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Сочинение на тему музыка

5-9 класс

УльЯнка2002 14 апр. 2013 г., 10:59:39 (11 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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14 апр. 2013 г., 12:48:28 (11 лет назад)

I love music.I think people can not live without it.We can hear music everywhere:in the street,in the shop,on TV,over the radio,in the cars,in the parks in general everywhere.I think it's really doesn't matter what kind of music you prefer:rock,pop,classical,jazz.I am a person who can't be keen on the only one kind of music.Music which I listen depends on my changeable mood.Music is very important in my life.Listening to music gives me much pleasure.When I am sad,I like listening to slow,calm.I close my eyes and I dream I feel that I am not here,I am very far from our planet.
I like watcnig music programms on TV.I like to know more and more about popular talented groups and singers that I like.I like to listening rock and pop too much.I listen to Marilyn Manson,Linkin Park,Sarah Conor,Enrique Iglesias,Emin Agalarov and Celine Dion.
In conclusion I want to say without music we can not live personally I can't.Music is a great part of our life.


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Помогите пожалуйста Test 5 form(Unit 3)

1. Out in the verbs in brackets in the Simple Present or the Present Prjgressive

1)Andy sometimes...comics.(to read)
2)We never...TV in the morning.(to watch)
3)Listen! Sandy...in the bathroom.(to sing)
4)My sister usually...in the kitchen.(to help)
5)My mother...breakfast now.(to make)
6)They often...the bathroom.(to clean)
7)Look! The boys...home.(to come)
8)Every day his grandfather...for a walk.(to go)
9) I...with my friend at the moment.(to chat)
10)Cats...mice.(to eat)
Пожалуйста с переводом)

2. Put in the correct verb forms and the nouns into the gaps. Use Present Prjgressive.

Example:__________the newspaper? (he/to read)
ls he reading the newspaper?
1) in the lake?(Lisa/to swim)
2) your brother? (you/to help)
3)a museum?(he/to visit)
4) her T-shirt?(Doris/to wash)
5)home? (they/to run)
6)to the radio? (Henry/to listen)
7)the buckets? (the boys/to carry)
8)the string of the kite?(she/to hold)
9)brekfast? (we/to make)
10) the computer? (Ron and Fred/to check)
Помогите прошу я 2 урока сидела ничего понять не могла((

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