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Транскрипция слова door

10-11 класс

Катюхв 04 марта 2017 г., 9:13:48 (7 лет назад)
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04 марта 2017 г., 11:47:32 (7 лет назад)

door - [dɔː]..............


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J. Прочтите текст и ответьте на следующие за ним вопросы, записав номер вопроса и букву правильного ответа. ( Например, 1 В).

At the age of sixty-five, Laura Ingalls Wilder began writing a series of novels for young people based on her early experiences on the American frontier. Born in the state of Wisconsin in 1867, she and her family were rugged pioneers. Seeking better farm land, they went by covered wagon to Missouri in 1869, then on to Kansas the next year, resuming to Wisconsin in 1871, and traveling on to Minnesota and Iowa before settling permanently in South Dakota in 1879. Because of this constant moving, Wilder’s early education took place sporadically in a succession of one-room schools. From age thirteen to sixteen, she attended school more regularly, although she never graduated.
At the age of eighteen, she married Almanzo James Wilder. They bought a small farm in the Ozarks, where they remained for the rest of their lives. Their only daughter Rose, who had become a nationally known journalist, encouraged her mother to write. Serving as agent and editor, Rose negotiated with Harper's to publish her mother's first book, Little House in the Big Woods. Seven more books followed, each chronicling her early life on the plains. Written from the perspective of a child, they have remained popular with young readers from many nations. Twenty years after her death in 1957, more than 20 million copies had been sold, and they had been translated into fourteen languages. In 1974, a weekly television series, “Little House on the Prairie,” was produced, based on the stories from the Wilder books.
1. What is the main topic of the passage? (A) American pioneer life
(B) Children's literature
(C) A weekly television series
(D) Wilder's career
2. Laura Ingalls Wilder began writing novels
(A) when she was a child on the frontier
(B) right after she moved to the Ozarks
(C) when she was a young mother
(D) after her sixty-fifth birthday
3. The author mentions all of the following as
events in the life of Laura Ingalls Wilder
(A) She went west by covered wagon.
(B) She graduated from a one-room school.
(C) She married Almanzo Wilder.
(D) She had one daughter.
4. The word "sporadically" in line 5 is closest in
meaning to
(A) with great success
(B) for a long time
(C) at irregular intervals
(D) in a very efficient way
5. The word "they" in line 12 refers to
(A) the plains
(B) many nations
(C) more books
(D) young readers

Rewrite the sentences using Conditionals Type II.

Model: If he waRewrite the sentences using Conditionals Type II.
Model: If he wants to speak to you, he will find you himself. - If he wanted to speak to you, he would find you himself.
1. We'll go shopping if the shops are open tomorrow.
2. I'll order a lemonade if they have it.
3. Our neighbours will help if we ask them to.
4. If i need a book on astronomy, I'll go to the library.
5. If he speaks English, he won't need a translator HELP MEEE

I. Страдательный залог 1) English (to speak) in many countries. 2) Coins (to collect) by numismatists. 3) My friend (to interest) in music. 4) Last

year this computer game (to play) by more people than now. 5) Look, a new monument (to build) here! 6) Very important information (to lose) before you saved it. 7) It (to do) two days ago. 8) Now your document is OK. … all the mistakes (to correct) by you personally? 9) Sometimes hobbies (to choose) by parents, not by children themselves. 10) These photos (to take) when we were on holiday last year. II. Действительный залог/ Страдательный залог Windsor (21)… (to lie) twenty-one miles from London. If you (22)…(to go) there by train, it (23)…(to take) you an hour. Windsor (24)…(to be) famous for its ancient castle and beautiful countryside. For 800 years Windsor Castle (25)…(to be) the residence of the British Royal Family. The Castle (26)…(to start) by William the Conqueror in the 11th century. The surrounding countryside (27)…(to change) little since the time when Chaucer (28)…(to stand) there looking at the country beneath. The most important feature of the Castle (29)…(to be) the Round Tower which can (30)…(to see) from far away.


Presenter: In today's programme, we're talking about faces and what they can tell us about a person's character. In the studio is Lillian Scott who's written a book about the skill of face-reading. Lillian, welcome.L: Hi.PR: And the book's called?..L: The Naked Face, which sounds good because I wanted to focus on things which everyone can see, but which we fail not to notice.PR: Really? And what character traits can you see in people's faces? Give us some examples.L: Good signs for success at work are a strong chin, which represents determination, and of course the shape of the lips has long been associated with that as well.PR: Right. But what about if you don't look like that? How can you succeed in a job interview, for example?L: Yes, you certainly can, and of course women especially try to do this. The first thing to remember is that you should look people in the eye when you speak, even if it means moving your chair. Some people use make-up or a new hair-do to emphasize certain facial features, but it's best to get professional advice because too much, or badly applied make-up would be a mistake.

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