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составить стих с этими cловами (рифмами): care-stare,boughs-cows,pass-grass,daylight-at night,glance-dance,can-began.

5-9 класс

Kutsienko1982 06 мая 2013 г., 13:07:21 (11 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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06 мая 2013 г., 14:12:24 (11 лет назад)

I think that people wouldn't care

If others look at them and stare


Like looking at the trees with leaves and boughs

Some people look and gaze at you like cows


They never see your soul and pass

As if you are just simple grass


They never notice you at daylight

So don't expect them be there at night


Look at your self and have a glance

That you are wonderful and dance


Just be yourself as much as you can

Remember this is how great lives began


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(x, e, l, p, i, a,n)

When he was in charge he was never … (boss).
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2)If he is not well tomorrow ...
3)If she comes here now ...
4)You will miss the bus ...
5)If we destroy the Amazon forest
6)Your plants won*t grow well ... a)...he will not deliver his lectures b)...if you don*t water them c)...life will be happier d)...I*II tell her something e)...If you don*t hurry f)...life will be more difficult

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Помогите составить краткое содежание этого текста:

a 12-year-old boy, Andy, is sleeping in his bed late at night when a loud knock at the window makes him jump up. He stares at the window and sees an extremely tell, dark figure outside.
Andy gets scared, slips deeper under the blanket and holds his breath. He hears Ralf calling his name. Andy opens the window with a loud bang and makes a sign to Ralf to be quiet.
Ralf has a book Treasure Island in his hand and wants to read in now, in the middle of the night. Andy is extremely surprised at his suggestion and asks Ralf to explain why. Ralf does not explain. He just asks for a torch. Andy gets down on his knees and looks for it under his bed
Suddenly they see Andy is father with the torch in the doorway.

Помогите плиз!!!Нужно из английского стиха было перевести на русский но при этом сделать рифму помогите составить стишок:

I love all kinds of animals
Dogs and cats and rabbits.
I love all kinds of animals,
Despite their little habits.

If I had tons of money,
Do you know what I would do?
I would buy lots of animals and have my own zoo.
And have my own zoo
But they wouldn't be in cages,
They would be free to run around,
And there is one thing they would feel:
And that is - safe and sound.

Помогите Составить 5 вопрос в Past Continuous для этих двух прдложений: 1.He was listening to music yesterday at 3:00 2.Now he reads a


Большое спасибо тем кто поможет составить!


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