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Write what your mother, father and you like to wear and what size.

5-9 класс

GaЛинЧик 25 дек. 2013 г., 7:02:52 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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25 дек. 2013 г., 9:32:28 (10 лет назад)

I like wear jeans, because I am teenager. my dad like wear (рубашка, я забыл, как будет на английском), because he jentelmen,. my mum like wear dress, because she women.


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-if you get wet (промокли) on a cold day?

-if your neighbours make much noise?

-if you play football / badminton?

-if you fall dows?

Complete the sentences with the word combinations. Mind the tenses.

1) The girl usually .......... ........... early in the morning.
2) Sorry, but I can t sing at the concert today. I..... .....
3) The doctor ........... ............ and gave a prescription(рецепт).
4) Soon my brother .......... .......... and took part in the footba;; match.
5) After the walk the scientist ......... .......... and sent for the doctor.
Как я поняла эти слово-сочетания нужно вставить.
To wake up, To fall ill, To take the temperature, To have a sore throat, To get well.
Помогите пожалуйста......

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2. what do you like to do at the
3. what do you like to do in the
4, what do you like to do to at
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