Всего в нашей базе более 4 327 664 вопросов и 6 445 983 ответов!

Help me!! Мне надо составить прeдложения в Present Simple i Future Simple+ отрицательная форма и вопросы!! Помогите кому не лень... пожалуйста!

5-9 класс

Ninafarafonova 09 окт. 2014 г., 10:05:14 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
09 окт. 2014 г., 11:12:20 (9 лет назад)

I ride a bike.
I will ride a bike.
I don't ride a bike.
I won't ride a bike.
Do you ride a bike?
Will you ride a bike?


Другие вопросы из категории

как по английски сказать:

Я хочу чтобы этот месяц побыстрее закончился. Будет лето, можно будет по настоящему отдохнуть.

Make the sentences into Passive? 1 Somebody stole my bag in the shop. My


2 The bill includes service.


3 People don't use this road very often.

This road_____________________________________

4 They cancelled all fights because of fog.

All fights______________________________________

5 Somebody cleans this room every day.

This room______________________________________

6 Somebody built this building in 1905.

This building_____________________________________

7 Someone invited Ali to a party.


8 People grow rice in many countries.


9 They teach Geography in the fist year.


10 Someone wrote that book in 1885.

That book_________________________________

11 Tomas Edison invented the electric light buld.

The electric light buld_________________________

12 A waiter murdered the president last Sunday.

The president________________________________

13 An old man bought that house yestarday.

That hoyse___________________________________

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Read the jumbled up telephone conversation. Put it in the correct order. Act it out

Christie: Could you ask him to call me back, please?

Mr Preston: Certainly, Christie
Christie: Hello! It`s Christie. Can I speak to Oliver, please?
Mr Preston: OK, Christie, I`ll give him the message.
Christie: Thank you. Bye.
Mr Preston: Hello, Christie! I`m afraid Oliver isn`t here at the moment
Mr Preson:Bye!
Christie: Can you tell him Christie called?
Просто голова не соображает помогите кому не лень))

помогите пожалуйста англ.яз 5класс write sentences with can or cant and use the vesbs brackets model:say it again .i cant hear you 2 please help me.(open)3

call him again.(see).4 dont eat her sandwiches.(cook)5 dont help me . (do)6 dont worry (swim) спасибо:)

1. Поставьте предложения в Present Perfect Tense используя: yet, gust и already.

Make up the programme (Paul)
Practise the dances and songs
Send the invitations (Jay)
Sew the costumes (Alice, Polly)
Draw the poster (Andy)
2. Поставьте предложения в Present Perfect Tense, в отрицательную форму используя: yet, gust и already.
Make the decorations (John, Lee)
Clean the hall (Andy, Jane)
Bring chairs (Danil)
Buy flowers (Ron)
Decorate the hall (Ann)
пожалуйста помогите мне! очень надо!
P.S. если вы есть в контакте, то подарю 2 голоса.

PLEASE , HELP ME!!!! "write a short text ( 5-7 ) sentences using at least 7 words from 10 words given below 1.club, everyone, today,

young, need, result, difficult, though, excitement, to allow.

2. Used to, government, good, nowadays, industry, develop, difficult,

builgings,everywhere. PLEASE , HELP ME!!!!

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