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ПЕРЕВЕДИТЕ ПЖЛ!)Although it's known to everyone as St. Basil's, this legendary building is officially called "The Cathedral of theIntercession of the Virgi

10-11 класс

n by the Moat". The popular alternative refers to Basil the Blessed, a Muscovite 'holy fool' who was buried on the site (in the Trinity Cathedral that once stood here) a few years before the present building was erected. The Cathedral was ordered by Ivan the Terrible to mark the 1552 capture of Kazan from Mongol forces. It was completed in 1560. That's pretty much all the genuine history that's known about this celebrated landmark. There,however, scores of legends. Nothing is known about the builders, Barma and Postnik Yakovlev, except their names and the dubious legend that Ivan had them blinded so that they could not create anything to compare. Historians unanimously state that this is nothing but urban folklore.
Architectural specialists are to this day unable to agree about the
governing idea behind the structure. Either the creators were paying
homage to the churches of Jerusalem, or, by building eight churches
around a central ninth, they were representing the medieval symbol of
the eight-pointed star. The original concept of the Cathedral of the
Intercession has been hidden from us beneath layers of stylistic
additions and new churches added to the main building. In fact, when
built, the Cathedral was all white to match the white-stone Kremlin,
and the onion domes were gold rather than multi-colored and
patterned as they are today.
In the 17 th century a hip-roofed bell tower was added, the gallery and
staircases were covered with vaulted roofing, and the helmeted domes
were replaced with decorated ones. In 1860 during rebuilding, the
Cathedral was painted with a more complex and integrated design, and
has remained unchanged since.
For a time in the Soviet Union, there was talk of demolishing St. Basil's
- mainly because it hindered Stalin's plans for massed parades on Red
Square. It was only saved thanks to the courage of the architect Pyotr
Baranovsky. When ordered to prepare the building for demolition, he
refused categorically, and sent the Kremlin an extremely blunt
telegram. The Cathedral remained standing, and Baranovsky's
conservation efforts earned him five years in prison.
The Cathedral is now a museum. During restoration work in the
seventies a wooden spiral staircase was discovered within one of the
walls. Visitors now take this route into the central church, with its
extraordinary, soaring tented roof and a fine 16th Century iconostasis.
You can also walk along the narrow, winding gallery, covered in
beautiful patterned paintwork.
One service a year is held in the Cathedral, on the Day of Intercession
in October.

хрустально 26 нояб. 2014 г., 3:08:13 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
26 нояб. 2014 г., 4:18:49 (9 лет назад)

Хотя это известно всем , как храм Василия Блаженного , этот легендарное здание официально называется " Собор Покрова Богородицы на Рву " Популярной альтернативой относится к Василия Блаженного , москвич ' юродивого ' , который был похоронен на месте ( в соборе Троицы , что когда-то стоял здесь ) за несколько лет до нынешнее здание было построено . Собор был заказан Иваном Грозным в ознаменование 1552 взятии Казани от монгольских войск. Он был завершен в 1560 году. Это в значительной степени все подлинная история , что известно об этой знаменитой достопримечательности . Там, однако , десятки легенд. Ничего не известно о строителях , Барма и Постника Яковлева , за исключением их имена и сомнительной легенде , что Иван их ослепил так, чтобы они не могли ничего, создать лучше . Историки единодушно утверждают, что это не что иное, городского фольклора .Архитектурные специалисты и по сей день не могут договориться о правящей идее создания структуры . Либо создатели платили дань церквей Иерусалима , или , за счет строительства восьми церквей вокруг центрального девятого , они представляли средневековый символ восьмиконечной звезды . Оригинальная концепция собора Покрова была скрыта от нас под слоями стилистикедополнения и новые церкви добавил к основному зданию . В самом деле, когдапостроен , собор был весь белый , чтобы соответствовать белокаменный Кремль ,и луковые купола были золотыми , а не разноцветная рисунком , как они сегодня .В 17 -м веке был добавлен шатровой колокольней , галерею и лестницой были покрыты сводчатым кровли , и шлемах куполабыли заменены на украшенных них. В 1860 году во время восстановления ,Собор был расписан с более сложной и комплексной разработки, иостается неизменным с .В течение некоторого времени в Советском Союзе , был разговор о сносе храма Василия Блаженного- В основном потому, препятствует планы Сталина для массированных парадов на КраснойПлощадь. Это спасло только благодаря мужеству архитектора ПетраБарановский . Когда распорядился подготовить здание к сносу , онотказался категорически , и послал Кремль чрезвычайно тупымТелеграмма . Собор остался стоять , и Барановскогоусилия по сохранению принесла ему пять лет лишения свободы .Собор является теперь музеем . Во время реставрационных работ вСемидесятые деревянная винтовая лестница была обнаружена в одном изстены. Посетители теперь принять этот маршрут в центральной церкви , с егонеобычная, парящий палаточный крыши и штраф 16-го века иконостас .Вы можете также идти по узкой , извилистой галерее , покрытыйкрасивая узорной лакокрасочное покрытие .Одна служба в год проводится в соборе , в День Покровав октябре .

