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The Kyoto Protocol

5-9 класс

The Kyoto Protocol is an addition to the United Nations Convention on Climate Change.
Countries which ratify this protocol commit to reducing their emissions of carbon dioxide and five other greenhouse gases. Industrialised countries have specified reduction targets and can engage in emissions trading or what's being called "Joint implementations". Finally, countries can take part in a third instrument, the "Clean development mechanism".
A total of 141 countries have ratified the Kyoto agreement. Notable exceptions include the United States and Australia. The agreement came into force on February 16, 2005, following ratification by Russia.
The Kyoto Protocol may seem just a small first step to dealing with climate change, but it is significant. We have to find ways to contribute to socio-economic growth and at the same time lower our emissions of greenhouse gases.
But the major changes of our energy systems that are required, are not only to reduce their harmful effects, but also to address the oil shortage, the security of our energy supply, and even world peace.
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Yuliya694 15 янв. 2015 г., 23:33:58 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
16 янв. 2015 г., 2:02:06 (9 лет назад)

he Kyoto Protocol is an addition to the United Nations Convention on Climate Change.Countries which ratify this protocol commit to reducing their emissions of carbon dioxide and five other greenhouse gases.  A total of 141 countries have ratified the Kyoto agreement. Notable exceptions include the United States and Australia. The agreement came into force on February 16, 2005, following ratification by Russia. But the major changes of our energy systems that are required but also to address the oil shortage, the security of our energy supply, and even world peace.

+ 0 -
16 янв. 2015 г., 3:34:41 (9 лет назад)

The Kyoto Protocol is an addition to the United Nations Convention on Climate Change.Countries which ratify this protocol commit to reducing their emissions of carbon dioxide and five other greenhouse gases. A total of 141 countries have ratified the Kyoto agreement. Notable exceptions include the United States and Australia. The agreement came into force on February 16, 2005, following ratification by Russia. But the major changes of our energy systems that are required but also to address the oil shortage, the security of our energy supply, and even world peace.


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Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense-form. (Ответы вводим после текста!)

While I was walking along the road the other day, I 21 ________ (happen) 22 ________ (notice) a small brown leather purse lying on the pavement. I 23________ (pick) it up and 24 ________ (open) it to see if I 25 ________ (can) 26 ________ (find) out the owner`s name. There 27 ________ (be) nothing inside except some coins and a photo of a woman and a girl. The girl 28 ________ (look) like the woman`s daughter. I 29 ________ (see) that the photo had been taken many years before. I 30 ________ (put) it back and 31 ________ (take) the purse to the police-station.
21. (happen)
22. (notice)
23. (pick)
24. (open)
25. (can)
26. (find)
27. (be)
28. (look)
29. (see)
30. (put)
31. take

Выберите правильное About a week (1)before /in the end I went to Peter's birthday party I bought him a present. I got to the party early but (2)

later/as soon as I arrived I gave him the present and he liked it. Then some more people came and the party started. (3) First/Suddenly we had a drink. (4) Next/During we had tea. (5) After that/Dun'ng tea I talked to Sue but (6) before/as soon as we started talking her mother phoned. There was an emergency at home and she went home. But she came back (7) later/as soon as. It was a summer evening and we went outside. (8) First/Suddenly the moon came out and we all looked at the moonlight in the garden. (9) After that/During we went back in again. We played some music, talked and danced. (10) Suddenly/In the end we all went home. It was a good party.

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помогите прочитать текст русскими буквами как он читается по английски но не перевод его а именно как читать пожалуйста! :The world we live in can be a

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anne landed near a woman and scratched her leg
many tourists came to the tower of london the next day
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пожалуйста помогите перевести дам много балов

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