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перекладіль будь-ласка 6

10-11 класс

Tanyalebedeva981131 29 окт. 2014 г., 8:36:41 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
29 окт. 2014 г., 10:17:02 (9 лет назад)

Дагни покинула школу, когда ей было 18 лет и ее отец решил, что она должна съездить и навестить его сестру Магду в столице. Дал девушке посмотреть мир и насладиться им немного. В один из теплых дней июня, Дагни отправилась на концерт под открытым небом в городском парке. Она была с тетей Магдой и дядей Нилом. Это было в первый раз для Дагни, слушать симфонии и получать странных эффект от нее.


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He ( to be) great at drawing comic. How the actor(to be) thing to impress people with his acting Frank can't play violin but he'll (to

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I can't ( to get) the idea of his novel. Could you help me understand it?

Some children don't (to know) how to behave in public places and it's a ....

You should ( to work) more properly to impress people with your spoken English

I can't ( to do) without practicing more carefully.

The young driver must ( to study) the rules more carefully

Помогите найти ошибки. Они могут быть любыми!!

The jumper was shrinking when I had washed it.
2. Mike got really exhausted in his first marathon because he didn't run such a long race before.
3. The light in the room showed that Mr. Simpson had been waiting for me.
4. The Tinanic had been travelling to New York when it hit an iceberg and sank in the Atlantic.
5. The footballer ran towards the goal when he fell over.
6. George said that he didin't decide yet which side to support.
7. I took the decision after I have spoken to him.
8. Bill was working at the same problem fot two hours when Jack phoned him and asked if ge solved it.
9. I knew that Nick had boarded with an American family since his arrival and he been learning a great deal about American habits and customs.
10. I found out why my pen friend didn't get my letters. I've been sending them to the wrong address!

Поставь вопросы к выделенным словам.

Example: The children will ski in winter.
What will children do in winter?

Jill will wash her hands well.
How ________________________________?
We'll fly a kite next week.

Читайте также

Перекладіть будь ласка! Без googl перекладач!

Dear Sam,I'm in Scotland, but I wish I wasn't. It's Thursday now, and it's been raining since we arrived on Monday. It's really cold, too. Still, it's no use moaning - we can't do anything about the weather. The journey up here was OK, but it took ages to find the hotel.Then yesterday I lost my wallet - it had all my money and cards inside - and had to go to the police station. It's unusual for Jackie to complain, but ever she's had enough and wants to go home.I'd better pack my bag now. ,We're going to Fort William first thing tomorrow.Love, Simon

Перекладіть будь-ласка

1. treat their parents in the way they'd like to be treated themselves
2. be good friends to their brothers and sisters
3. develop a sense of responsibility in their children
4. spoil their children in every possible way
5. never forget to praise their children when they deserve it
6. be genuinely interested in their parents' problems
7. don't give their children any freedom of choice or give them too much freedom.
8.not to treat all the children in the family equally, have favourites
9. always find time to spend with their children, hear them out and discuss their problems
10. raise their kids
11. be prepared to compromise and meet their parents halfway
12. make children feel low or ignored
13. give promises and break them
14. give their children plenty of love and patience
15. do their best to develop their children's minds and give them a good education
16. offer any possible help to their parents
17. lose their temper and shout at their kids
18. take part in all sorts of activities that can unite their families
19. criticise their children too much and deprive them of self-respect and self-confidence
20. try and make the atmosphere in the house cheerful and friendly
21. teach their children to be virtuous and decent to other people
22. teach them good manners.

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