the Year... . I .... hard and .... for the 100 metres . I'd like to be an Olympic swimmer one day. I want to win to .... medal. I know it is .....to train .... and ... if I want to.... my addition.
I first started playing the piano when I was six. My teacher says that l have musical ..... . But it is necessary to work a lot if l want to become a ...... .

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