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5-9 класс

help me. With English language)

Kamilanta 11 февр. 2014 г., 23:07:01 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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12 февр. 2014 г., 1:53:47 (10 лет назад)

1 likes, wears 
2 visited 
3 is shining 
4 have just invited 
5 Why haven't you brought my... 
6 Has Charles ever been to W?
7 Have you read this book yet? How do you like it?
8 What kind of books do you like to read?


Другие вопросы из категории

поставте слова в скобках в нужную форму и перевидите the little man (look) down and (see) an old woman who (cry) under the tree . he (rememder)

that he himself (not drink) milk for many years . I (must) (have) some milk or I (die) he (say) . he (go) to the farmer's house because he (want) the farmer (give) him some milk . but as soon as the farmer (see) him (stand) at his front door he (shout) : " what you (do) here at this hour ? I (not have) any milk . So (go) away now . when I (have) milk I (give) it to you " . but the magic man (know) the farmer (tell) him a lie . so Satchkin-Patchkin (decide) to punish the farmer


1. Choose the appropriate prepositions: ... Rome ... Paris they travelled ... plane. A) From/to/by B)


C) At/by/by

D) Till/from/on

E) At/to/by


2. Choose the appropriate word: All the factories have made the ... very dirty.

A) air

B) weather

C) climate

D) breath

E) wind


3. Choose the synonym to the underlined word:

She controlled herself and said in a steady voice: "We are no friends any longer".

A) sound

B) loud

C) weak

D) low

E) lovely


4. Choose the antonym to the underlined word:

The children were playing at the farthest corner of the park.

A) nearest

B) sunniest

C) darkest

D) quietest

E) distant


5. Choose the appropriate modal verb(s):

If I ... sew as well as Jane I would make all of my own clothes too.

A) could

B) must

C) was to

D) can

E) might


6. Choose the appropriate modal verb(s): Grown-ups ... destroy bird’s nests.

A) mustn`t

B) must

C) may

D) ought

E) can

Читайте также

VII. Заполните пропуски предлогами и наречиями, где это необходимо,1. Though the watch was very expensive, he decided to buy it... her. 2. Please buy ...

me some bread and sugar, will you? 3. 1 wonder whether the old man will sell all his pictures ... the museum. 4. The man didn’t sell his pictures ... the museum, he just„gave them away without taking any money ... them. 5. Though the shoes were her size and felt very comfortable, old Sally decided not to buy them because she thought they were too dear ... her. “I can’l pay so much ... a pair ... shoes”, she said ... the shop-assi stant. 6. Won’t you have another look ... these shoes?1 think it’s just the pair ... you. 7. He looked ... all the tele grams quickly, gave them ... the secretary ['sekratri] tc send off and also asked her to ring ... Mr Brown and tell ... him that he could come ... 10 if the time was suitable .. him. 8. “Would you like to buy any ... these watches?’ "No, I’m just looking ...” 9. “Excuse me, how do I get... the bookshop?" “It’s ... there the right”. 10. Will you please ask that man what time it is ... his watch. I’m afraid mine is ... five or six minutes slow.

Will married Anne Hathaway in November,and she came to live in Henley Street.John Shakespeare was pleased that his oldest son was married,but I don't

think Will's mother wanted him to marry so young.Families cost a lot of money,and John Shakespeare was having a lot of money troubles in those days.Times were hard in Henley Street.

Susanna was born the next May.All babies look the same to me,but Will was very pleased with her.

‘Look,Toby,she's got my eyes,’he said happily.‘She's going to be as beautiful as the Queen of Egypt,and as clever as King Solomon.’

‘Oh yes?’I said.‘All parents talk like that about their children.I don't believe a word of it.’

I didn't see much of Will's wife.I knew she didn't like me.To her,I was one of Will's wild friends,who got him into trouble.She came from a very serious,Puritan family.Lots of church-going,and no singing or dancing.

Soon there was another baby on the way,and one evening in February 1585 I hurried round to Henley Street to hear the news.Will's sister,Joan,opened the door,and then Will came running down the stairs.

