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Ребят, помогите пожалуйста перевести предложение:"King of England,if you do not these things, I am the commander of the military" я перевожу только бред ка

5-9 класс

кой то получается, переведите так что б было понятно и внятно, спасибо)

Marinkakeke 03 июля 2013 г., 1:02:50 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
03 июля 2013 г., 2:26:22 (10 лет назад)

Король Англии, если ты не будешь делать такие вещи, я.. (дальше получается бред) командир армии? Предложение не правильно составлено.

+ 0 -
03 июля 2013 г., 4:17:23 (10 лет назад)

King of England,if you do not these things, I am the commander of the military


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вас.Попросите разрешения сесть.Дайте согласие. помогите перевести заранее СПАСИБО.

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Помогите пожалуйста перевести срочно нужно. А то гугл бред переводит совсем некорректно и не понятно. When people have problems,

the first thing to do is to talk. Tell them what makes you unhappy. Just be brave when you speak to them. Don't use words like "never" and "always". Don't use words that hurt people. Speak calmly.

If communication does not provide a solution, ask someone who is older than both of you for help. If they don't support you, take things into your own hands and be firm.

If yo can't do it one way, try another. This is how great discoveries are made.


1. The first thing to do is to talk.

2. Don't use words that hurt people.

3. Ask for help if communication doesn't provide a solution.

4. Take things into your own hands if people do not support you.

5. Great discoveries are made when people try different ways of doing work.

6. To resolve a conflict, it is important to be calm, confident and relaxed.

7. As soon as you criticise people you are in trouble.

8. Discussing two contrary ideas can sometimes lead to a better solution.

9. All people need to get along with each other.


Sarah had a son of ten, who was called Jack. He did not like studying, but loved watching television. Sarah used to drive at school at half past four in the afternoon, bring Jack back home and give him some tea, but as soon as he got home, he always rushed to the television set and turned it on. “Haven’t you got any homework, Jack?” his mother always asked him as she began to make tea.
“Eh? Oh, yes, I have got a little,” he used to answer. “I’ll do it later when there’s nothing interesting on the television.”
At first Sarah had allowed Jack to watch television instead of starting his homework first, but soon she discovered that he never had a little homework – it was always a great deal- and that there was never a time when there was nothing interesting on television, so that after putting off doing his homework for a couple of hours, Jack was too tired to do his homework properly, if at all.
Sarah then decided to make him do it first. This was always a battle, and often when Jack obeyed his mother, he did his work quickly and carelessly as he wanted to finish it quickly and get back to his beloved television.
The result was the same as when he left his homework until last; bad work, which he was punished for the next day at school by getting low marks, either because his homework was full of mistakes, or because he did not know the work he was supposed to have prepared the night before.
One evening Jack’s science homework was about famous inventors like Thomas Edison, who made important discoveries and inventions in the field of electricity. When he had homework that consisted of learning facts, his mother began to test him when he finished, to try to make sure that he had really done the work properly and not left anything out, and this was what she did this time. She did not let him stop until she was sure that he knew what was in his book.
But this time, it was less of a battle than usual to make Jack sit down and go over what he had learnt carefully, because it had strong connection with television.
In class the next day, the teacher said to Jack,” What are some of the things that Thomas Edison did for science?”
“Well,” Jack answered happily, “first of all, if it were not for Edison, we’d all be watching television by candlelight.”

Помогите пожалуйста переделать диалог в косвенную речь.Mary: I do not want to go to the canteen alone. Will you join me for lunch? Ann: I did love to.

Mary: When will you be free? Ann: In a quarter of an hour. Mary: All right, then, we shall go together.

If you look at this month's magazine,you __(find) lots of eco-ideas! 2. if i (not have) time to water the plants on my balcony,my sister does it.

3. You'll see lots of wildlife if you __(go) for a walk in the forest.
4. Unless you (take) your binoculars,you won't be able to see the birds.
5. If you want to help at the weekend,___(call) me on my mobile.
5.if the town council gets permission,it __(create) a new park by the sea
6.i___(not join) the campaign unless you join with me !

Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски 1 – 6 частями предложений A – G. Одна из частей в списке А

G – лишняя. Перенесите ответы в таблицу.

