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Помагите keeping wild animals as pets рассказ написать

5-9 класс

Milano88808 03 апр. 2015 г., 9:38:09 (9 лет назад)
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03 апр. 2015 г., 11:00:19 (9 лет назад)

My opinion on keeping wild animals as pets is quite good. I think its amazing that some people find the courage for keeping exotic pets. If i had a choice of exotic animals to keep i would choose a lemur because lemurs are very interesting animals.
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1. She is (an/the/-) only child in the family.
2. He entered (-/in/to) the collage without any problem.
3. It's time he (comes/came) home!

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1. Thet child has got a nice watch.
2.Whose bike is this ?
3.That'my scarf .
4. Who"s thar man

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pros and cons of keeping wild animals as pets
Всем привет! Переведите пожалуйста текст(не используя переводчик).Заранее спасибо! Pets A lot of

teenagers keep pets at home. Some of them are very common. Duncan’s pet is a budgie. Its name is Whipper the Budgie. Duncan likes his bird very much. He often watches it flying around the house. Duncan always laughs when he sees Whipper dance in front of the mirror. One morning when Duncan was still asleep he felt Whipper’s beak touch his lips and heard his bird say loudly “Hel­lo!”. Later Duncan noticed Whip­per say “Goodbye”. Now there are several words in Whipper’s vocabulary. Some people buy danger­ous animals as pets; crocodiles for ex­ample. In Florida you can see a young man walking a crocodile! In Canada one family keeps a buffalo as a pet. They call him Buffalo Bailey and love to watch it running on the farm ground. Julia Lloyd has a pet that can change the colour of its skin. Have you ever heard of such animals? They are chameleons. They are very beautiful but they are not easy pets. Julia often watches her pet changing the colour of its skin and climbing the tree in its big cage. Have you got any pets at home? What are they like? Do you think that any animal can make a good pet?

пожалуйста, очень надо!!! люююди!!!

Translate the adverbs in brackets and complete these sentences putting the adverbs in the right place. 1. Mammals live in the trees (редко). 2. Boxes are made of cardboard (часто). 3. One can see this wonderful bird (почти не, едва ли). It has become almost extinct. 4. You can find the most interesting species of animals in zoological gardens (обычно). 5. When people ruin natural habitats (время от времени), birds and animals leave them (всегда). 6. We say "birds and animals" forgetting that birds are also animals (часто). 7. It is difficult to cure this disease (иногда). 8. In this part of the country it rains in summer (едва ли, почти не). 9. People keep reptiles as pets (редко). 10. You can see swans on the ponds in our cities (время от времени).

Ответьте на вопросы)what do you think is better for animals to live in zoos?what do you think is better for animals to live in wild animals parks?what

do you think is better for animals to live in the wild? помогите очень нужно)

как это читается

1. The bears in Australia live in trees and are vegetarians - True
2. The bears in Australia are kept as pets - False
3. The Australians keep duckbills as pets - T
4. A duckbill is an animal that lives in the jungle - F
5. Australia has the biggest grasshoppers in the world - T
6. Kangaroos are the biggest grasshoppers - T
7. Australians hunt kangaroos with knives - F
8. Female kangaroos are called "boomers" - F
9. A boomerang is a kind of a coat hanger - T
10. Australians speak German, French and very rare English - F
11. Australian English is different from British English - T
12. The accent of Australian English and some phrases are different from British English - T

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