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Эссе по английскому языку на тему "in many countries football is a national obsession"

5-9 класс

Rail1995 09 сент. 2013 г., 10:21:19 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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09 сент. 2013 г., 11:29:03 (10 лет назад)

As you know,football is world known sport. Many countries made football as one of their main sports. This game unites different nationalities, people work in a team and also there you need to be very hardy as well as use strategies in order to score.Not many people know that football was invented in China , not in England. Chinese used to call this game (kick ball) .This game spread to the other regions i until it bacame an obvious favourite of all men and even some women. Most of us are  passionate and inlove with this fascinating game!  There are variety of teams in each country and they train through out the  year to compete with other contries on a world cup or championships. On the last world cup GERMANY played incredibly well and their desire to become first  has made them winners. All their matches were eye catching due to their technique and spirit they have played with.In order to play so well they must have trained a lot.All the footballers spend hours everyday and sit on a special diets to show best of their abilities. To be a sportman ypu have to except these rules and restrictions.All teams go to gyp regularly to kip themselves fit. They also do have exhausting trainings in mud and during rain, because hard weather conditions prepare them to hardships and strong opponents. Sportsmen spent their life doing it to represent their country, show their strength and also to please the fans. This is hard but  its  worth it)))


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