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Don’t forget … everything I asked for. A) to buy B) buying C) to buying D) bought E) buy

5-9 класс

Ayna9 06 июня 2014 г., 14:14:18 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
06 июня 2014 г., 16:54:22 (10 лет назад)



+ 0 -
06 июня 2014 г., 19:49:59 (10 лет назад)

It is A(to buy)

Don't forget to buy everything I asked for



Другие вопросы из категории


1. If he (run), he’ll get there in time.2. They would be rather offended if I (not go) to see them.3. If you took more exercise, you (feel) better.4. If it (stop) snowing, we can go skiing.5. If I was offered a job, I think I (take) it.6. I’m sure Ann will lend you the money. I’d be very surprised if she (refuse).7. If you (not go) away, I’ll send for the police.8. If I sold my car, I (not get) much money for it.9. The police (arrest) him if they catch him.10. We (not have) any money if we didn’t work.11. Tell Mary to ring me up if you (see) her.12. What would happen if I (not come)?13. If he (like) the house, will he buy it?14. Carol gave me this ring. She (be) very upset if I lost it.15. Our friends are expecting us. They will be disappointed if we (not come).16. What will happen if my parachute (not open)?17. I’m sure Jane (understand) if you explained the situation to her.18. What you (do) if you lost your passport?19. If we (tell) them the truth, they wouldn’t believe us.20. If I lend you $1000, when you (repay) me?

Проверьте пожалуйста краткие утвердительные ответы на эти вопросы у меня:

1. Is this a pen? Yes, it's

2. Is this pen red? Yes, it's

3. Is that a pencil? Yes, it's

4. Is his name Nick? Yes, he is.

5. Is this lamp bad? Yes, it's

6. Is this a map? Yes, it's

7. Is it a large map? Yes, it's

8. Is this my bag? Yes, it's

Write the same in English 1.На что вы смотрите?2.Береги себя в поездке.3.Она сидела на диване и просматривала журнал.4.Что ты ищешь?5.Кто

присмотрит за ребёнком,пока меня не будет?.6.Он сказал,что не знает где ее искать.7.Где мне взять эти сведения?-Посмотри информацию в словаре.8.Господин Джонсон ищет работу.9.Какие документы ты проспатриваешь?10.За кем ты ухаживаешь?


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Ответьте на вопросы)what do you think is better for animals to live in zoos?what do you think is better for animals to live in wild animals parks?what

do you think is better for animals to live in the wild? помогите очень нужно)

Люди,помогите!!!Нужно предложения,написанные снизу вставить в текст,чтобы они подходили по смыслу... Soap Operas. In the 1930s, when radio was still in

its infancy, broadcasting stations in the USA wondered what type of programmes they should put on during the daytime. They came up with the idea of producing serials that would be on the radio every afternoon telling a continuous story. 7. _____________. Knowing that the majority of the audience would be women, the broadcasters decided that the women in the serials would be strong characters and the men weak. The serials were an instant success with listeners. As the radio stations were paid for by advertising, these programmes always carried advertisements and, since one of the most frequently advertised products was soap, the programmes became known as Soaps or Soap Operas. 8. ___________. The BBC had no interest in producing this type of programme but during the Second World War it was thought that the Americans should be shown how well the British people were standing up to the war. 9. ___________. It was called Front Line Family and showed how a typical English family, the Robinsons, were living during the war. 10.___________. The BBC were unwilling to do this but finally agreed and broadcast the programme in Britain, but changed the name to The Robinsons. The programme ran for six years. Other soaps were introduced later, one telling the life of a doctor’s family and another, The Archers, about life in a country village. The original aim of The Archers was to inform farmers of new developments in agriculture. The serial began in 1951 and is still to be heard on five evenings every week. Some attempts at soap opera began to appear on television in Britain in the mid-1950s, but it was not until 1961 that the first real soap opera appeared. 11. ___________. The serial, called Coronation Street, was about the lives of people living in a working-class street near Manchester. 12. ___________. The BBC never managed to produce a really successful soap opera until 1984, when it introduced Eastenders. This programme is about life in the area of the east end of London. For a time it had more viewers than Coronation Street and still rivals it as the most popular programme on the British television. There is a major difference between the two programmes in that Eastenders concentrates on rather depressing realism whilst Coronation Street, although having serious storylines, always contains a strong element of comedy. (A). This was shown not by the BBC, but by commercial television. (B.) To keep the listeners’ interest, there would be far more crisis accuring than in real life. (C). Some people in Britain managed to hear the programme and asked for it to be broadcasted for the British audience. (D). It was really by chance that the soap opera appeared in Britain. (E). Although the serial was planned to run for only thirteen weeks, it is still to be seen several nights every week and almost every week has more viewers than any other programme on British television. (F). For this reason, a soap opera was written for the North American service of the BBC. (G). It has always been the most popular programme on television.

Помогите перестроить предложения по образцу плииз 0) How old are you? I was asked/They wanted to know how old I was. 1) Why do you

want to study at our school?

I was asked/They wanted to know _______________________
2) What grades did you have at your school?

I was asked/They wanted to know _______________________
3) Did you have any problems with your classmates?

I was asked/They wanted to know _______________________
4) What book are you reading now?

I was asked/They wanted to know _______________________
5) What are your hobbies?

I was asked/They wanted to know _______________________
6) Do you need a special diet?

I was asked/They wanted to know _______________________
7) Have you had any operations?

I was asked/They wanted to know _______________________
8) Are there any special things that you want to tell us about yourself?

I was asked/They wanted to know ________________________

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