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Дайте текст A roaring good time.By Margo Fallis.Part 1 и part 2.Сказали нужно перевести а в интернете не нахожу.Буду благодарна если напишите текст.

1-4 класс

Дмитрий18101997 02 марта 2017 г., 18:33:53 (7 лет назад)
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02 марта 2017 г., 21:16:27 (7 лет назад)

Ревущие хорошие время.Margo Fallis


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Прочитайте текст и выполните задания.It was the first day at school. It was nine o'clock. All the pupils were in the classroom. They knew they had a new teacher — Miss Chatter.After the bell Miss Chatter came into the room. She was kind and nice."Good morning, children," she said and smiled. The lesson began. But the pupils didn't do what their new teacher said. They spoke loudly and ran in the classroom.Suddenly it became dark and very cold for a minute. The pupils sat still at their desks and looked at Miss Chatter.Their new teacher took Oliver's pen, looked at it and said: "Three, two, one!" The blue pen became red and turned into a nice red umbrella. Miss Chatter took the umbrella and touched Oliver's chair. The chairs began to dance with the children sitting on them. Oliver was happy. All pupils laughed. Soon all the chairs and the pupils danced in the classroom.Miss Chatter opened the umbrella and the rain of sweets began. The pupils were surprised but happy. "It's great!" Oliver said.In the second lesson Miss Chatter and her pupils counted white rabbits and black kittens in the classroom, read stories about whales, talked with the goldfish. Children answered her questions, drew on the walls of the classroom and learned funny poems by heart. The pupils had a good time. They enjoyed Miss Chatter's lessons.The next morning Oliver, Ann and their classmates ran to school. But there was a different teacher in the classroom — a new teacher."Where's Miss Chatter?" asked Ann."Who?""Our teacher — Miss Chatter!" answered Oliver."I don't know Miss Chatter. Let's begin our lesson," said the new teacher.The children were sad. But Oliver saw Miss Chatter's red umbrella in the left corner of the classroom. He smiled.
1. Закончи предложение, выбрав один вариант из трех предложенных.

Прочитать текст Dear Alex,Thank you for your letter. In summer I v/as in the country, too. In June my mum took my brother and me to the Black Sea. The sea

was blue and nice. The weather was sunny and hot. We swam and dived a lot. We saw dolphins in the sea.They were big and strong. I think dolphins are the nicest animals in the sea.In July I went to the country with my grandma. We lived on the farm. There were many green fields and a long river next to our farm. There was a green garden with apple trees behind our house. In the morning I fed hens and ducks. Then I rode a horse in the fields. I saw a lot of cows and sheep there. I like to live in the country.In August my dad and I went to Moscow. It's the capital of Russia. It's thebiggest city in our country. The streets are wide and long in Moscow. There are lots of people, cars and tall houses. One day we visited the most interesting place in Moscow — the zoo. We saw many different animals: eagles, camels, monkeys, elephants, tigers, bears and a giraffe Samson. I spent (провёл) five days in Moscow. And I was glad to come back home. Now I know "East or West home is best!" I like my friends and my old green town — Kaluga.Would you like to visit Kaluga next summer? We'll have a good time together'Write back.Your friend, Dima SokolovСлайд 2Выполни задания к тексту Закончи предложения, выбрав один вариант из трёх предложенных. 1) In June Dima went to...a) to the country. b) to the Black Sea. c) to Moscow.2) Dima liked the dolphins because...a) they were nice, big and strong. b) he fed them in the morning. c) they swam and dived a lot.Выбери правильные ответы на вопросы. 1) Where did Dima ride a horse?a) in the forest. b) in the fields. c) in the garden.2) Why was Dima glad to get back home?a) He didn't like Moscow. b) He likes to live in the country. c) He likes his friends and his old town.3. Выбери утверждение, которое не соответствует содержанию письма. a) Dima and his brother saw dolphins in the sea.b) Dima and his dad lived on the farm in July.c) Dima visited Moscow zoo in August.d) Dima was glad to come back home.

помогите плиз нам задали вот такое задание нужно перевести этот текст " Winter is a good time for a stroll in a small park and play with friends in the

snow" и написать противоположное предложение этому тексту токо на английском

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Jason and Becky usually have three lessons. The first lesson is Maths. They count pencils and play computer games. In the second lesson Jason and Becky learn English. They speak English and write new words. In the third lesson they sing songs and draw funny picures. Cheldren have a good time at school.

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