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Образуйте существительные от слов из правого столбика: 1. A person who knows psysics well is a ……. PHYSICS 2. Her uncle works as a ticke

5-9 класс

t …… at a railway station. COLLECT

Loskytovgennadi 08 мая 2013 г., 12:21:41 (11 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
08 мая 2013 г., 13:13:20 (11 лет назад)

1. physicist
2. collector
3. dancing
4. beginner
5. walking
6. leader
7. cooking
8. writers
9. driving
10. happiness


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Помогит//Кто чем может
She said: “My mother works in this hospital.”“Can you say about the language they speak?”- asked the man.Mary said: “He has lived in Samara for five

years.”“How did she loose her voice?”- asked the reporter.“I wrote a letter to Alice”- said my elder sister.“Will you help me to do this work tomorrow?”- asked my father.Angela said:”I’m too late today.”“What is on the radio?”- he wanted to know.Mark said: “I’ll take some medicine.”“I got a “two” in Math today”- said Pete to his mother.“Have you already seen this film?”- asked her friend.“It’s too cold to go skiing,”- said father.“Are you happy now, Chaga?”, questioned his parents.Where were the first books printed?”- the teacher asked him.Mother said: “There were seven nice cups on the table.”“I want to have the magic carpet tomorrow”- the king said.“Why are there free newspapers?”- wondered the boy.The prince told the girl: “I will help you to get your ball”.“What are you doing here, Bokhari?”, asked Chaga“How many hamburgers have you eaten ?”- said the doctor.

Очень срочно нужен перевод!!! Не

из переводчика.
Если что то это один текст.

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Образуйте существительные от следующих слов с суффиксами деятеля:


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