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Разложите многочлен на множители: a)4x^2+8x б)3m-6n+mn-2n^2 в)9a^2-16 г)y^3+18y^2+81y

5-9 класс

Мастяха 15 янв. 2015 г., 11:39:56 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
15 янв. 2015 г., 12:56:41 (9 лет назад)

а) 4x(x+2)
б) (m - 2n)(n+3)


г) y(y+9)^2


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нужна помощь , вставьте
помогите перевести текст на русский язык ! спасибо ! There was a big flood near our house in spring. The water came down from the mountain and

the hills, the river came up and u p, and a lot of the houses on the low land were soon under the water. The Red Cross sent some men, and they brought food and dry clothes, and took some people to higher ground in boats. One old man lives in a small house near our river. He is a poor man, and there aren't any other houses near his. There was a lot of rain one night, and in the morning the old man looked out of his window and saw the flood. The water was nearly up to his bedroom window. The water came up and u p, and the old man went to the top floor of his house. Then the flood was worse, and he went up on to the roof. "What am I going to do?" he said. "The water's very deep, and I can't swim." But after three hours the old man saw a boat. It came slowly near, and the old man saw two young men in it. "We've come from the Red Cross," one of the young men called, "and . . ." "I'm sorry," the old man answered, "but I've just given you some money this month, and I haven't got much. I'm a poor man."

Помогите сделать хороший и качественный перевод, чтобы предложения были связанными и слова в них. Пожалуйста!!!

1. Russian, also called Great Russian, is a member of the Indo-European family of languages. As Russian is a widespread language, it is considered to be one of the major world languages. Knowledge of the Russian language opens the door to the study of Russian's rich tradition of literature, art and music. Russian literature is recognized among the most beautiful and exciting national literatures in the world. Russian is the native language of the greatest people known throughout the world: L. Tolstoy, P. Tchaikovsky, I. Pavlov, A. Sakharov, to name just a few. Russian ranks as a very difficult language. If you speak Italian, French, or German, you will learn Russian vocabulary even more easily as many words were borrowe in the 18th and 19th countries from these languages. If you neither travel regularly to Russian nor have a Russian pen friend, you should practice your Russian on other ways. There is a wealth of books and DVDs waiting for you, and many are available at local Russian shops. If you study Russian one hour a day regularly, you will probably be fluent in three years. Being able to read a newspaper article with a dictionary can be achieved in a year.

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Когда мы бедем обедать? Я утром съел только гречневую кашу и выпил стакан чаю, а сейчас уже два часа.
Обед готов. Помоги мне, пожалуйста, накрыть на стол: расставь тарелки, разложи ложки, вилки и ножи, нареж хлеб.
Я все сделал. Чем еще помочь?
Больше ничего не надо. Садись за стол.
О, что это так вкусно пахнет? Что у нас сегодня на обед?
Щи со сметаной. Я только что сварила.

Надо рассказ на английском про то как я провеле выходные на пикнеке. по плану 1 типо как доеххали 2 палатку разложили развели костер

3ночью лил дождь

4 камары покуласи

5 палатка из за ветра улетела

6 дома

Плиз хотя бы на русском


Когда мы бедем обедать? Я утром съел только гречневую кашу и выпил стакан чаю, а сейчас уже два часа.
Обед готов. Помоги мне, пожалуйста, накрыть на стол: расставь тарелки, разложи ложки, вилки и ножи, нареж хлеб.
Я все сделал. Чем еще помочь?
Больше ничего не надо. Садись за стол.
О, что это так вкусно пахнет? Что у нас сегодня на обед?
Щи со сметаной. Я только что сварила.

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