Madam Ramotswe raised her tea cup to her lips and looked over the brim. At the edge of the car park, immediately in front of the cafe, a small market had been set up, with traders' stalls and trays of colourful goods. She watched as a man attempted to persuade a customer to buy a pair of sunglasses. The woman tried on several pairs, but was not satisfied and moved on to the next stall. There she pointed to a small piece of silver jewellery, a bangle, and the trader, a short man wearing a wide-brimmed felt hat, passed it across to her to try on. Madam Ramotswe watched as the woman held out her wrist to be admired by the trader who nodded encouragement. But the woman seemed not to agree with his verdict, and handed the bangle back, pointing to another item at the back of the stall. And at that moment, while the trader turned round to stretch for whatever it was she had singled out, the woman quickly slipped another bangle into the pocket of the jacket she was wearing.

Madam Ramotswe gasped. This time she could not sit back and allow a crime to be committed before her very eyes. If people did nothing, then no wonder that things were getting worse. So she stood up, and began to walk firmly towards the stall where the woman had now engaged the trader in earnest discussion about the merits of the merchandise which he was showing her.

"Excuse me, madam"

The voice came from behind her, and madam Ramotswe turned round to see who had addressed her. It was the waitress, a young woman whom madam Ramotswe had not seen at the cafe before.

"Yes, madam, what is it?"

The waitress pointed an accusing finger at her. "You cannot run away like that," she said. "I saw you. You're trying to go away without paying the bill. I saw you."

For a moment madam Ramotswe was unable to speak. The accusation was a terrible one, and so unwarranted. Of course she had not been trying to get away without paying the bill - she would never do such a thing: all she was doing was trying to stop a crime being committed before her eyes.

She recovered sufficiently to reply. "I am not trying to go away," she said. "I am just trying to stop that person over there from stealing from that man. Then I would have come back to pay."

The waitress smiled knowingly. "They all find some excuse," she said. "Every day there are some people like you. They come and eat our food and then they run away and hide. You people are all the same."

Madam Ramotswa looked over toward the stall. The woman had begun to walk away, presumably with the bangle still firmly in her pocket. It would now be too late to do anything about it, and all because of this silly young woman who had misunderstood what she was doing.

She went back to the table and sat down. "Bring me the bill," she said. "I will pay it straightaway."

The waitress stared at her. "I will bring you the bill," she said, "but I shall have to add something for myself. I will have to add this if you do not want me to call the police and tell them about how you tried to run away."

As the waitress went off to fetch the bill, madam Ramotswe glanced around her to see if people at the neighbouring tables had witnessed the scene. At the table next to hers, a woman sat with her two children, who were sipping with great pleasure at large milkshakes. The woman smiled at madam Ramotswe, and turned her attention back to the children. She had not seen anything, thought madam Ramotswe, but then the woman leaned across the table and addressed a remark to her.

"Bad luck, madam," she said. "They are too quick in this place. It is easier to run away at the hotels."

What was madam Ramotswe's reaction to what she had seen?

1) It contradicted her views on human nature.

2) She was quietly amused by it.

3) She thought the trader should be more careful.

4) She was shocked and prepared to act.

A8 How did the woman behave after she had taken the bangle?

1) She argued noisily with the trader.

2) She returned to the previous stall.

3) She chatted to the trader about his wares.

4) The woman coolly moved away.

A9 What did the waitress think when she saw madam Ramotswe leave?

1) that she was a silly and forgetful woman

2) that madam Ramotswe was trying to stop a crime from being committed

3) that she was just another dishonest customer

4) that she would return in a couple of minutes

A10 How did madam Ramotswe feel when the waitress stopped her?

1) that anyone can make a mistake

2) that she had done a terrible thing

3) that the waitress had made a reasonable assumption

4) robbed of the power of speech

A11 After hearing madam Ramotswe's explanation the waitress ...

1) blackmailed her.

2) realized an honest mistake had been made.

3) laughed out loud.

4) called the police.

A12 While the waitress went for the bill, madam Ramotswe ...

1) tried to discover who had seen the incident.

2) gave her side of the story to the woman next to her.

3) decided what to do next.

4) felt angry and humiliated.

A13 The woman at the nearby table ...

1) disapproved of madam Ramotswe's behaviour.

2) pretended not to notice what had happened.

3) wasn't that honest herself.

4) thought madam Ramotswe was innocent of the crime.

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