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большое сочинение на целый А4 на тему 1 сентбря

5-9 класс

Svetlankasidor 09 нояб. 2013 г., 4:40:05 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
09 нояб. 2013 г., 5:55:58 (10 лет назад)

An essay on the topic "the First of September - the Day of knowledge"

I was thinking, why on the first day of the school year marked the Day of knowledge, and why it is called that way. After all, what is a school? This is the place where we learn many new and interesting things about the world, the secrets of nature and ourselves. We receive the knowledge and skills that will be useful to us throughout life, and learn to understand the beauty, to communicate with people, to develop their talents.

The first of September is a day of joy when, after the summer holidays we are going back to school to get new knowledge and to meet friends. This is the day when empty without the students are once again filled with children's voices and the shuffling of notebooks. Again happily school bell rings, signaling the beginning and the end of the lesson.

I still remember one of the first of September mum took me to school the first time. I remember it was a bit scary and very interesting! So many children, flowers, music, new elegant form... How many unexplored ahead! I knew that I was an adult, not desagues, and with trembling expected, what would be my first lesson.

On this day we go to school particularly elegant, with bouquets of flowers. Our teachers, assistant Directors, the Director said many warm words of wisdom, I wish you success in your studies. I think it's good to start the school year with a celebration, it charges a good mood for the difficult but interesting training routine.

+ 0 -
09 нояб. 2013 г., 6:55:58 (10 лет назад)

пожалуйста срочно надо


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переведите еще 1 текст , очень надо ! заранее спасибо

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Срочно нужно!!! Не большое сочинение на пол страницы на английском языке (желательно рядом перевод) Сочинение называется " A good beginning makes a good

ending" Как я поняла это переводится " все хорошо,что хорошо кончается" То есть придумать текст не большой и окончить его вот этой фразой) Если можно с простыми словами!! Учебник 4 класса!

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