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This grass from which people made this kind of paper was called papyrus переведите пожалуйста

5-9 класс

Wwwlll 19 марта 2014 г., 0:49:53 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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19 марта 2014 г., 1:21:06 (10 лет назад)

Эта трава, из которой люди делали такого рода бумагу, называлась папирус.

+ 0 -
19 марта 2014 г., 1:54:26 (10 лет назад)



Другие вопросы из категории

Choose the past perfect, or the past simple:

1. We had already eaten when John ________________________________(come) home.
2. Last year Juan ________________________________ (pass) all his exams
.3. When I ________________________________ (get) to the airport Idiscovered I had forgotten my passport.
4. I went to the library, then I ________________________________ (buy)some milk and went home.
5. I opened my handbag to find that I ________________________________(forgot) my credit card.
6. When we ________________________________ (arrive) at the station,the train had already left.
7. We got home to find that someone ________________________________(break) into the house.
8. I opened the fridge to find someone________________________________ (eat) all my chocolate.
9. I had known my husband for three years when we________________________________ (get) married.
10. Julie was very pleased to see that John________________________________ (clean) the kitchen.
11. It ________________________________ (not / rain) all summer, so thegrass was completely dead
.12. When he ________________________________ (arrive) at the party,Julie had just left.
13. After arriving home, I realised I ________________________________(not / buy) any milk.
14. The laundry was wet – it ________________________________ (rain)while I was out.
15. William felt ill last night because he________________________________ (eat) too many cakes.
16. Keiko ________________________________ (meet) William lastSeptember.
17. First I tidied the flat, then I ________________________________ (sit)down and had a cup of coffee.
18. John ________________________________ (play) the piano when he wasa child, but he doesn’t play now.
19. When I opened the curtains the sun was shining but the ground was white.It ________________________________ (snow) during the night.
20. When Julie got home from her holiday, her flat was a mess. John________________________________ (have) a party.

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Помогите перевести , пожалуйста, только не с помощью переводчика, а то удалю: -At school Julia is always made fun of because she practic

es religion.
- This is religious discrimination and it should be stopped at once.
2) -Jack is great at computers and technology. He passed the gualification test but the top manager of the company didn't like the colour of his skin. So Jack didn't get the job.
- This is racial discrimination and he should apple to a human rights organisation.
3) Are there many cases of sexual discrimination in Britain?
-I can't be sure,but I don't think so. The head of the country is the Queen end one of the most famous prime ministers was a woman. Margaret Thatcher , the head of the Conservative Party, was elected to that post three times and ruled the government for twelve years.
4) Have you ever heard of age discrimination ?
-Yes,it's when you have the right gualifications for the job but can't get it because the employers are not happy with your age. They think that you are either too young or too old for the job . It's not fair , of course , and people should be protected from this kind of discrimination by law

The only one who has a good day for me and I don't think that I have a great way of the day before I get a follow back on my way home from work to be the

first half of the day before I get a follow back on my way home from work to be the first half of the year and the day I have a great way of life and the first half of the first half was the only way of saying it is the first half of this month in which a good idea of what is your own way too long for a long way in hell of an old is he so much for a long oil companies are so much for a long time ago and I have a great way to get a follow from you would be a good day to be a great day for the day before the end of the first!!!переведите пожалуйста

Be ready to talk about a Russian newspaper. Use the questions as a plan.1. What kind of newspaper is it?

2. Do you buy it or borrow it from someone?
3. How reliable is the information in it?
4. What does the newspaper write about?
5. Are there many photos and intriguing headlines in it?
6. What kind of people read it?
7. Why is it interesting for you?

Be ready to talk about a russian newspaper. use the questions as a plan. 1.what kind of newspaper is it? 2.do you buy it or borrow it

from someone?

3.how reliable is the informstion in it?

4.what does the newspaper write about?

5.are there a lot of photos and intriguing headlines in it?

6. what kind of people read it?

7.why is it interesting for you?

Помогите! Составить 5 вопросов РАЗНОГО типа по тексту. Не идите мимо :с

To the History of Construction With the introduction of the railways and steam machinery, trans­portation and manufacturing costs were considerably reduced and concrete came to be more widely used, but it was still very much a neglected material. Therefore, good concrete was scarce and a great deal of poor concrete was used. The big break-through was the discovery of Portland cement by Joseph Aspdin in 1824, a worker in an English town. When he was working an idea came to him as to how to make his work better. He started his experiments. After some time he obtained a powder. When it was mixed with water and allowed to stand it "sets" forming a hard substance. This substance was so much like the building stone from Portland that the powder was named Port­land cement. As years passed different materials were found in many countries from which Portland cement could be made. Portland cement was first used on a large scale in the construction of the Thames tunnel in 1828. As early as 1830 the first idea of reinforced concrete was men­tioned in a publication, which suggested that a lattice of iron rods be embeded in concrete to from a roof. Patents were taken out for all sorts of systems in all countries. The development of reinforced concrete really got under way in the 1850's and 60's. Lambort, a French contractor, built a concrete boat for the Paris International Exhibition of 1855, with 2 inches sides reinforced with a skeleton of iron rods. W. Wilkinson, who patented a method of constructing a concrete floor in 1854, is considered by many to be the inventor of reinforced concrete as well. -But many people say that a Frenchman, J. Monier, who took out a patent in 1867 for the construction of plant tubs, tanks, etc., made of concrete reinforced with a mesh of rods or wires, should be credit­ed with the invention. Certainly Monier did a great deal to develop the use of reinforced concrete and his name came to be so closely linked with reinforced concrete that reinforced concrete was known as the Monier System. Wilkinson, however, certainly appears to have been the first. His patent covered for concrete floor slabs reinforced with a network of flat iron rods placed on edge. One of his main claims was the good fire resistance of the floor. He appears to have understood the princi­ples of reinforced concrete, for he stated that the reinforcement was to be placed in the concrete to take the tension. A number of buildings were erected, using Wilkinson's system. He also described method for the construction of pipes, reservoirs, and walls of concrete reinforced with metal sheets, bars and chains. Freyssinet is known for his work in prestressed concrete for which he had his first ideas before First World War. With the improved materials and the new knowledge available, Freyssinet realised the advantage to be obtained from prestressing, and he used his system in prestressed works. From now on structures became bigger, better and more excit­ing, and concrete steadily strengthened its position as a building material. Reinforced concrete was recognized as the best material for all types of structures. The post-war era has given the biggest boost to concrete, both reinforced and prestressed. After the war steel was short in Europe and many architects had to use either reinforced or prestressed con­crete in their structures in order to economize in steel. Architects were perhaps a little surprised to discover that in many cases reinforced concrete structures, apart from using the minimum of steel, were also cheaper than other forms of construction, and could be erected as quickly. They also discovered that they had more freedom for planning than they had ever before, and a larger number of different solutions to each structural problem were available. Beams could be eliminated, floor spans could be increased, and shells were available for roofing large areas. Another big factor, which encouraged the use of concrete, was the introduction of fire regulations, which recognized the superiority of concrete over other structural materials in its fire resistance properties.

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