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пожалуйста помогите составить 24 предложения с глаголами I have

1-4 класс

SashaZinovev 23 сент. 2013 г., 10:06:32 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
23 сент. 2013 г., 11:15:47 (10 лет назад)

I have two dogs!
I have already done this exrcise!
I have much homework today!
I had to go there immediately.
I have even been to other contries!
I have four lessons at school.
It's the best pie I have ever eaten in my life.
I'll have to do it tomorrow's morning.
I still have enought time.
I had a very difficult lesson yesterday.
Well, I have a small sister.
Do you have enought money to buy this car?
Have you got a book about Columbus?
Have you heard, that Mary got married?
I haven't been to London yet.
Have you seen the play?
I have three cats!
Haven't you done this exercise?
I have done all the exercises in this book!
Have you written this rule?
I haven't got this book!
Have you got a pen?
I have some days to learn this poems by heart!
Have you heard this song?

+ 0 -
23 сент. 2013 г., 13:36:20 (10 лет назад)

I Have a cat.
I have the best friends
I Have loving  mam
и по такому же примеру делай 

+ 0 -
23 сент. 2013 г., 16:06:41 (10 лет назад)



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Why Rabbits Have Got Short Tails. Once there lived a rabbit. His name was Bunny. He was grey and big, bigger than his Brother Bonny. But he had no tail. And he wanted to have a long tail, longer that of Mrs. Fox. One day Bunny went for a walk. He saw Mrs. Fox. “Hello, Mrs.Fox,” he said.” Where are you going?” “ I am going shopping’’ “What are you going to buy?” “I am going to buy a tail.” “But you’ve got a tail! I think it’s the longest and the most beautiful tail!” “Well, but I want new one, a longer and more beautiful one that my old tail.” “Oh, please, Mrs.Fox, buy a tail for me too. Look at me, I haven’t got a tail.” “Ok,” said the Fox and ran to the shop. In the shop Mrs.Fox bought only one tail. It was a beautiful red tail, it was longer than her old one. She ran back home. On the way home she saw Brother Rabbit. Bunny looked at the Fox’s tail and said, ”Oh, what a beautiful tail you’ve bought. And where is my tail?” “I am sorry,” said the Fox,”but there wasn’t any tail for you.” Poor little Bunny! He was so sorry. Mrs. Fox hadn’t bought a new tail for him! A Dog who was running by came up to Bunny and said” What’s the matter?” “Oh,” said Bunny, ”All the animals have got long, beautiful tails but I haven’t got a tail!” “Poor little Bunny!” said the Dog. At that time a Cat was running by. The Dog ran after the cat, bit off a little piece of the Cat’s tail and gave it to Bunny. Bunny was happy! “Thank you very much,” he said. “Now I’ve got a tail, too… It’s a very short tail but it’s a tail.” That’s why rabbits have got short tails.

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Last week Ronnie was on a shool trip with his class.They stayed in a small river near the hotel. Ronnie and his friends learnneed how to sail.On the last day there was a boat race and Ronnie was the winner! It was a fantastic week !
1.Where did they stay?
2.What was there near the hotel?
3.What did Ronnie learn to do?
4.Who was the winner of the boat race?

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составила:я ем овсянку ,мед и молоко на завтрак,яем много яблок,бананов и апельсинов,я ем морковь и капусту,я пью сок каждый день,я умываю лицо и руки,я чищу зубы каждый день,я люблю плавать,я много гуляю и играю с друзьями,я люблю кататься на роликах в парке,я гуляю в лесу.Пожалуйста помогите из этих предложений составить текст на английском языке.

Составь предложения, расположив слова в нужном порядке Вот слова: rabbits, ahd,we, lake. cats.- (2 ) she ,swim.skate ,can t , and .(3) likes,dogs,jess, nic

e. (4) you, can, crocodile , a ride ? Пожалуйста помогите составить каждое предложение Заранее огромное спасибо!!!!!!!!!! Даю 13 баллов

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