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Как правильно: point to me or point at me?

5-9 класс

Mezerable 24 марта 2014 г., 23:39:47 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
25 марта 2014 г., 0:45:35 (10 лет назад)

Point at указал на кого то


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Моя семья состоит из пяти человек: папа, мама, я, младший брат исестра. Папу зовут Марк Евгеньевич, он работает водителем. Маму зовут Елена Фёдоровна, она работает ведущим экономистом. Меня зовут Анастасия, я учусь в 7 классе и занимаюсь в конным спортом. Брата зовут Матвей, ему гол и месяца.Сестру зовут Полина, ей тоже год 4 месяца. Они Близнецы. Я всегда играю с ними и присматриваю за ними, пока мама с папой на работе. Мы любим с ним играть в мяч и смотреть мультфильмы. Вместе с папой мы ходим на рыбалку. Потом мама готовит нам вкусную уху. Свободное время мы всегда проводим вместе. Любим ходить в кино или гулять в парке. Летом ходим купаться на речку или ходим в лес за грибами и ягодами. А зимой катаемся на лыжах и коньках. Я всегда помогаю родителям: мою посуду и подметаю пол. Еще я сама убираюсь в своей комнате. Мои родители самые лучшие! Наша семья очень дружная, крепкая и самая счастливая!

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Where are boys?
Taj Mahal
Museum of Modern Art
Prime Minister
For elderly
South America

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где это необходимо.
1. My friend is teacher. Kate's
friends are ...... teachers too.

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ПОМОГИТЕ СОСТАВИТЬ ПО 5 ВОПРОСОВ К КАЖДОМУ ТЕКСТУ МОГУ КИНУТЬ ПЕРЕВОД)1 ТЕКСТ - Family means a lot to me. It's not just two three or seven people liv

ing together but a unity of people who support each other in different situation. Anything can happen in this life but i know that the only people who will always love and understand me are my family. Blood is thicker than water. That's why family is much more important to me than friends. Friends can betray you. There are lots of books and films about this. They can envy your success at school and your success with girls and even your cool jeans or a bike can make them feel jealous . It doesn't matter that i don't have many friends. And if i get into trouble, the people i ask for advice are my parents

2 ТЕКСТ - Friends are everything to me. Life isn't worth living without friends. My family... they don't care about me, and frankly speaking , i don't care much about them either. The only things they care about are their jobs and making money. Even my grades at school don't worry them much. Sometimes they ask me about my progress, but I'm never sure if they hear my answer. I would feel absolutely lonely if I did not have friends. We often gather at my place or somewhere else to speak about life, listen to music and have fun. Sometimes we quarrel, but I don't believe that my friends mean to hurt me. Life is cool with them.

3 ТЕКСТ - I think I'm
very lucky. I have a family that loves me and friends I enjoy spending time with. My parents and I are people of different generations, so we don't see the world in the same way. But I know they wish me well and I appreciate their advise. (Though sometimes I ignore it and forget about it) They don't like all of my friends, but they don't just say "no". They try to explain their point of view, and sometimes I find their arguments quite convincing. I agree that not all people you go out with can be called friends. Real friends are very rare and you should sherish them. And if you happen to find them, take care of them, never hurt them and try not to lose them.

ПЕРЕВЕДИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА СРОЧНО НАДО НА РУССКИЙ 1 ТЕКСТ - Family means a lot to me. It's not just two three or sev

en people living together but a unity of people who support each other in different situation. Anything can happen in this life but i know that the only people who will always love and understand me are my family. Blood is thicker than water. That's why family is much more important to me than friends. Friends can betray you. There are lots of books and films about this. They can envy your success at school and your success with girls and even your cool jeans or a bike can make them feel jealous . It doesn't matter that i don't have many friends. And if i get into trouble, the people i ask for advice are my parents

2 ТЕКСТ - Friends are everything to me. Life isn't worth living without friends. My family... they don't care about me, and frankly speaking , i don't care much about them either. The only things they care about are their jobs and making money. Even my grades at school don't worry them much. Sometimes they ask me about my progress, but I'm never sure if they hear my answer. I would feel absolutely lonely if I did not have friends. We often gather at my place or somewhere else to speak about life, listen to music and have fun. Sometimes we quarrel, but I don't believe that my friends mean to hurt me. Life is cool with them.

3 ТЕКСТ - I think I'm
very lucky. I have a family that loves me and friends I enjoy spending time with. My parents and I are people of different generations, so we don't see the world in the same way. But I know they wish me well and I appreciate their advise. (Though sometimes I ignore it and forget about it) They don't like all of my friends, but they don't just say "no". They try to explain their point of view, and sometimes I find their arguments quite convincing. I agree that not all people you go out with can be called friends. Real friends are very rare and you should sherish them. And if you happen to find them, take care of them, never hurt them and try not to lose them.

Как правильно ответить на вопрос?

Are there any similar events in your country to raise money for charity?
Как правильно сказать : в нашей стране пободных событий нет.

She asks me: “Please, go and turn the radio off”. 2. He says to me: “I don’t swim in the morning.” 3. Billy says: “Granny, water the flowers in the garden.

” 4. Sam says to me: “My mother is a doctor.” 5. Kitty says: “Don’t help me. I can do it myself.” Перевести предложения из прямой речи в косвенную

Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную формы. 1. Marmalade is made of oranges. 2. This town was built a century ago. 3. They were invited to a birthday party. 4. The fax has just been sent. 5. America was discovered long ago.

Употребите правильную форму глагола в пассивном залоге. 1. You (advise) to wear warm shoes in winter. 2. The time before bed (spend) very pleasantly. 3. Sniffer dogs (use) by police to detect drugs and explosives. 4. Huge pine trees (uproot) by the storm. 5. You (allow, not) to buy cigarettes if you are under sixteen.

как читается это текст Tomorrow is my birthday,And it's a magic date.Let my classmates come to me.And let's celebrate.Let them bring me presents,Let them

sing a song,And let's play computer games all day long.Let's go out for dinner,Then let's watch TV,Let me phone my Granny,And let her come to me.Let her make a big cake,And let's say "Hooray!" Let it my birthday every day!

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