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Два вопроса в Passive Voice

5-9 класс

Gamera132gamer 12 марта 2015 г., 3:11:15 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
12 марта 2015 г., 5:31:47 (9 лет назад)

Are the letters written in Russian or in English?

Are you invited?




+ 0 -
12 марта 2015 г., 7:02:20 (9 лет назад)

Is English spoken by all people?

is the computer being used?





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Привет! Нужно перевести в passive voice :
I won't buy this magazines.
They have made a lot of useful notes.
She has not sent the letter yet.
I threw away the litter.
This school always organizes lunch for all pupils.
Daddy gives me a lot of presents
People should preserve the beauty of our planet.
How will you solve this problem?

Преобразовать из Active в Passive: 1) No one has translated this play yet. 2) In France they hold elections for President every five


3) You should send this fax right away.

4) They found him guilty of murder.

5) You cannot take pets into the theatre.

6) Famous top model taken to hospital.

7) Prime Minister to open new sports center next Monday.

8) Strong earthquake hits Philippines.

9) not find

Rewrite the sentences in the passive voice.Use the by+agent or with+instrument or material or ingredient.


He used a sharp pair of scissors to cut the material.-> The material was cut with a sharp pair of scissors.

1) She uses tomatoes, onion and garlic to make the sauce.

2) John Adams will direct the new play.

3) Snow covered the ground.

4) Picasso painted 'Guernica'.

Написать вопросы.Пример:Who/The Aviator/direct?-> Who was 'The Aviator 'directed by?

1) When/Mona Lisa/paint?

2)Where /The Parthenon/locate?

3) Who/Harry Potter/write?

4) When /Cats/perform/in Russia?

put the verbs in brackets into the correct passive tens 1)By the time I came home yeasterday,soup already(cook).

rewrite the following sentences into the passive voice

1)you must take the box to the station

2)i have translated the whole text

3)he wrote tis book in the 19th centure

4)they were playing tennis from 4 till 7

translate the sentences into english using passive voice

1)rjulf мама пришла домойБобед был уже сварен

2)собор Святого Павла строил архитектор К.Рен

3)когда написали это письмо ?

4)наш дом сейчас ремонтируют

переведите из Activete voice в

passive voice
1)Tomorrow we shall visit our granny.
2)She bought the copy of todays paper.
3) He is making a report now now.
4)I look through the nagazines every day.
5)We have discussed this problem.

Дорогие друзья пожалуйста выручите прошу вас , нужно составить все типы вопросов по английскому (общий , вопрос к подлежащему , спец вопросы да да там

должно быть два вопроса , отрицательный опрос , альтернативный , разделительный )
Вот предложение I usually answer the questions very well
Дам за выполнение 50 баллов
Заранее благодарен

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