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once every eighty to hundred years the bamboo forest in China's Sichuan Province burst into flower and then die off.And that's bad news for the giant

5-9 класс

panda which depends for ints survival on huge amounts of bamboo. ребята перевидите

Levykinevlad 11 нояб. 2014 г., 22:16:15 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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12 нояб. 2014 г., 1:10:11 (9 лет назад)

Раз в 80-100 лет бамбуковый лес в китайской провинции Сычуань расцветает, а затем погибает. Это печальная новость для огромной панды, которая выживает как раз за счет бамбука.


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2. Linda likes wearing (colourful/colourfully) clothes.
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4. He drove (careful/carefully) along the narrow road.
5. My husband speaks Spanish (perfect/perfectly).

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don't like.

c) listen evening the to brothers radio the my always in.

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P.S. Спасибо

1)Choose the best word to fill in the gaps. From the tallest hill in Jerusalem , you are able to 1(see\ saw\seen )Jordan.Although it is not the

symbol of Jordanian history, the capital of this country-Amman-creates a 2(good-looking\pleased\pleasant) impression.But the main tourist 3(attract\attractive\attraction) in Jordan is Perta,the ancient city that the early Arab people cut in the rocks.When the sun 4(seats\sets\sits),the rocks gain a bright rose-red colour,for which Jordan received its name- the Rose-red country.Perta can be seen in5(every\all\most) tourist booklet as well as in Hoollywood films.It will take 6(you\your\yours)more than a day to see this masterpiece and have a complete picture of it.A magnificent city of the civilization that once used to be great now 7(Collects\puts\drings)Jordan milions of dollars.After all,tourists are curious and not greedy people.

When Mr. Hiram B Otis, the american ambassador, bought Canterville Chase, every one told him it was a very foolish thing to do, as the place was haunted.

At eleven o'clock the family went to bed, and by half-past all the lights were out. Some time after, Mr Otis woke up because of a noise outside his room. It sounded like the chank of metal. He got up at once, struck a match and looked at the time. It was exactly one o'clock. Mr Otis was quite calm. The strange noise continued, and with it he heard the sound of footsteps. He put on his slippers took a small bottle out of his dressing case, and opened the door. Right in front him he saw an old man. He looked terrible . His eyes were red his hair was long and grey his clothes were old-fashion and dirty and there were handcuffs and rusty chains on his wrists and ankles. "my dear sir" said mr otis "those chains need oiling" . here take small bottle of lubricant. i will leave it here for you and i will give you more if you need it . With these words the ambassador put the bottle down on a marble table and went back to bed closing the door behind him.

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple, Past Simple или Future Simple.1. He (to turn) on the television to watch cartoons every

morning. 2. He (to turn) on the television to watch cartoons yesterday morning. 3. He (to turn) on the television to watch cartoons tomorrow morning. 4. I always (to go) to the Altai Mountains to visit my relatives there. 5. I (to be) very busy last summer and I (not to go) there. 6. I (not to go) there next year because it (to cost) a lot of money and I can’t afford it. 7. They (to enjoy) themselves at the symphony yesterday evening? 8. Who (to take) care of the child in the future? 9. How often you (to go) to the dentist’s? 10. We (not to have) very good weather, but we still (to have) a good time during our short stay in London.

1. He … (to turn) on the television to watch cartoons every morning.

2. He … (to turn) on the television to watch cartoons yesterday morning.

3. He … (to turn) on the television to watch cartoons tomorrow morning.

4. I always … (to go) to the Altai Mountains to visit my relatives there.

5. I … (to be) very busy last summer and I … (not to go) there.

6. I … (not to go) there next year because it … (to cost) a lot of money and I can’t afford it.

7. They … (to enjoy) themselves at the symphony yesterday evening?

8. Who … (to take) care of the child in the future?

9. How often you … (to go) to the dentist’s?

10. We … (not to have) very good weather, but we still … (to have) a good time during our short stay in London.

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