‘It's two of them!’he said.‘Twins!A girl and a boy.Isn't that wonderful!’

Will had some good friends,Hamnet and Judith Sadler,and he called the twins after them.John Shakespeare was very pleased to have his first grandson,and everyone was happy.For a while.

Will and I still went around together when we could.He was still reading,and writing,and soon I could see a change in him.He was twenty-three now,and he was not happy with his life.

‘Stratford's too small,Toby,’he said.‘Too slow.Too quiet.Too boring.I've got to get away.’

‘Yes,but how?’I asked.‘You've got a family—three young children,remember.’

He didn't answer.

In the summer months companies of players often came to small towns,and in 1587 five different companies came.Will and I always went to see the plays.Will loved to talk to the actors and to listen to all their stories of London

The Queen's Men came to Stratford in June,and we went to see the play.I don't remember what it was.I know that I laughed a lot,and that Will said it was a stupid play,with not a word of poetry in it.

‘Why don't you write a play yourself?’I told him.

‘Write a play?’He laughed.‘Anne would never speak to me again.’

I didn't say anything,and Will looked at me and laughed again.

It happened a few months later.I walked into the Shakespeares' kitchen one evening,and there was Anne,with a red,angry face,shouting at the top of her voice.

‘How can you do this to me?And what about the children—’Then she saw me and stopped.

Will was sitting at the table,and looked pleased to see me.‘I've told Anne,’he said quietly,‘that I'm going to live in London.I want to be an actor,and to write plays,if I can.’

‘Plays!’screamed Anne.‘Acting!Actors are dirty,wicked people!They're all thieves and criminals!They drink all day and they never go to church—’

‘Don't be stupid,Anne.You know that's not true.Listen.I'll come home when I can,but I must go to London.I can't do anything in Stratford.’He looked at me across the room.‘Are you coming with me,Toby?’


We ____ over Iceland. Please keep your seatbelts fastened.

I hate _____ spiders and any other insects that you find in the bath.
I'd like _____ coffees, please.
- Do we have any milk in the fridge?
- No, not ____.
The artist Picasso _____ in France for many years.
Have you _____ the Taj Mahal in India?
There hasn't been a park here _____ 1999.
Let's go hiking ____ the weekend
Please ____ the door.
_____ yourself to tea or coffee.
Put _____ glasses. The sun is very bright now.
_____ gets the job, ___ get married next summer.
What do you want _____ this evening?
You _____ forget to buy your mother a birthday present.
Нужно вставить слова в пропуски. Помогите пожайлуста, срочно...

1."Complete the sentences with the appropriate form of the words in brackets 1. Please write a ... of your favourite place .(to describe) 2. Where is your

English ... ?(to translate) 3. For further ..., please contact your teacher . (to inform) 4. Could I make a ... ? (to suggest) 5. In January there are New Year's ... all over the town . (to celebrate) 6. Thanks for the ... to your birthday party. ( to invite)" задание по английскому языку как надо делать

здравствуйте помогитеHello, Theatre Royal Haymarket. How canhelp you?C: Hello. I'd like to book some theatre tickets,please.R: Certainly. Which play would

you like to see?C: 'Hamlet', on Friday the 21st.R: OK. How many seats would you like?C: Two seats, please.R: Fine ... There are available seats in the fourthrow, near the front, which cost £30 each, andsome nearer the centre ... £25 each. Whichwould you like?C: Mmmm ... The ones near the centre, I think.R: So, two seats in row 11 ... Friday the 21st...That comes to a total of £50. How would youlike to pay?C: Can I pay by credit card?R: Certainly. Just give me the number and theexpiry date.C: 3959 3854 1104 9455. Expires this March.R: And your name?C: Mark Darcy.R: Thank you, Mr Darcy. You can collect yourtickets at the theatre on Wednesday at 7pm.The performance starts at 8 pm. Enjoy theshow.C: Thank you very much. пожалуйста перевести диалог

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