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Match two halves to make phrases

5-9 класс

1) to monitor
to evacuate
to warn
to broadcast
to rescue the survivors
to limit
2) people from the flooded village
the warning on the radio and TV
the destruction caused by the flood
the water level
people about the danger
of the volcano eruption

Sergeyglushko 03 марта 2017 г., 1:32:11 (7 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
03 марта 2017 г., 2:29:47 (7 лет назад)

to monitor the water level
to evacuate people from flooded village
to warn people about the danher
to broadcast the warning on the radio and TV
to rescue the survivors of the volcano eruption
to limit the destruction caused by the flood

+ 0 -
03 марта 2017 г., 5:19:27 (7 лет назад)

to monitor  the warning on the radio and TV
 to evacuate people from the flooded village
to warn people about the danger
to limit the water level
to broadcast the destruction caused by the flood
to rescue the survivors of the volcano eruption


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Match the words to make phrases Match the words to make phrases

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a)Match the words to make phrases.

to enjoy guests

Match the words to make phrases

to borrow English
to improve sightseeing
to spend holidays
to invite a dictionary
to go guests

A) Match the world to make phrases.

( to) take. abroad
(To) invite. Place
(To) collect. The date
(To)arrange. Badges
(To) go. Quests

B) Complete b the sentences with the new word combinations.
1) Sam is going to ... ... to his birthday party.
2) Let's ... ... of the meeting
3) Where will the party ... ... ? - In school
4) Have you got any hobbies? - Yes, I ... ...
5) The head teacher got an invitation letter yesterday. His student will ... ... Next month.

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