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Помогите !!!! ............. Five meals a day ? -Yes, ........... . ( they have five meals a day )

1-4 класс

Bien 14 июня 2013 г., 4:00:59 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
14 июня 2013 г., 5:38:32 (10 лет назад)

Do they have five meals a day?
Yes they do, they have five meals a day


Другие вопросы из категории

Всем привет. Помогите , пожалуйста.

1. Составь словосочетания:

Play , breakfast , clean , hands ahd face , wash , tennis , have , juice , drink , teeth .

Вставь получившиеся словосочетания. Прочитай предложения.

1) Martin ... in the morning.
2) Nick can ... well.
3) We must ... our ... every day.
4) I'm hungry. Let's ... .
5) Pam likes to ... orange ... .

2. Посоветуй Билли, что он должен делать и чего не должен делать, чтобы быть здоровым. Запиши свои советы.

You must ...
You must not ...

Заранее спасибо.

англ.яз 4 класс с 29

Читайте также

помогите пожалуйста ответить на вопросы 1. What furniture is there in your flat? 2. What piece of furniture would you like to have in

your room?

3.When do you have dinner?

4. What don't you like to eat?

5. How many meals a day do you have?

Помогите пожалуйсто вставить,нужно вставить do/ does и в конце don't/ doesn't. 1... birds fly?- Yes, they... 2...cats fly?- No, they ... 3... dogs eat

meat? - Yes, they... 4... you and Sam ski ? - Yes, we ... 5... horses eat meat? - No, they... 6...Sam's sister ski? - No, she .... 7... he and Tom skate? - No, she .... 8... you drink coffee ? - No, we... 9... your aunt drink coffee? - Yes, she... 10... his brother read books ? - Yes, he ... 11... bot and tom read books ? - No, they ... 12... little ann clean teeth? - yes , she ... 13...bears like honey ? - Yes, they ... 14... your cat like milk ? - Yes, it... 15... your kitten like sou p? - No, it ... 16... Ann's dog eat sweets ? - No, it ... 17... you hear the sond ? - Yes, I... 18... tigers live in Africa & - Yes, they... 19... the girls dance ? - Yesm they ... 20... that girl dance ? - No, she .... 21.... Ann and Sam pay ? - No,they...

Write five types of qyestions to the sentence.They have drunk juice. 1]..........................................

2].Who.....................................3]. Why......................4]. have they........................or...................5] they have drunk juice,...................

Write five tupes of questions to the sentence. They have drunk juice. 1)........................................2) Who ..........................3)

Why.......................4) Have they.......................or.....................5) They have drunk juice, .............................

1-Has Mag got a small family?- Yes, she has. У Мегги есть семья?- Да.2-Does Mag's brother like to watch stars?- No, he doesn't. Брату Мегги нравится смотре

ть на звезды?- Нет.3-Is Mag‘s dog white and black?- Yes, it is. Собака Мегги черно-белая? -Да.4-Have they got a parrot?- Yes, they have. У них есть попугай?- Да.5-Do Mag‘s mother and sister Becky write letters on Sunday?- No, they aren't. Мама Мегги и сестра Бекки пишут письма по воскресеньям?- Нет.6-Did Mag take a photo of the stars yesterday?- Yes, she did. Вчера Мегги сфотографировала зведы?- Да.7-Can Bill read books?- Yes, he can. Билл умеет читать книги?- Да.

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