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Section 1. Describing your house

1-4 класс

2. Say how rooms the have got. Name the rooms.
3. Listen and read:

Dumayu 07 апр. 2014 г., 13:31:44 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
07 апр. 2014 г., 16:27:28 (10 лет назад)

2 думаю этот ну если не поняла сорри

+ 0 -
07 апр. 2014 г., 17:09:39 (10 лет назад)

напишите мне


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Here;s the bus stop. Which bus should we take? We can take bus number 3 or 5. Where must we get off? ln the centre,But first we should bye a bus pass

for you. Can l see your pass please? Yes here you are. (перевести помогите плиз)

Do the crossword puzzle find 8-10 verbs on the topic school. Write them down

d r a w r i t e
l e a r n e w e
u c o p y b a g
b i s c u s s d
f t y p e n k o
t e a g e t g o
e p o e m a r k
l e s s o n k c

Читайте также

Ребят,вот у меня по англ. языку задание

Portfolio:Write a short paragraph describing your house/flat.Write about rooms,special features(e.g. garden,garage,etc).You can stick on a picture.
Напишите чё нибудь,я из этого чего нибудь состряпаю)

-Hi Svetlana, I bought an apartment in the country. Come on Sunday for a visit. - Cool! How many rooms in your apartment? - In my new

apartment has two bedrooms

- the rooms are bright?

- Yes, of course!

- You've already bought the furniture for your apartment?

- I bought a new sofa and wardrobe

- In your apartment balcony?

- Yes!

- I will definitely come to your house! Bye!

- Bye! перевидите пожалуйста

I LIKE my house / flat.

There are .......
I like my room because .......
I have got a .....,..... ,...... and .....
I put my ...., in the .....
But i haven't got a ....

Помогите составить 10 предложений вот задание: What is the best place in your house? 1.Where do you live? What rooms are there in your flat/hause? 2.Do

you share your room? I ..... with my sister(s). ...... brother тут я не с кем не делю комнату напишите. 3. What us there in your room? I've got ........ I haven't got ............ There are ........ There is (not).......... 4.Is your room tidy? I clean ....... at weekends. I put. ......... in the ........ 5.What have you changed ? I have put. ......... near ........... We have repainted ...... ......... redecorared. .......... 6.Do you like your room? Why? I can spend time with .......... I like. ........ there.

Make questions with the words in brackets.

Ex. your mother/at home - Is your mother at home?
1.this bag/heavy.
2.the shops/open today.
3.you/interested in politics.
5.that hotel/expensive.
6.Mary and her sister/in Berlin.
8.your father/a lawyer.
11.it/Sunday today.
12.your house/in the center of the town.
13.mathematics/difficult for you.
14.you/free tonight.
15.he/your elder brother.

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