+ 0 -
26 нояб. 2014 г., 6:59:29 (9 лет назад)

жду баллы..

+ 0 -
26 нояб. 2014 г., 7:57:31 (9 лет назад)

а если неточности будут нечего?

+ 0 -
26 нояб. 2014 г., 9:31:37 (9 лет назад)

Я отправила ответ, но только ты потправь немного


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Probably each person has the favourite toy - a childhood memory which it is difficult to leave. And I have a favourite toy - the small monkey with a

white shaggy paunch, the rag legs put in checkered boots, filled by foam rubber. Small black eyes look at you from the hitretsy. This monkey to me presented on the kindergarten termination - I was six years old. In my hands the toy revived: could laugh or cry, use cunning or be angry. She was with me everywhere. The most important that the favourite toy bears with itself is associations. In me the passing on this toy causes tens memoirs of my childhood. First, carefree laughter which didn't die away in our house. Secondly, at the same time, this regret about the left childhood and how it was a little necessary for happiness. Whatever happened in my life, I could be firmly sure that its look will remain the same: derisive the consoling. Everything in life changes, but the person of a toy - a look in which your baby face and, unconscious then, sincere belief in good is reflected is invariable. Исправьте ошибки!

2. Используйте глагол "to have"в соответствующей форме и переведите предложения на

русский язык:

1) The house ... five floors.

2) They ... a four-year-old son.

3) It's a rainy day. ... he an umbrella with him?

4) He ... no bad habits.

5) ... you a summer cottage?

6) ... she any sons?

7) We... no time left.

8) You ... ten minutes to finish this task.

9) I don't... enough money to buy the coat.

10) Let's ... a break.

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антоним слова identified

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lies at the confluence of
the Tuzlov and the Aksay
rivers. The original 16th-
century town of
Starocherkasskaya stood
along the Don River, but
it was frequently flooded
and was moved to the
present site
Novocherkassk long
served as the capital of
the Don Cossack region
and was a center of
opposition in 1917-20
during the Russian Civil War.
Novocherkassk is
a unique town owing to
its history and
architecture. It was built
as the capital of the
Cossacks in 1805 by the
General Platov, the
famous Ataman Matvei
Platov who led his
Cossack regiments
against Napoleon. Novocherkassk was designer by The
French architect Devolan
designed Novocherkassk.
Don Cossacks called it
«Small Paris» for its
layout, wide streets and
Novocherkassk is
famous for its
monuments; almost each
old building has its own
features. There is a
magnificent Cathedral in
the center of the town. It
is the third in Russia in
size and beauty. Next to
the cathedral there is a
monument to Yermak,
the gallant conqueror of
Siberia. The monument
to the famous General
Platov has been recently
restored. There were
numerous churches in
the past, but a lot of
them were destroyed
after the October
Revolution. Nowadays
some of them have been
rebuilt. In
Novocherkassk there are
several museums, among
them the Grekov
Museum, the Krylov
Museum and the most
well-known the Museum
of the Don Cossacks
In the second
part of the twentieth century
Novocherkassk became
an industrial town.
plants and industrial
enterprises were built
here , among them the only in
Russia electro-locomotive
plant, chemical and
machine-building plants
and many others. Modern Novocherkassk
produces electric
locomotives, mining
machinery, machine
tools, and chemicals for
plastics and synthetic
There is a
thermal power station
Novocherkassk is
a very green and nice
town; there are many
parks and gardens in it.
It is called the town of
students. The city has
numerous institutions of
higher education and
research. There is a
theatre and some
cinemas. Its population is about 200 000 people. In 1993 Novocherkassk became the capital of the Cossacks on the decision
of the Russian and
foreign Cossacks again.

