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Find one correct sentence 1 My mother usually does breakfast in the morning 2 They made a lot of phone calls in the office 3 Everybody does some a

5-9 класс

wonderful speech at the birthday party 4 The tailor has done a wonderful dress for the wedding party 5 He did a wonderful speech at the birthday party

Mngfxccfg 06 авг. 2014 г., 14:46:33 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
06 авг. 2014 г., 16:36:08 (9 лет назад)

1 My mother usually does breakfast in the morning - нет

+ 0 -
06 авг. 2014 г., 19:00:39 (9 лет назад)

They make a lot of phone calls in the office. 

Потому что made это вторая форма глагола и в этом предложение будет обозначать прошедшее время.

А здесь нет факторов указывающих на прошедшее время.

Это констотация факта.

Значит Present Simple

 Неправильно задание прочитал. Прости...


Другие вопросы из категории

Переведите на английский язык:

Как звали его маму и папу?
Какой он был в жизни?
В каком городе он родился?
Как называется его последнее произведение?
О нем снимали фильмы?

переведите фразы и предложения на английский.

правила безопасности в транспорте

1. всегда смотрите за своей сумкой
2.не садитесь рядом с подозрительными людьми
3.не засыпайте в общественном транспорте
4.не оставляйте карманы с вашими вещами открытыми
заранее спасибо :з

Какой предлог нужно употребить:

I came to exams;
I came on exams?

Читайте также

Read the text again and say: What did the boy do in July? You will answer this question easily if you find the word July in the text.

1. September has come, and it is still very warm. The leaves on the trees have turned yellow and red, a cold wind was blowing, but suddenly it got warmer again. I like early autumn because it reminds me of the summer. But October and November are not my favourite months. It's usually chilly and wet and every day it gets colder and colder.
2. This summer I did all sorts of things. In June I went camping. It was a real adventure. I learned how to put up a tent and make a campfire. A friend taught me how to play the guitar and I learned a lot of good songs. I also took a lot of pictures of my friends, our campsite, the forest and the river.
The river was fantastic. We went canoeing and some of us enjoyed fishing. We were lucky with the weather, so we could swim and lie in the sun. There were some problems, but it was OK in the end.
3. In July my parents and I went to Holland. People there speak Dutch, but they also understand English. The trip was very interesting. We did some sightseeing and made a lot of friends. I'll never forget how beautiful this small country is and how friendly and polite the people are.
4. In August I had to go to see my grandmother. She lives in a small village not far from our town. She has a big garden and needs help. I was busy all the time. Together we picked fruit and vegetables and made jams and pickles. She showed me how to find mushrooms in the forest, and I found a lot of them.

1)My friend met his father in the street

2)Pushkin was a famous write
3)I found a mysterious message
4)Agatha Cristie created the Belgian detective?
Herclu Poirot
5)My mother helped me with me homework
6)Capitsn Nemo travelled in the submarine
7)They caught a lot of criminals
8)My grandpa smoked a pipe
9)Ann wrote two letter last week
Напишите эти предлжения в отрицательной и вопросительной форме ( Past Simple)

put the words in the right order to make sentences 2.yesterday/ met / two hunters / we / in the forest 3. borrow / both / books / they / from the

library 4. can / seldom / see / a dingo / in a zoo / you /nowadays 5. cabbages / never / in the / garden / grow / they 6 once / little / my father / foxes / in the / forrest / saw / two 7. curious / in this museum / find / can / always / incest / you / some

Составить на примере: You like music.-Do you like music? 1.You live near Moscow.- 2.Your sister gets up at 7 o`clock.-

3.You always do your homework.-

4.You usually have breakfast in the morning.-

5.Yuor mother comes home at 8 o`clock in the evening.-

6.You like Maths.-

написать предложения в отрицательной и вопросительной форме: 1.My uncle usually drinks coffee in the morning. 2.Jane always walks to


3. We often work in the garden on Satuday.

4. The children play with their toys every evening.

5. His Granny makes a cake every weekend.

6. I write letters to may friends every month.

7. Ben goes shopping on Friday.

За ранее спасибо,

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