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прочитай текст и скажи: "why is the teacher sad?"

1-4 класс

Медика 06 апр. 2017 г., 4:03:51 (7 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
06 апр. 2017 г., 6:55:36 (7 лет назад)

The teacher is sad because the boy is very dirty. Учителю грустно, потому что мальчик очень грустный.


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Раскрой скобки. Поставь прилагательные в сравнительную или превосходную степень.

Example: The trainers are bigger than his shoes.(big)

1)The blue scarf is ______ than the green scarf.(warm)
2)I think the blue jeans are the _________.(good)
3) Look! the red T-shirt is _________ than the yellow T-shirt.(small)
4) Mag`s dress is the _______________.(beautiful)
5) This black umbrella is the ______________.(bad)

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My name is Vladimir.I am sixteen years old now.Tomorrow will be my last day at school,but I like to remember the day when I came here for the first time.
I got up very early that day.I put on a new jacket and trousers, took my schoolbag with a picture of Spiderman on it and went to school.
I wanted to be a pupil very much.The first lesson was Art.And our teacher asked us to draw a picture of our class.I was unhappy because I left my crayons at home.
A girl with red hair who sat next to me gave me some pencils.In my picture I drew that girl with red hair who helped me.
When I came back from school, my brother asked me:"Did you like school?" "Yes,I did" said I."What did you like best at school?"asked my father."The girl with the red hair",aswered I.
1.What did he wear to school?
2.What kind of picture was on his bag?
3.What was his first lesson?
4.Why was the boy sad?
5.What did he like best at school?

Прочитать текст и придумать 3 вопроса для одноклассников Nick is an english pupil. This is his first day at school. He

comes home from school and is very happy. 'What is the matter with you?' father asks. 'Do you like your teacher?' 'Not very much, Dad-dy,' answers the boy. 'I think she can't count well.' 'Why do you think so, my boy?" "Well, Dad, at first she says that three and thee are six and then she says that two and four are six. I think she can't count well."

1)... did the teacher tell her pupils? 2)... did the teacher ask Johh? 3)... did Johh answer? 4)... is your favourite season?

5)...do you like it?

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Поставить where , why, what.

Зараниё спасибо

1) The teacher is … the blackboard.(in/at/to)

2) She is putting the books … the bag. (into/in/to)
3) The teacher goes … the classroom at three o’clock. (on/out/of/at)
4) What do you do … work? (by/after/from)
5) Come … . (to/by/in)

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