1.Where does Novocherkassk lie?
2.Why was Starocherkasskaya moved from its original place?
3.What capital was Novocherkassk before the revolution?
4.When was Novocherkassk founded?
5.What do you know about Matvei Platov?
6.Who designer Novocherkassk?
7.What is Novocherkassk famous for?
8.What museums are there in Novocherkassk?
9.When did Novocherkassk become an industrial town?
10.Why is Novocherkassk called the town of students?
нужно ответить на вопросы

Раскройте скобки, употребив нужную форму причастия (Participle I или Participle II). Письменно переведите предложения. 1. The horns of

antelopes and the anters of deer are obvious examples of weapons (possessed/ possessing) by mammals.

2. Almost every cell (known/knowing) to man is microscopic in size, that is cells can't be observed with the (unaided/unaiding) eye.

3. The lisosome, (discovered/discovering) in the mid - 1950's, is a spherical, saclike body (contained/containing) a number of hidrolyc enzymes.

4. By the time we got home we all felt (exhausting/ exhausted)

5. The plasma membrane, sometimes (referred/ referring) to as the cell membrane, is located at the surface of the cytoplasmic portion of the cell.

Нужно перевести

, ребята помогите
Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov was a famous Russian writer, chemist, and astronomer who made a lot in literature and science.

Lomonosov was born on November 19, 1711, in Denisovka (now Lomonosov), near Archangelsk, and studied at the University of the Imperial Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg. After studying in Germany at the Universities of Marburg and Freiberg, Lomonosov returned to St. Petersburg in 1745 to teach chemistry and built a teaching and research laboratory there four years later.

Lomonosov is often called the founder of Russian science. He was an innovator in many fields. As a scientist he rejected the phlogiston theory of matter commonly accepted at the time and he anticipated the kinetic theory of gases. He regarded heat as a form of motion, suggested the wave theory of light, and stated the idea of conservation of matter. Lomonosov was the first person to record the freezing of mercury and to observe the atmosphere of Venus during a solar transit.

Interested in the development of Russian education, Lomonosov helped to found Moscow State University in 1755, and in the same year wrote a grammar that reformed the Russian literary language by combining Old Church Slavonic with modern language. In 1760 he published the first history of Russia. He also revived the art of Russian mosaic and built a mosaic and colored-glass factory. Most of his achievements, however, were unknown outside Russia.

REVIEW 1  Present simple, present continuous, stative verbs  Past simple, past continuous, used to A. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each

line to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line Collecting records These days, most of us have a CD (1) .................. .... Before the CD, (2) ............................ m ade LPs, or „long - playing‟ records. Although many (3) ....................... have never seen an LP, they were once very popular. To play these records, you needed a record (4) ........................ with a needle that ran along the r ecord and produced the sound. Some (5) ........................... say the sound of LPs was better than CDs - and many (6) .............................. agree! LPs are no longer very popular as a form of (7) ............................ , but many people buy and sell them. Some of them remember the LP from thei r (8) ........................... and listening to records reminds them of the past COLLECT SING CHILD PLAY MUSIC COLLECT ENTERTAIN CHILD B. Complete using the correct form of the verbs in the box. You have to use one word twice. c arry eat give jo in send take turn 9. Now, everyone knows this song, so I want you all to ............................. it with me! 10. It‟s noisy in this restaurant . Could you ask them to ............... ......... the music down? 11. There was a fight during the match and the refree ............................. two play ers off. 12. We .................. ... ..... out about once a week and we cook at home the rest of the time. 13. I love this song! ................................. it up! 14. I used to play the trumpet, but I ..................................... up last year because I didn‟t have time. 15. We stopped playing because of the rain , but when it stopped we ............... ......... on. 16. A good way of getting more exercise is to ............................... up a sport, like basketball. C. Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Write between two and five wo rds. 17. Jack really likes football and never misses a match. crazy Jack .......................................................football and never misses a match.

