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5-9 класс

очень надо .

наганога 17 янв. 2015 г., 13:02:47 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
17 янв. 2015 г., 15:21:42 (9 лет назад)

My town changes a lot. The population gets bigger because people a moving from the countryside to the town. This causes traffic problems. People do not use public transport very much and they don't travel on bikes. Too many cars go into the town centre. The authorities tell people to stop using their cars so much, but people do not listen. People talk about the problem but they are not doing anything to solve it. 


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Plumes of steam are rising from anything that moves, mechanical or living. we step out onto the runway and quickly into our escort's van.

We are not dressed properly, but David and I go outside while the group is waiting for the luggage to be unloaded. Within minutes we are frozen solid and have to return to the heated van. We are warned to breathe only through our noses and never be without our heads covered. We had heard these warnings, but really didn't think they were serious. Now it's clear to us -- the cold is not to be messed with.

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