Всего в нашей базе более 4 327 664 вопросов и 6 445 981 ответов!

задайте вопросы

1-4 класс

I av in Africa. - Are you in Africa?
1 I am nine. -................nine?
2 I am little. - ...............little?
3 I have got a bear. -............a bear?
4 I am from Africa. -............from Africa?
5 I want to play. - .........to play?

Blin4 06 мая 2014 г., 17:03:01 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
06 мая 2014 г., 18:27:52 (10 лет назад)

1. are you
2. are you
3. have you got
4. are you
5. do you want


Другие вопросы из категории


надо написать сочинени НА АНГЛИЙСКОМ И С ГРАМАТИКОЙ!!!!
на тему "как я провёл лето"))))
P.S.Если что я была в городе ходила на две фотосессии,танцевала,помогала маме и читала)))и была в деревне и там я помогала тёте,дяде и бабушке с дедушкой)))НА УРОВНЕ 4 И 5 КЛАССА(прошу не переводить в переводчике)

Tomorrow it will be Satyrday. It's be my Mummy's birthday! She'll be thirty-one. But she looks twenty, she really does! My Dad and I will get up early in

the morning, when Mum is still asleep.We'll cleanthe house and go to the shopto byu presents for Mother.I don't know what we'll buy.We shai see. But of course we'll buy flowers.All women like flowers,you know! I think we'll buy a beautiful blouse for her.She likes to wear blouses.We shall buy tasty things, too: sweets,chocolate,icecream,cookies,apples,oranges, bananas and what not! When Mum gets up we'll congratulate her on her birthday.We'll give her the presents and sing the song
Happy birthday to you,

Happy birthday to you.

Happy birthday,dear Mummy

Happy birthday to you!
Mother will invite her friends to her birthday party.They will come in the evening at about seven o'clock.Mum will put on her party dress.Dad will be in his best too.I'LL put on my new white shirt and blue trousers.We'll have a good time!Last year we had a lot of fun that day.Father wanted to make a surprise for Mother-to cook a birthday cake.When he put the cake on the table Mum asked: ''What is it,I wonder?'' ''It's my present for you on your birthday.It's a birthday cake.Icooked it for you.'' Mum thanked Dad and ate some cake. I wondered how she could eat the cake! It was very had, it really was! I was very hungry but I couLdn,t eat it!
The next day, when Dad wasn't at home I asked my Mum, ''How could you eat the cake yesterday? Did you Like it''?

Write about your sitting-room (living-room).

Читайте также

Задай вопросы и запиши их (Ask questions and write them down)

She likes to play with her doll.
He can play hockey.
He wants to go to the Zoo.

Помогите задать вопросы.

Задайте вопросы по образцу.

I am at home.- Why are you at home?

1. I am strong.
........................ strong?
2. I can skate well.
........................skate well?
3. I must go to the forest.
.........................to the forest?
4. I have got five pets.
.......................five pets?
5. I would like to have five pets
.....................to have five pets?

Задайте вопросы по образцу.
She is funny. - Why is she funny?

1. The pupils are sad.
2. They have got two dogs.
................... two dogs?
3. They can swim well.
4. We must live in the forest.
.....................in the forest?
5. The pig is fat.
................ fat?


Задайте вопросы к подлежащему.1.Dasha wrote a letter. ...............a letter?2.They were in Dmitrov. ............in Dmitrov?3.The girls sing English

songs. ............English songs?4.They have got a horse. ..............a horse?5.We are ready. .................ready? Задайте альтернативные вопросы.1.She brought a sweet.(a cake)2.He studies English.(Russian)3.There are six nuts in the box.(seven)4.They do their homework at school.(at home)5.She must translate Text One.(Text Two)

Помогите задать вопрос к предложению I went with my sister.Чтоб вопрос начинался на Who кончался на with . We saw "The Matrix".What _____?. Предложение

Yes,we liked the film very much Вопрос Did____? Не подведите меня помогите пожалуйста !!!

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