2 18. My uncle worked on a sailing boat until he was thirty. was My uncle .....................................until he was thirty. 19. Do you want to watch TV? feel Do you ..............................................TV? 20. John participated in a swimming competition last week. part John .............................................in a swimming competition last week. 21. June and I had a game of tennis. against I had ......................................... June. 22. I played chest almost every day when I was young. used I ................................................chess almost every day when I was young. 23. Volleyball doesn‟t really interest me. in I‟m not......................................volleyball. 24. I enjoyed myself at your birthday party. fun I.................................................at your birthday party. 25. Young children like Disney land. popular Disneyland .....................................young children. 26. Karen doesn‟t like watching sport on TV. keen Karen ..............................................watching sport on TV. D. Choose the correct answer. 27. When you rang, I ........................my bike. A.cleaned C. used to clean B.was cleaning D. clean 28. At my last basketball club, we ...................every Saturday for three hours. A.were training C. train B.training D. used to train 29. I really ........................the meal we had at your house last Tuesday. A.was liking C. like B.liked D. am liking 30. We ........................to the beach every day when we were on holiday. A.went C. go B. were going D. used to going 31. I borke my leg when Tony and I .....................for the school sports day. A.practised C. were practising B.used to practise D. are practising 32.Leon never .........................about it, but he was once a world champion skier. A.talks C. was talking B.is talking D. talk 33. I ........................like golf, but now I really like it. A.don‟t use to C. didn‟t used to B.don‟t used to D. didn‟t use to 34. Denise ........................at the stadium until she finds a better job. A.works C. used to work B. is working D. was working E. Match the two halves of the sen tences 35. I waited outside the tennis club for 36. When you rang, I was in 37. We finally got to the stadium just in 38. I just play football for 39. I loved that film and when it comes out 40. It‟s great to appear on .............. .............. .............. .............. ..... ......... .............. A. fun, and I don‟t want to do it as a job. B. stage, with all the audience clapping. C. time to see the match start. D. a long time, but George didn‟t appear. E. on DVD, I‟ll definitely get it. F. the middle of cleaning my football boots.

The Maxi-Shop company is going to build a huge new shopping centre on the edge of Millingham, it

was announced yesterday. There (1)... be at least three hundred shops, including

some big department stores. When the project (2)…………………………… complete, there

be hundreds of new jobs for local people. But not everyone is happy. 'We're

to fight this plan,' said a spokesperson for the local Environment Group.'|us

think what is going (5)…………………………….. happen to our countryside. When shopping malls

(6)…………………………….. covered the whole country, there (7)………………………………. be no green

fields left. So we're (8)………………………………. a protest meeting tomorrow evening at the town hall. It

(9)…………………………….. at half past seven.' Owners of shops in the town centre are also unhappy. 'The

new centre (10)……………………. take our customers away,' said one of them.

Вы находитесь на странице вопроса "ПЕРЕВЕДИТЕ ПЖЛ!)Although it's known to everyone as St. Basil's, this legendary building is officially called "The Cathedral of theIntercession of the Virgi", категории "английский язык". Данный вопрос относится к разделу "10-11" классов. Здесь вы сможете получить ответ, а также обсудить вопрос с посетителями сайта. Автоматический умный поиск поможет найти похожие вопросы в категории "английский язык". Если ваш вопрос отличается или ответы не подходят, вы можете задать новый вопрос, воспользовавшись кнопкой в верхней части сайта.