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Write the degrees of comparison of the adjectives

10-11 класс


Alexanw 04 янв. 2014 г., 4:53:34 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
04 янв. 2014 г., 6:38:34 (10 лет назад)

1)Fine- finer - fin

+ 0 -
04 янв. 2014 г., 7:46:33 (10 лет назад)

А в словаре неохота посмотреть???? Лентяи.....


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You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Jane who writes:

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Sorry, I must finish now as I have to collect my sister from the kindergarten...

написать в прошедшем времени предложения.

On monday we have five lessons.
The finst lesson is Russian at this.
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Диагностическое тестирование 10

по разделу
«Грамматика английского языка»
Variant 2
Инструкция: Тест содержит 25
заданий. На выполнение работы
отводится 45 минут. Рекомендуется
выполнять задания по порядку.
Постарайтесь набрать наибольшее
количество баллов.
Part 1
Указание 1: прочитайте приведенные
ниже утверждения и заполните
пропуски в предложениях под
номером 1-4 соответствующими
грамматическими формами.
Complete the following sentences with a
\an, the, no article:
В 1. I went to … France last year, but I
haven’t been to … United Kingdom.
B2…..Lake Baikal is … deepest one in …
Fill in the gaps in the following sentences
with the most prepositions:
B3. There are many people … the park
B4. I get up … seven o’clock every day.
Complete the sentences with can, must,
may, or have to:
В 5. I’m sorry I couldn’t come yesterday. I
… to work late.
B 6. You … be at school by eight o’clock.
B7. My friend … speak French very fluently.
Open the brackets and use the proper
forms -ing/ to+ inf:
B8. Would you mind (open) the door?
B9. My father made me (work) hard.
Указание 2: прочитайте приведенные
ниже предложения с верными и
неверными утверждениями. Выберите
один верный ответ.
Choose the true or false form of the
degrees of comparison:
B10.Baseball is the popularest sport in
B11.Dorothy is the most good in the class.
B12. London is older than New York.
B13. Try to do as many as possible.
a true
b. false
B14.You watch TV too much.
a. false
b. true
B15. She has got many money.
a. true
b. false
Указание 4: При выполнении заданий
16-17 установите соответствие
между содержанием первого и
второго столбцов. К каждой форме
глагола из левого столбика следует
подобрать соответствующее
сигнальное слово из правого столбца.
В16. Match the halves of the table :
1. have found a. usually
2. will give b. last year
3.runs c. now
4. are watching d. next week
5.took е. already
В17. Match the form of the verb and its
Russian equivalent:
1.is bought a.покупается (обычно)
2.was bought b. был куплен вчера к 7
3.will be
bought c.уже куплен
4.has been
d.будет куплен
5.had been
bought e.был куплен (вчера)
Part 2
Указание 5: Прочитайте приведенные
ниже предложения с выбором
правильного ответа номер. Выберите
один верный ответ.
Choose the right variant of the reported
А18.Sally said, “I won the game.”
Sally said that she won the game.
Sally said that she had won the game.
Sally said she has won the game.
Sally said she had win the game.
А19.The doctor asked, “How do you feel?”
a. The doctor asked how I feel.
b. The doctor asked how I had felt
c. The doctor asked how I felt.
d. The doctor asked how I have felt.
Choose the correct tense and form of the
А20. If I had much money, I — abroad.
will go
would go
А21. At three o’clock that morning, Eleanor
—- in bed.
a. laid
b. lain
c. lay
d. was lying
А22. After she —- all her letters, she went
to the kitchen to make coffee.
a. wrote
b. had written
c. writes
d. has written
Указание 6: Прочитайте диалог.
Заполните пропуски в предложении
под номером 23 соответствующими
формами слов, напечатанных
заглавными буквами справа от
каждого предложения.
А23. — What’s the matter?
— I (1) —- for my keys. Look
As a rule, I (2 ) —- them in my coat pocket,
but they are not there, I ( 3) —-. Check
— Here you are. They (4) —- under the
book all the time. Lie
— Thanks a lot. You know I ( 5)— the key
some days ago. Lose
Указание 7: Прочитайте приведенные
слова, расположите их в нужном
порядке в соответствии с типом
предложения. Напишите о будущем
Put the words in the correct order:
А24. when/ they/books/ do/ read/ at
А 25. Сomment on the following
statement .Write a story of your future
travelling :
After you have sat down and fastened your
seat belts, the plane will take off.

Open the brackets and put the adjectives in the required degree of comparison. He speaks English (well) than she does. This

printer is (expensive). That one is even (expensive). This company is (important) in the world. The ColourScan scanner is (reliable) among others. The manufactures chose (high) technology to produce this device. This task is (difficult) than the previous one. You can buy (good) digital cameras in our shop. Dot-matrix printers are (cheap) than laser printers. The Micro Liser XT is (fast) of all. It is (easy) to draw rectangles than ellipses. We can provide you with any (far) information.

Помогите описать картину, как сочинение. Write a description of the painting by V. Serov. Your topic sentence should tell

what the painting is about, in other words, what the subject of the painting is. You should mention if the painting includes people or shapes, if it is a landscape or a still life. Write what the colours are. Use a natural order to describe the details of the picture. Be sure to use exact words to create your description. Describe the feeling it gives you.

. Fill each of the numbered gaps in the following passage with the most appropriate word from the wordbank. Use only one word in each space. Write the

appropriate letter in the gap. The task begins with an example (0). Note that there are more words than gaps. (10 points)

rubbed posted played doubt appealed directed called similar folded inspired adapted reads

As an endless stream of often-absurd observations of nothing much, Twitter might have
(0) appealed to Surrealists of 1920s Paris. Now, film director Tim Burton has (1) __ their favourite parlour game in an experiment to create a script using lines posted as tweets.
Widely known as a modern master of the macabre, Tim Burton, who (2) ___ Edward Scissorhands and the new Alice in Wonderland film, was no (3) ___ attracted to the game by its title: cadaver exquis translates as “exquisite corpse”. It is a game (4) __ to Consequences, in which players write lines on (5) ___ paper.Mr Burton posted the opening line to a new tale last week, inviting readers to suggest what should happen next. The best submissions, of no more than 140 characters, are selected every few hours and posted at Burtonstory.com.
The introduction (6) ___: ”Stainboy, using his special skills, was (7) __ in to investigate a mysterious glowing spot on the gallery floor.” Stainboy is a nervous young superhero. His experience has (8) __ the imagination of tweeters.
The latest of 26 lines of the story last night, (9) __ by @angelina, read: “His vision blurred from the spot, Stainboy (10) ___ his eyes and a face came into focus. He heard a girlish giggle.”

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